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NCVER - E-learning in Australia and Korea: Learning from practice
NCVER - E-learning in Australia and Korea: Learning from practice
Lengthy study from 2005 comparing how e-learning is used in Australia and Korea, finding some similar concerns. Like most other studies, this one has found that e-learning "cannnot on its own guarantee successful learning outcomes for students. The way in which the teacher and the learner utilise the technology continues to be important."
NCVER - E-learning in Australia and Korea: Learning from practice
Cross-Browser CSS Gradient
Cross-Browser CSS Gradient
CSS-only gradients--no separate images needed. Still won't work in all browsers, but it's a nice touch for the ones that do.
Cross-Browser CSS Gradient
5 Myths Of Visual Communication
5 Myths Of Visual Communication
Do people spend more time reading large or small type? More time looking at large or small images? Is animation the best way to show changes over time? Summary of common questions/myths with research answers
5 Myths Of Visual Communication
eLearn: Opinions - Better Design Doesn't Take Longer!
eLearn: Opinions - Better Design Doesn't Take Longer!
A boring introduction to e-learning takes just as long to write as one that tells learners WIIFM. I think scenario-based assessments do take longer to write than traditional forced choice answers, but overall, the idea is right. After the initial transition period, better design doesn't have to take much longer than crappy learning design built for regurgitation.
eLearn: Opinions - Better Design Doesn't Take Longer!
Insights New Perspectives Blog Reconnecting the Virtual Team
Insights New Perspectives Blog Reconnecting the Virtual Team
Guiding principles for improving effectiveness for virtual team, following a model with four pillars: Climate, Process, Focus, and Flow.
When it comes to creating an effective team, cohesion is far more important than co-location.
Virtual meeting and collaboration tools can be a great servant, but not a great master. Rather than letting technology dictate processes, a virtual team should aim to take effective face-to-face working practices and adapt them to work virtually.
A shared vision, which is understood by all team members, acts as an anchor for decision making. Each team member’s responsibilities should be in service of the collective purpose.
A virtual environment should support relationship development, not simply communication.
Insights New Perspectives Blog Reconnecting the Virtual Team
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
Tool to analyze forum conversations in an LMS, create network diagrams, and identify behavior patterns.
SNAPP uses information on who posted and replied to whom, and what major discussions were about, and how expansive they were, to analyse the interactions of a forum and display it in a Social Network Diagram.
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
Learning Benefits of On-Line Spaced Education Persist for 2 Years
Learning Benefits of On-Line Spaced Education Persist for 2 Years
Summary of follow-up research on online spaced education with medical residents showing that the benefits could still be detected 2 years later.
On-line spaced education can generate improvements in learning that are retained 2 years later. Although the effect size is modest, the persistence of detectable knowledge differences between educational interventions after such a long duration is exceedingly unusual.
Learning Benefits of On-Line Spaced Education Persist for 2 Years
Emerald | Industrial and Commercial Training | Enhancing coaching skills and emotional intelligence through training
Emerald | Industrial and Commercial Training | Enhancing coaching skills and emotional intelligence through training
Research comparing training spaced over multiple weeks versus an intense burst of training in two days. Not a controlled study, but promising results for spaced learning.
<em>Purpose</em> – <it>The purpose of this paper is to compare the impact of a long-term (13-week, spaced learning) with a short-term (two-day, block intensive) coaching skills training programme on participants' coaching skills and emotional intelligence.</it>
<em>Findings</em> – <it>Participation in the 13-week training course was associated with increases in both goal-focused coaching skills and emotional intelligence, whereas the two-day block intensive training was associated with increased goal-focused coaching skills, but not emotional intelligence. Further, the magnitude of the increase in goal-focused coaching skills was less for the two-day programme than for the 13-week programme.</it>
Emerald | Industrial and Commercial Training | Enhancing coaching skills and emotional intelligence through training
MIT Press Journals - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience - Early Access - Abstract
MIT Press Journals - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience - Early Access - Abstract
Abstract of neuroscience research attempting to determine why spaced learning is effective. This seems to be just testing recognition and memorization, not any higher level thinking.
Spaced learning usually leads to better recognition memory as compared with massed learning, yet the underlying neural mechanisms remain elusive.
Recognition memory tests afterward revealed a significant spacing effect: Participants recognized more items learnt under the spaced learning condition than under the massed learning condition.
MIT Press Journals - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience - Early Access - Abstract
Science Links Japan | The Durability of the Effect of an Optimal Spaced Learning Methode, the Modified Low-First Method: Demonstration and Development of a Predictive Model.
Science Links Japan | The Durability of the Effect of an Optimal Spaced Learning Methode, the Modified Low-First Method: Demonstration and Development of a Predictive Model.
Research summary on a specific model for spaced learning which the author found effective for improving recall
The Modified Low-First Method is an optimal spaced learning method which was derived from a reactivation theory of spacing effects and was designed to be effective by setting as advantageous spaces as possible for all items and for any learners with various working memory capacities. It consists of three principles; the first is to sort all items by their probabilities of recall in ascending order at the end of each learning session for the subsequent session, and the second is to omit items whose probabilities of recall have reached a certain level, and the third is to transit to a new learning session when the number of unrecalled items in a session have reached a certain number.
Science Links Japan | The Durability of the Effect of an Optimal Spaced Learning Methode, the Modified Low-First Method: Demonstration and Development of a Predictive Model.