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#BasicDesign — Never Use Pure Black in Typography
#BasicDesign — Never Use Pure Black in Typography
Explanation of why to avoid using pure black for text for online reading (which applies to websites and elearning). This article talks about how to pick shades of dark gray that are both readable and align with the color scheme.
White with code #FFFFFF has more striking brightness compared to pure black with code #000000. The brightness polarity requires the eye to work harder to read pure black text on a white background.
#BasicDesign — Never Use Pure Black in Typography
5 Quick Tips Using Cutout People Images - eLearning Brothers
5 Quick Tips Using Cutout People Images - eLearning Brothers
Tips for using cutout people in scenarios. I always forget about adding shadows, but it does look better when the characters are supposed to be in a realistic setting.
Use a drop shadow on a cutout person or object to give it depth, so it stands out in your eLearning layouts.
Use a drop shadow color to match the background.
<strong></strong>Use shadows below a standing cutout person, so they appear to be touching the ground.
&nbsp;Use depth of field to isolate a subject from other elements in a photo by blurring the foreground or background.
Use multiple cutout images to show different points in your eLearning presentation.
5 Quick Tips Using Cutout People Images - eLearning Brothers
The Human Factor: Creating Color Palettes (The Easy Way) by Mary Arnold : Learning Solutions Magazine
The Human Factor: Creating Color Palettes (The Easy Way) by Mary Arnold : Learning Solutions Magazine

Overview of several sites for creating color palettes. I've used the Color Scheme Designer and Kuler before, but the others were new to me. New link:

The Human Factor: Creating Color Palettes (The Easy Way) by Mary Arnold : Learning Solutions Magazine
99designs » Ready-made Design
99designs » Ready-made Design
Starting a small business and need a logo? These are $99, $199 if you want exclusive rights. Interesting concept, and I could see this being very helpful if you're self-employed but want a professional image.
99designs » Ready-made Design