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An Introduction to Copyright for L&D
An Introduction to Copyright for L&D
Instructional designers often need to use images and resources from various sites, sometimes with little or no budget to buy images with clear licenses. If you have ever wondered if you can use a particular image or video in your course, check out this introduction to copyright and Creative Commons licenses by Heidi Kirby.
An Introduction to Copyright for L&D
Top 100 Learning Influencers · Eduflow blog
Top 100 Learning Influencers · Eduflow blog
While calling this list "influencers" may make you think of the social media sense of the word, this is intended more as "people who influence others in the field through their writing, speaking, etc." This is based on a survey, network analysis, and other factors. I'm pleased to be included in the list. The order is published randomly, and the research and analysis methods are explained at the bottom of the post.
The fields of instructional design, learning & development and learning theory have been shaped by a wide range of people over many years. We decided to study these influences, to get an idea about just how wide-ranging the sources of influence are. In this post, we share a list of 100 people who are some of the most influential people within instructional design, learning and development, and learning theory.
Top 100 Learning Influencers · Eduflow blog
How much does video production cost in 2022? [with real prices]
How much does video production cost in 2022? [with real prices]
Figuring out how much a video costs is like figuring out how much elearning costs: there are too many variables to give a simple answer. This article details 10 common factors that affect the cost of video production, with prices for different levels in each factor.
How much does video production cost in 2022? [with real prices]
STRUCTURE magazine | Understanding Indemnification Clauses
STRUCTURE magazine | Understanding Indemnification Clauses
Freelancers and consultants need to know how to read contracts and watch for potential red flags. One concern is indemnification clauses. This article provides very specific notes on language to watch for and suggestions for revising the language to be reasonable for the kind of risks individual consultants should assume.
One issue that often arises is the language of the indemnification clause. The reason for this is simple – indemnification clauses can shift significant risks to the design professional, and these risks may not be insurable.
STRUCTURE magazine | Understanding Indemnification Clauses
Red Flags to Watch Out For in Freelance Contracts
Red Flags to Watch Out For in Freelance Contracts
I hear a lot of questions from new freelancers and consultants about contracts and what to watch for. I agree with this list of red flags: non-compete clauses, no payment terms, intellectual property, indemnity clauses, and rights. Most ID and elearning work is work-for-hire, but sometimes you create something you should license so you can also reuse it (like non-confidential portions of a course for your portfolio).
Red Flags to Watch Out For in Freelance Contracts
Play GO VIRAL! | Stop Covid-19 misinformation spreading
Play GO VIRAL! | Stop Covid-19 misinformation spreading
Great example of a quick game to educate people. In this game, you pretend to be someone who wants to spread misinformation (really disinformation, since it's deliberate). Through the simulated choices of social media messages and lots of immediate feedback and coaching, you learn to recognize tactics for manipulating information and influence online.
Play GO VIRAL! | Stop Covid-19 misinformation spreading
John Philip Sousa Feared ‘The Menace of Mechanical Music’ | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine
John Philip Sousa Feared ‘The Menace of Mechanical Music’ | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine
Composer John Philip Sousa feared that record players and "mechanical music" would shift the culture from one where many people created music together in their homes to one where they stopped creating and just listened. His fears were right--we did shift to primarily consume media for decades. More recently, social media has let us shift back to having many people create and share. This is a bit of historical context for the shifts in culture around creation and consumption.
Sousa was concerned that recording would cause “social decline,” he writes, as people stopped making music together.
John Philip Sousa Feared ‘The Menace of Mechanical Music’ | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine
AI, Instructional Design, and OER – improving learning
AI, Instructional Design, and OER – improving learning
I agree with the idea that AI and LLMs will make it much easier to create a first draft of content. I like the differentiation here between "informational resources" and "educational resources." Instructional designers will have easy access to basic informational resources through AI, so they can spend more time creating practice and feedback to create better learning experiences.
AI, Instructional Design, and OER – improving learning
The Independent Consulting Manual - Your Guide to a Consulting Career
The Independent Consulting Manual - Your Guide to a Consulting Career
Free ebook and video series on independent consulting. I'm not familiar with all of these authors and speakers, but I have learned a lot from Kai Davis over the years. The topics include writing proposals, pricing, automating processes, email and phone scripts, positioning, and more.
The Independent Consulting Manual - Your Guide to a Consulting Career
ElevenLabs || Prime Voice AI
ElevenLabs || Prime Voice AI
This is another provider of AI voice over. The voices in the short samples sound very realistic; this could work for at least short narration. Currently, you can use the free plan for short samples as long as you provide attribution.
ElevenLabs || Prime Voice AI
E-Learning Edition 2023 - Enterprise Viewpoint
E-Learning Edition 2023 - Enterprise Viewpoint
Enterprise Viewpoint's February 2023 issue is focused on elearning. I contributed an article (From "Click Next" to "Choose Your Path": Elearning with Branching Scenarios. Also, check out the other contributions on a range of topics from Michael Allen, Tom Kuhlmann, Cammy Bean, Allison Rossett, Jean Marripodi, Richard Goring, and Charles Jennings.
