Smile Sheet Questions — New Examples July 2016 – Work-Learning Research
Will Thalheimer shares some new questions using the techniques in his Performance-Based Smile Sheet book, including a simplified version of his "world's best smile sheet question."
<p>Recently, in working with a company to improve their smile sheet, a first draft included the so-called World’s Best Smile Sheet Question. But they were thinking of piloting the new smile sheet for a course to teach basic electronics to facilities professionals. Given the topic and audience, I recommended a simpler version:</p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"><strong>How able will you be to put what you’ve learned into practice on the job? Choose one.</strong></p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">A. I am NOT AT ALL ready to use the skills taught.<br>
B. I need MORE GUIDANCE to be GOOD at using these skills<br>
C. I need MORE EXPERIENCE to be GOOD at using these skills.<br>
D. I am FULLY COMPETENT in using these skills.<br>
E. I am CAPABLE at an EXPERT LEVEL in using these skills.</p>
<p>This version nicely balances precision with word count.</p>