Excel Blog - Using multiple criteria in Excel Lookup formulas
Good introduction to the different options for lookup formulas in Excel when you need more than one criteria and therefore can't use VLOOKUP. Shows SUMPRODUCT, SUMPRODUCT with INDEX and ROW, LOOKUP, and an array formula with INDEX & MATCH. SUMIFS would work in some situations shown too.
Clark Quinn's response to Ruth Clark's latest iteration of "Why Games Don't Teach." Quinn points out that Clark's definition of learning is mostly focused on memorization, but "remembering isn’t what’s going to make an organizational successful, it’s making better decisions, and that’s where games will shine."
Response to the Yahoo and Best Buy announcements eliminating/restricting telecommuting
Yet a work force culture based on long hours at the office with little regard for family or community does not inevitably lead to strong productivity <em>or</em> innovation. Two outdated ideas seem to underlie the Yahoo decision: first, that tech companies can still operate like the small groups of 20-something engineers that founded them; and second, the most old-fashioned of all, that companies get the most out of their employees by limiting their autonomy.
Why are companies so leery of this type of flexibility? Managers are tempted to use “face time” in the office as the de facto measurement of commitment and productivity. They are often suspicious about employees who work out of sight, believing they will shirk or drift if not under constant supervision. As a result, telecommuting is often viewed as a perk to be handed out after employees have proved their worth.
In the last week, I have heard a number of claims that research supports the idea that workers on-site are more innovative than those who work from home. I remain skeptical. The notion that impromptu conversations with colleagues in the cafeteria are the core of innovation seems a bit simplistic; in my experience, they are just as likely to produce talk of better jobs at competing firms or last night’s “American Idol” winner. Besides, much of this “research” simply shows that workers who collaborate with others in loose networks generate better ideas. It doesn’t suggest that the best way to create new products and services is by isolating your employees in the silo of a single location.
I Came, I Saw, I Learned...: Adobe Captivate, TechSmith Camtasia Studio, Articulate Storyline: Production Times
Kevin Siegel's estimates for production times in several rapid development tools. This is for production only, after a script has been written and recorded. He doesn't specifically say, but it sounds like this is for software simulation/demonstration content, not soft skills.
I have extensive experience using Adobe Captivate and TechSmith Camtasia Studio. In my experience, it will take you approximately <strong>2 hours of labor</strong> to produce<strong> 1 minute of eLearning playtime</strong> if you use Adobe Captivate. If you use Camtasia, your labor will go down a bit (<strong>1.5 hours for every 1 minute of playtime</strong>). If Articulate Storyline is your tool of choice, developers who use that tool have told me that Storyline is on a par with Captivate. In that case, you should plan on <strong>2 hours of labor</strong> to produce every <strong>1 minute</strong> of Storyline eLearning.
Google Reader is dying, but we have five worthy alternatives | CNET Reviews
Google Reader has been one of my primary tools for personal learning for years. I'm disappointed that it's going to be shut down. Hopefully one of these alternatives will meet my needs.
Bookshelf course created in Articulate Storyline. Basically a wrapper that lets people see multiple e-learning courses to show off what others have done for Storyline. You can download the template and you could use this for a portfolio or gallery of other work.
Articulate - Word of Mouth Blog - Troubleshooting LMS Issues
Ways to troubleshoot Articulate publishing to the LMS, grouped by 3 major symptoms (content won't upload to the LMS, course doesn't play as expected, or tracking/reporting/resuming problems).
Excuses for Not Having a Portfolio | Ileighanne's Blog
List of common excuses IDs give for not having a portfolio, with responses and solutions. There's a list of portfolio resources at the end of the post.
Unprotect a Word form easily, even without the password | Examiner.com
Great tip for unprotecting a Word form when you don't have the password, by inserting the text of the file into a new blank document. This gives you the form but without protection turned on. Useful if you need to clear out all form fields at once to reset a form to blank. Once you get the form unprotected, you can use the Reset Form Fields button on the Developer toolbar.
5 Essential Qualifications to Look for in an Instructional Designer | WPLMS
Justin Ferriman's list of ID qualifications. I disagree with almost everything on his list. Justin misunderstands the role of IDs and thinks we need to be mini-SMEs with industry experience so we don't "annoy" SMEs with our questions. I've written a lengthy comment rebutting his arguments.
Make your Moodle courses load faster without fiddling with the server | I Teach With Moodle | Sharing good practice using Moodle in and out of the classroom
I've been using iGoogle as my home page. igHome looks like a good alternative with a good gadget selection, but there are several other choices here to check out.
Thoughts on pricing — Stuff & Nonsense, And All That Malarkey
An interesting model for freelance pricing. Instead of doing either fixed price or hourly/daily rates, he bills on weekly rate. For small projects with a clear scope, fixed price works fine, but this method might work better for complex projects with fluid requirements.