Half an Hour: Stager, Logo and Web 2.0
Imported from Diigo
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Back to School Tools for the Organized Student - Lifehacker
Technophilia: Get productive with the best Facebook Apps - Lifehacker
incorporated subversion » Blog Archive » Be quiet, listen to me, I know what you need…
Oh, I can hardly bear to go on… in fact I can’t, so I’ll finish here, except to say that that such an interesting overview of a slice of ed tech history has rarely, if ever, been followed by such a reactionary, limited and incomplete ivory-towered, condescending and ill-informed argument (if you can call it that).
Worlds Colliding: My Mom's on Facebook!
2¢ Worth » Writing to Communicate
If I were writing a manifesto for 21st century teaching and learning, one of the items would be, “The 21st Century classroom does not teach writing — it teaches communication.”
John Novak Digital Interview Collection
WebSlides - Transforms Bookmarks Once Again
<li>Create guided tours of websites</li>
<li>Display a list of houses or other products to clients</li>
<li>Bundle education resources or research data </li>
<li>Make shows of favorite places when visiting or traveling</li>
<li>Create briefings or tutorials and tours on virtually any subject</li>
<li>Present a whole series of news stories on a topic to digg or del.icio.us and others for scrutiny </li>
<li>Interactively submit "collections" of stories and data</li>
When Wikis Won't Work: 10 Questions to Ask Before Full Adoption
Adobe - Flash Player Version Penetration
No Significant Difference And Distance Education :: Distance-Educator.com's Daily News :: Technology, Teaching, News, Research
It is not whether we can meet the same learning outcomes
with technology, but how do we use the technologies to enrich the experience, to go beyond what can be done in the face-to-face or other delivery environment.
David Delgado :: Blog :: My Personal Learning Environment (PLE)
Lolcat online course about world domination » Making Change
Kapp Notes: Blog Book Tour Begins
Web pulls world into classroom | csmonitor.com
When students know that anyone in the school with
an Internet connection – or around the world, for that matter – can read what they have written or created, it is remarkable
how quickly their thinking improves, not to mention the final product.
Girls' Night Logged On (washingtonpost.com)
When it comes to online games, women over 40 play the most often and spend the greatest number of hours doing so, even beating out teenage boys, according to a study conducted by Digital Marketing Services.
Fair Use Worth More to Economy Than Copyright, CCIA Says -- Copyright -- InformationWeek
"Much of the unprecedented economic growth of the past 10 years can actually be credited to the doctrine of fair use, as the Internet itself depends on the ability to use content in a limited and nonlicensed manner," CCIA president and CEO Ed Black said in a statement. "To stay on the edge of innovation and productivity, we must keep fair use as one of the cornerstones for creativity, innovation, and, as today's study indicates, an engine for growth for our country."
Recent studies indicate that the value added to the U.S. economy by copyright industries amounts to $1.3 trillion, said Black. The value added to the U.S. economy by the fair use amounts to $2.2 trillion.
Exclusive: Screen Shots And Feature Overview of Delicious 2.0 Preview
The Carlyle Letters Online
growing changing learning creating: Come inside the PLE arena
Lewis & Clark in Columbia River Country | Lesson Plan
The Learning Page - Community Center - Science and Invention
The Learning Page - Community Center - Environment
Online Resources
The Self-Directed Student Toolbox: 100 Web Resources for Lifelong Learners | OEDb
<a href="http://christytucker.wordpress.com/">Experiencing E-Learning</a>:
Mainly geared toward instructors, this blog offers advice and tools for any
individual who is interested in lifelong learning.</li>
YoYo Games | Gamermaker
YoYo Games | Wiki: 'Information For Teachers'
WebAIM: WebAIM Section 508 Checklist
Harold Jarche » The end of content-centric business models
Community and context are the two critical factors in developing e-learning environments.