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Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement | edX
Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement | edX
In edX courses, about 6 minutes is the maximum length students will watch. In traditional online graduate courses for credit, the length could be longer, but this is a good reminder to keep things short.
The optimal video length is 6 minutes or shorter -- students watched most of the way through these short videos. In fact, the average engagement time of any video maxes out at 6 minutes, regardless of its length. And engagement times decrease as videos lengthen: For instance, on average students spent around 3 minutes on videos that are longer than 12 minutes, which means that they engaged with less than a quarter of the content.
Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement | edX
Online tool for converting PDF files to Word, Excel, PPT, etc. It does a good job of making text editable, but converts SmartArt as static graphics. It would work for small text edits in a presentation where you don't have the original PPT file, but if you had a lot of SmartArt to rebuild it wouldn't save much time. It might work better for Excel spreadsheets than the PPT I tested.
Freelance Heroes - E-Learning Heroes
Freelance Heroes - E-Learning Heroes
Discussion for Articulate freelancers with lots of shared tips and resources. Questions for potential clients, things to include in a terms of service agreement, when and how to say no to clients, managing risk, etc.
Freelance Heroes - E-Learning Heroes
8 Things You Should Include In Your Terms of Service Agreement
8 Things You Should Include In Your Terms of Service Agreement
Contract elements for freelance designers. This is more for graphic/web designers, but it's all relevant to instructional designers too. The suggested interim charge cap is way too low for e-learning projects, but the principle is valid.
8 Things You Should Include In Your Terms of Service Agreement
8 Free Applications To Record Your Computer Screen |
8 Free Applications To Record Your Computer Screen |
Multiple free options for screen recording. This is mostly about making videos for YouTube or similar sites, but these could be used for quick tutorials and demos in e-learning. I'm familiar with Screenr, Jing, and CamStudio, but not BSRSoft, XVidCap, EZVid, BB FlashBack Express, or Rylstim.
8 Free Applications To Record Your Computer Screen |
9 Cheap Alternatives to Moodle for Small Businesses » Capterra Blog
9 Cheap Alternatives to Moodle for Small Businesses » Capterra Blog
LMS options besides Moodle if you don't want DIY, including pricing for each so you don't have to hunt for those figures. Totara is a flavor of Moodle from Kineo. Other options included in the list: CSB Learning, DigitalChalk, Docebo, eFront, Feathercap, Inquisiq R3, Latitude Learning, and Litmos.
9 Cheap Alternatives to Moodle for Small Businesses » Capterra Blog
Those Who Do, Can’t Teach: Why SMEs Make Bad Instructors
Those Who Do, Can’t Teach: Why SMEs Make Bad Instructors
Example of why experts often can't teach well (or write good courses without an ID) based on research of NICU nurses who knew how to recognize infections but were such experts that their knowledge had become automatic and intuitive for them.
<p>When you’re a domain expert in your field, it’s difficult to step back and remember what it was like to be a beginner. Once we have knowledge, it’s very hard to remember what life was like without it.</p> <p>Instead of placing the burden of training on a subject-matter expert, it’s often more effective to establish a collaboration between subject-matter experts and trainers who are experts in breaking down information, recognizing the critical elements, and putting it back together in a way that’s digestible for people who aren’t experts. </p>
Those Who Do, Can’t Teach: Why SMEs Make Bad Instructors
Question on SCORM licensing | LinkedIn
Question on SCORM licensing | LinkedIn
This isn't really about SCORM, but a question on pricing e-learning courses for perpetual licenses rather than annual per user fees
Most perpetual license deals I've seen in the eLearning space are usually priced at 3.5x the annual user price plus another 10-15% of the contract value for course maintenance and support.
Question on SCORM licensing | LinkedIn
Female voice over and audio editing for e-learning. Demos are on the website. She has done dialog for more conversational courses in the past, although that demo isn't on her public website.
The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance: A Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis, and a Preliminary Feedback Intervention Theory (Kluger & DeNisi, 1996) | Reading for Pleasure
The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance: A Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis, and a Preliminary Feedback Intervention Theory (Kluger & DeNisi, 1996) | Reading for Pleasure
Research on the effects of feedback interventions. Feedback is not always beneficial for learning; in some cases, it can actually depress performance.
<p>The MCPL literature suggests that for an FI to directly improve learning, rather than motivate learning, it has to help the recipient to <em>reject erroneous hypotheses.</em> Whereas correcting errors is a feature of some types of FI messages, most types of FI messages do not contain such information and therefore should not improve learning—a claim consistent with CAI research.</p> <p>Moreover, even in learning situations where performance seems to benefit from FIs, learning through <em>FIs may be inferior to learning through discovery</em> (learning based on feedback from the task, rather than on feedback from an external agent). Task feedback may force the participant to learn task rules and recognize errors (e.g., Frese &amp; Zapf, 1994), whereas FI may lead the participant to learn how to use the FI as a crutch, while shortcutting the need for task learning (cf. J. R. Anderson, 1987). </p>
In the MCPL literature, several reviewers doubt whether FIs have any learning value (Balzer et al., 1989; Brehmer, 1980) and suggest alternatives to FI for increasing learning, such as providing the learner with more task information (Balzer et al., 1989). Another alternative to an FI is designing work or learning<br> environments that encourage trial and error, thus maximizing learning from task feedback without a direct intervention (Frese &amp; Zapf, 1994).
The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance: A Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis, and a Preliminary Feedback Intervention Theory (Kluger & DeNisi, 1996) | Reading for Pleasure