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Online Course Development: What Does It Cost? -- Campus Technology
Time and cost estimates for online higher ed. The article and research are from 2004, and I expect these ratios have gone down in the last 10 years. The estimates here say it's a 10:1 ratio for faculty time and about $25K per credit hour.
Given the current campus infrastructure, personal knowledge tools, and the availability of digital content such as course cartridges, online cyber problems, and test banks, a recommended planning number today for experienced faculty is 10 hours per hour of instruction.
How storytelling in training changes people. 5 elements of an effective story. | Training x Design
5 elements of a story structure: a beginning, middle, and end; a main character; the main character faces a challenge, the main character struggles, and the main character changes.
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning
Tanya Lau's detailed explanation of her presentation on "Flipping the conversation" to performance and performance support rather than focusing only on formal training content. Includes notes on how she recorded and edited video on her smartphone for the presentation. She gives credit to my post on "Selling Storytelling" as part of the inspiration for her presentation because of how I scripted conversation around business objectives and measurement.
The best way to help learners see the big picture? Start small - Rapid Learning Institute
Research comparing teaching the big picture as an integrated whole versus a series of short lessons on single topics. Breaking the content into smaller chunks and focusing on each one separately worked better.
Summertime Tips for Parents Who Work From Home - E-Learning Uncovered
Practical tips for juggling a work schedule and kids when working from home. My 1-year-old isn't independent enough for most of this to work for me now, but in a few years this will be more relevant to my situation.
eLearning Wiki
Wiki by Kevin Wilcoxon with lengthy articles on learning and training. Categories are foundations, teaching online, course development, and the future (including references to the Serious e-Learning Manifesto). Currently everything is written by Kevin but you can sign up to contribute.
Top Tips for Producing Better eLearning Audio by Jennifer De Vries & Stephen Haskin : Learning Solutions Magazine
Tips for writing scripts and recording audio. Tip #3 on "Conditional logic" is an odd name for it, but the tip is good.
A common instance of this is that your
screen directions should be, “When you’ve completed the exercise, click the
Next button.” If you write, “Click the Next button when you’ve completed the
exercise,” at least some participants will click Next before they listen to the
rest of the sentence.
Articulate - Word of Mouth Blog - 5 Tips to Launch Your Career as an E-Learning Freelancer
Summary of tips from the Articulate freelancer community
1. Find your focus.
2. Save some money first.
3. Set up an online base of operations.
<strong>4. Create an online portfolio.</strong>
5. Track your time.