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Brave New Classroom 2.0 (New Blog Forum) | Britannica Blog
Brave New Classroom 2.0 (New Blog Forum) | Britannica Blog
Discussions pro and con about technology in the classroom, in response to this question: "Do the new classroom technologies represent an educational breakthrough, a threat to teaching itself, or something in between?" Michael Wesch and Steve Hargadon are two of the educators included in the discussion.
Brave New Classroom 2.0 (New Blog Forum) | Britannica Blog
Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past?
Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past?
IRRODL article on connectivism, looking at its connections to past theories and critics. The authors conclude that while education is undergoing signficant changes, connectivism isn't different enough to be a learning theory on its own. However, they say it does have an important role to play in education as learners gain more independent control.
Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past? Random ideas on random conversations (CCK08-Week 9) Random ideas on random conversations (CCK08-Week 9)
Another set of notes from Nancy White's discussion for CCK08. Where my notes focused heavily on what Nancy and Stephen was saying, Diego did a much better job of capturing and summarizing the chat conversation.
When you think of yourself as a learner, you begin to act as one, and suddenly all the potential of networks and online information begins to make sense
·· Random ideas on random conversations (CCK08-Week 9)
eLearning Learning
eLearning Learning
Aggregated resources for e-learning. Essentially, this aggregates feeds from a large number of e-learning-related blogs and lets you do a metasearch across them. You can also browse by keyword, tools, and companies.
eLearning Learning
CCK08: Connecting for Change: The New Role of Educators
CCK08: Connecting for Change: The New Role of Educators
Another response to Nancy White's CCK08 discussion on how to get change to happen. Also includes an interesting graphic with overlapping skills of "social fluency" based on work by Chris Lott.
<img src="" title="" alt="social fluency" />
Change has to start with an identified need, not with a good idea. Generally, we only change when we must. Listen for needs.
Change, like great research, begins with asking important questions, and provoking respondents to self-change instead of trying to persuade or impose it.
Experiment. The best, profound changes come from masses of iterative learning and exploration of possibilities.
CCK08: Connecting for Change: The New Role of Educators
Systems thinking and innovation |
Systems thinking and innovation |
Live blogged notes from AECT about systems thinking, innovation, and games for learning. Lots of side comments too, including some good connections to instructional design and getting too bogged down in multiple theories.
This is exactly what has happened to instructional design, and could by <a href="">why theory and practice don’t meet</a>. <strong>So much theory has been introduced that we can no longer see how instruction is actually designed.</strong> That’s why I think many times it has become easier for novice (in this case non-academically trained) designers can do it so often. They are not encumbered by the fog of theory.
Systems thinking and innovation |
Paper 2: Welcome to the Exploratorium! « Arieliondotcom the LORD-loving Learning Lion
Paper 2: Welcome to the Exploratorium! « Arieliondotcom the LORD-loving Learning Lion
Ideas on changing the role of instructional designer and teacher to a "sharer," focusing on creating the environment where learning connections are made and setting up guideposts to help learners find their own way.
<p>I believe that the roles &nbsp;of the Instructional Designer and Teacher are changing and must change in the face of the ever-increasing onslaught of information every human being faces today.&nbsp; Those roles must merge into the Sharer, who shows new technologies and connections to information to others while always keeping in mind his/her own role as perpetual student.&nbsp;</p> <p>To do this, the Sharer must, at least in some respects, plant the environment for others, set up what may grow into connections and give opportunity for emergence in ways even the Sharer may not envision yet, but in a reasonably “safe” environment for exploration.</p>
The Teacher/Sharer, parents and student collaborate on ensuring that whatever method the student is using is assisting in wayfinding toward those goals.&nbsp; If more connections are made, so much the better.&nbsp; But along the path, like signposts, each of the connections (parents, Teacher/Sharers) and&nbsp;each tool (video, Second Life, writing, drawing, blog, podcast,&nbsp; etc.) used&nbsp;to connect&nbsp;to people&nbsp;will prompt the student for responses (dates, opinions, responses to readings) of the set curriculum, but framed in the context best suited for that student.&nbsp;A&nbsp;record of the waypoints shows how the student connected and which connections seemed to spark the most activity and best learning.&nbsp; If the student misses a certain number of waypoints, the direction of the connections is adjusted until success is achieved.
Paper 2: Welcome to the Exploratorium! « Arieliondotcom the LORD-loving Learning Lion
Possibilities Abound--: Exploring, Considering and Proposing--- CCK08
Possibilities Abound--: Exploring, Considering and Proposing--- CCK08
Collection of metaphors for new roles for teachers and instructional designers from a number of sources. Includes sharer, pattern builder, curator, organic gardener, wizard, and environmental engineer. Interesting place to start if you're looking for different ways to think about our roles and who has the power.
Possibilities Abound--: Exploring, Considering and Proposing--- CCK08
The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education -- Publications -- Center for Social Media at American University
The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education -- Publications -- Center for Social Media at American University
5 principles for media literacy education and what constitutes fair use in a number of common situations.
<b>PRINCIPLE:</b> Under fair use, educators using the concepts and techniques of media literacy can choose illustrative material from the full range of copyrighted sources and make them available to learners, in class, in workshops, in informal mentoring and teaching settings, and on school-related Web sites.
The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education -- Publications -- Center for Social Media at American University
CCK08: How to Profit off of Open Source, Or at least pay the Bills « Bradleyshoebottom’s Weblog
CCK08: How to Profit off of Open Source, Or at least pay the Bills « Bradleyshoebottom’s Weblog
Building on ideas from Stephen Downes on different models for sustainable open source work, this provides specific examples of how open source could benefit a complex industry like telecommunications and benefit that corporate environment.
