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Accessibility posters
Accessibility posters
Guidelines for developing media with different aspects of accessibility. These are also available as downloadable PDF posters.
Accessibility posters
Brain Science: Enable Your Brain to Remember Almost Everything | Learning Solutions Magazine
Brain Science: Enable Your Brain to Remember Almost Everything | Learning Solutions Magazine
Use memory boosters to reduce how much people forget after training.
So how often should information be boostered? We recommend that you send boosters out in three phases. You can keep this in mind by remembering 2+2+2. Send out boosters after two days, two weeks, and two months.
This first set of boosters should be “recognition boosters.” The strategy here is just to get people to try to recognize the right answer from a list of options.
The second phase of boosters should be sent about two weeks after the training and at this time you should send out “generative boosters.” In a generative booster, the learner does not just recognize the right answer from a list. Instead, they have to think about the topic and then create an answer out of their head.
The third phase of boosters should be sent about two months after the training, and at this time you should send out “integrative boosters.” An integrative booster again prompts the learner to retrieve the information, but this question specifically asks them to provide concrete examples of how they have made use of this information in their job.
Brain Science: Enable Your Brain to Remember Almost Everything | Learning Solutions Magazine
Free teleprompter in your browser. If you're doing a quick video and need a script, this lets you edit right on the page. Position it near your camera to maintain eye contact.
Marketing YOUR Freelance eLearning Business - YouTube
Marketing YOUR Freelance eLearning Business - YouTube
Ant Pugh on all the marketing tactics he tried when he started freelancing. One problem was that he had no overall strategy for his marketing, just a lot of tactics. The tactics that work for one person might not work for another because they don't fit the strategy.
Marketing YOUR Freelance eLearning Business - YouTube
How to be good at networking
How to be good at networking
Good networkers don't see themselves as networkers. They're mostly trying to help people.
Most people approach networking from the wrong angle. Rather than going into conversations thinking, “What’s in this for me?” he recommends that you should think: “How can I make this person’s day better?”
This moment crystallized a few simple ideas when it came to Gordon’s approach to people: Kindness and empathy are simple to execute, actions are essential, and you always have to consider who you’re interacting with and how what you do impacts them.
<p>So what is the major takeaway for those who want to be seen as connectors and/or expert networkers? Gordon says the first step is to remember it’s not about you. The bottom line is, relationships get stronger through empathy, service, and creating reciprocity where everybody wins.</p><p>Here’s the thing. Good networkers don’t see themselves as networkers at all—they just want to help people.</p>
How to be good at networking
"The Learners in the Learning" is Peter Nelson's summary and reflection after one of my recent webinars. He connects my points about focusing on what learners need to do to his own experiences with a great example about the value of observing actual learners.
Directly observing the behaviors of these folks gave me the insights I needed to tailor the solution. The same applies in a learning setting. Go watch that customer service agent <strong>IN PERSON </strong>and see for yourself what they are doing well, what they are not doing well, and what they might be totally missing.
How to Write About Unfamiliar Subjects: Four Tips for New Topics | ProEdit
How to Write About Unfamiliar Subjects: Four Tips for New Topics | ProEdit
While this is about writing, this relates to instructional design as well. You start with a solid foundation of skills and an understanding of how to write for different audiences. You do research and work with a SME. Confirm details during the project. Batch your questions to SMEs to use their time efficiently.
How to Write About Unfamiliar Subjects: Four Tips for New Topics | ProEdit
How long does it take to develop an online course? | UT Dallas eLearning Team
How long does it take to develop an online course? | UT Dallas eLearning Team
While a few studies exist about development time for workplace elearning, not as much seems to be readily available for higher education. This post has some breakdowns for development time for developing a syllabus, recording lectures, assignments, etc. The estimate for discussion board questions seems a little low to me (a good discussion question often takes more than 5 minutes to write and refine), but this is a good starting point. This is about 130 hours of work for a single online course.
How long does it take to develop an online course? | UT Dallas eLearning Team
Guide to Finding an LMS/LXP (Learning Management Systems)
Guide to Finding an LMS/LXP (Learning Management Systems)
Craig Weiss now offers a free service for searching and comparing LMSs. Complete the form to enter the features you need and find options. His commentary and observations are included (and he has more breadth of knowledge across LMSs than anyone else in the field).
Guide to Finding an LMS/LXP (Learning Management Systems)
Online whiteboard tool. This looks like it might be worth investigating for those running into limitations with their existing tools. No plugins or downloads needed.
Celestory - Create your customized training
Celestory - Create your customized training
Tool for creating branching scenario training or interactive games. I haven't tried this yet, but there's a free version that would be enough to test it out. The tool collects data on user behavior. The website says it's using AI to analyze behavior, but it's not quite clear exactly what that AI is doing.
Celestory - Create your customized training
Learnexus is a platform for freelancers to find projects and clients to find freelancers. It's focused on instructional designers and elearning developers, rather than being a general freelancer site like UpWork. They also screen freelancers, so they are hopefully filtering out some of the folks at the low end of the market. The site is new though, so the pool of people and projects is small currently.
Making people aware of their implicit biases doesn’t usually change minds. But here’s what does work | PBS NewsHour
Making people aware of their implicit biases doesn’t usually change minds. But here’s what does work | PBS NewsHour
"Discretion elimination" means changing systems to make choices more objective and less subject to the effects of implicit bias. First, you need data to know where the problems are so you know how to change the systems.
And once you know what’s happening, the next step is what I call discretion elimination. This can be applied when people are making decisions that involve subjective judgment about a person. This could be police officers, employers making hiring or promotion decisions, doctors deciding on a patient’s treatment, or teachers making decisions about students’ performance. When those decisions are made with discretion, they are likely to result in unintended disparities. But when those decisions are made based on predetermined, objective criteria that are rigorously applied, they are much less likely to produce disparities.
Making people aware of their implicit biases doesn’t usually change minds. But here’s what does work | PBS NewsHour