E-Learning Edition 2023 - Enterprise Viewpoint
The Audio Issue
The Audio Issue
"Against Access" by John Lee Clark is a very different view of accessibility than you might find in more prominent channels like disability Twitter. The author is DeafBlind, and he talks about how many efforts at accessibility fall short of meaningful experiences. This article is worth reading just for the DeafBlind perspective, which isn't typically included in most accessibility discussions. For example, how would you make a version of the game UNO usable to DeafBlind players? Not just accessible with Braille that references colors they can't see--but an enjoyable game, tailored to their experiences?
The Audio Issue
Designing game-inspired narratives for learning
Designing game-inspired narratives for learning
Conference paper by Miranda Verswijvelen, Ricardo Sosa, and Nataly Martini on what we can learn from how game designers write narratives and apply that to scenario-based learning.
This study turns for guidance to the expertise of narrative designers for games, where storytelling for interactive narrative has a long history of testing, iterating and perfecting. A collection of proven techniques described by game narrative practitioners will inform creative writing efforts to craft prototypes to test the transferability of those techniques to interactive narratives in a healthcare education context.
Designing game-inspired narratives for learning
A Google Doc add-on for using AI and NLP to help with instructional design tasks. This is an interesting concept, and I can see the value for things like summaries or course descriptions based on content provided. However, even their provided example has significant problems (weak objectives, low-level multiple choice questions, a truly terrible scenario). It might be worth playing with it to see where it can be useful, like speeding up the process of first drafts or generating ideas.
Ask the Cognitive Scientist: Does Developing a Growth Mindset Help Students Learn?
Ask the Cognitive Scientist: Does Developing a Growth Mindset Help Students Learn?
Daniel Williingham reviews the theory of growth mindset and the conflicting research.
Is it worth trying to promote a growth mindset in students? Yes. The effect may seem small, but it’s in the range of <em>lots</em> of education effects. We know there aren’t any silver bullets. We have to take many small steps with the expectation that each will make a small contribution to greater student success.
<p>Growth mindset suggests three concrete steps for educators when a student suffers an academic setback:</p> <ol><li>Encourage students to seek feedback about what went wrong.</li> <li>Encourage students to analyze these errors and use them as opportunities for learning.</li> <li>Encourage students to think of ways they might do things differently when they try again.</li></ol>
Ask the Cognitive Scientist: Does Developing a Growth Mindset Help Students Learn?
Standard or Extended Audio Description: Which Do You Need?
Standard or Extended Audio Description: Which Do You Need?
Explanation of the difference between standard and extended audio description for making videos accessible. Extended audio descriptions pause the original content to allow more time for description, extending the overall time of the video.
Videos that lack natural pauses or contain a lot of important visual information can be tricky to describe without interrupting the original audio. In these cases, extended audio description is necessary.
Standard or Extended Audio Description: Which Do You Need?
AI Text to Speech: Human-level Voices | LOVO AI
AI Text to Speech: Human-level Voices | LOVO AI
This AI voiceover tool has options for adding emotions. While there are several AI text-to-speech tools that do reasonably well for a flat narration, most of the tools are weak if you want to add some emotion and dynamics. This one seems worth exploring for those additional features.
AI Text to Speech: Human-level Voices | LOVO AI
Transcripts | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
Transcripts | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
I have been creating both basic and descriptive transcripts for a project with animated microlearning videos with a lot of visual information. However, I didn't know the name for that descriptive transcript until now. Most people I have talked to have been unsure how to handle transcripts for animated videos, but this page explains it.
<p><strong><em>Descriptive transcripts</em></strong> for videos also include visual information needed to understand the content.</p> <p><img src="/WAI/content-images/wai-media-guide/braille.jpg" alt="" class=" normal right"></p> <p><em>Who:</em> Descriptive transcripts are needed to provide audio and video content to people who are both Deaf and blind. They are also used by people who process text information better than audio and visual/pictorial information.</p>
Transcripts | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
Role-Play Training – Insights From Clark Aldrich
Role-Play Training – Insights From Clark Aldrich
A lengthy article from Clark Aldrich on how to create Short Sims or branching role-play training. One of the most useful things in this article is the section "7 steps to create an effective role-play," where he breaks down his process for creating branching scenarios with time estimates for each section. While some of this is specific to iSpring, the process is similar to what I teach in my branching scenario course.
Perhaps the perfect way to learn is by doing something worthwhile that lines up with the real world, and very judiciously receiving some friendly guidance when we get stuck.
If you’re running a flight simulator and want your pilots to learn how to land an airplane in a snowstorm, Short Sims can only have introductory benefits. They can teach you some of the strategies.
With practice, you should be able to create an entire role-play in about 40 hours over two weeks. If you are going over that, you’re probably overthinking or over-executing it. Remember that you need to keep it simple.
Role-Play Training – Insights From Clark Aldrich