Now how do you make this open source and still pay the bills. One way would be to make the training content truly open like MIT. To recover costs, the manufacture or the training provider could charge for certification exam, access to mentors, discussion groups, and access the training equipment. So if certification credentials are import to the customer, then this model works.
or example, I have already explained how the customer can build dynamic content around their features, but a customer could also using Wiki-like features, go in and upload their system schematics, photos, maps, or IP addresses and then have the content repository publish a unique document for the requestor. The automotive industry is already moving in this direction creating unique user manuals for each customer based on the features selected at the time of purchase.
CCK08: How to Profit off of Open Source, Or at least pay the Bills « Bradleyshoebottom’s Weblog
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
Wendy Wickham's liveblogged notes from Clark Quinn's presentation on Deeper Instructional Design. Lots of ideas in this post--create models that actually help people understand the content and recognize patterns, pay attention to motivation and emotion, give learners the least they need to get them to do what's needed, create learner-centered objectives instead of designer-centered objectives, use stories and active practice.
We can't "create" learning<br>- We can design environments conducive to learning.<br>- We design learning experiences.
Don't design CONTENT, design EXPERIENCES<br>- Design the "Flow".<br>- Start bringing in emotions and the actions they take
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
The Bamboo Project Blog: Deconstructing the Work Literacy Learning Event
The Bamboo Project Blog: Deconstructing the Work Literacy Learning Event
Michele Martin debriefs the experience of teaching the Work Literacy online course via Ning. Several things they did were very successful. Ning was a good platform, even though it's intended as a social networking tool rather than a CMS. Explicitly saying that different levels of participation were acceptable meant that lurkers felt comfortable dipping in and out as legitimate perispheral participants. Was the course a success? It sounds like they all learned from the experience; to me, that means it's a success even if some aspects didn't work as they hoped.
The Bamboo Project Blog: Deconstructing the Work Literacy Learning Event
Top News - Report challenges online-learning assumptions
Top News - Report challenges online-learning assumptions
Results of a study showing deeper learning in online courses than face-to-face ones
<p>Some critics of distance learning say face-to-face classes give students a better learning environment, but a recent Indiana University study found that online learners reported deeper approaches to learning than classroom-based learners.</p> <p>Deep learning, researchers said,&nbsp;is a type of learning that goes beyond rote memorization and focuses on reflection, integrative learning, and higher-order thinking--analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.</p>
According to the survey results, 37 percent of first-year online learners and 45 percent of seniors said they participated in course activities that challenged them intellectually "very often," compared to only 24 percent of first-year classroom-based learners and 35 percent of seniors. The survey also found that online learners reported slightly more deep approaches to learning in their coursework.
Survey results showed that 58 percent of first-year students taking most of their classes online reported using higher-order thinking in their coursework, compared to 55 percent of classroom-based learners. Results also showed that 69 percent of first-year students taking most of their classes online reported using integrative thinking in their coursework, compared to 67 percent of classroom-based learners. Additionally, 62 percent of first-year students taking most of their classes online reported using reflective learning in their coursework, compared to 59 percent of classroom-based learners.
Top News - Report challenges online-learning assumptions
NSSE 2008 Results
NSSE 2008 Results
Results from the National Survey of Student Engagement. The full report has limited information about online learning, but does include results showing that students in online courses report more deep learning, intellectual challenge, and reflection than those in face-to-face courses.
NSSE 2008 Results
Blogging as Reflective Practice | Adventures in Corporate Education
Blogging as Reflective Practice | Adventures in Corporate Education
Thoughts on blogging as reflective practice for learning, with benefits in both the activity of writing and the social connections
So basically when you blog, you have to think about what you have read, how that compares to what you already know or what you have experienced, and that comparison helps you to construct new mental models that you articulate in written form (your blog).
Blogging as Reflective Practice | Adventures in Corporate Education
SpeEdChange: Toolbelt Theory for Everyone
SpeEdChange: Toolbelt Theory for Everyone
Ira Socol's "Toolbelt Theory," the idea that we all need tools to help us survive in the the world, and every individual needs a different set of tools. The is a broader idea than just accessibility; it's about giving all learners control of their own tools to find what works best for them.
How will your students communicate when they leave school? How will they gather information? How will they say what they need to say?
The thing about toolbelts though, is that no two people ever really need the same one.
So the trick to tool use is to learn to evaluate tasks and environments and your skills and the tools themselves as they change and determine what works best for you. I call this the "TEST" - <span style="font-weight: bold;">T</span>ask - <span style="font-weight: bold;">E</span>nvironment - <span style="font-weight: bold;">S</span>kills - <span style="font-weight: bold;">T</span>ools, a specifically ordered reframing of <a href="">Joy Zabala</a>'s "<a href="">SETT</a>" protocol. A specifically ordered reframing designed for self-determination.
And on top of this, the tools most schools are devoted to are antiques which serve few functions anywhere outside of school. It is as if you were learning to build homes but were allowed to use only tools invented before 1940. You'd be close to unemployable when you finished that training.
The only way to allow students to assemble this essential toolbelt for information and communication is to to throw open your classroom and let the world in. How will your students know which calendar works for them - the one on their phone, Google Calendar with SMS appointment texting, Microsoft Outlook, or any of a dozen paper systems unless you allow them to try them out?
SpeEdChange: Toolbelt Theory for Everyone