
Personal Informatics
Personal Informatics
Personal informatics is a class of tools that help people collect personally relevant information for the purpose of self-reflection and self-monitoring. The...
Personal Informatics
Feedback on our free happiness+efficiency app? - Quantified Self / Apps & Tools - Quantified Self Forum
Feedback on our free happiness+efficiency app? - Quantified Self / Apps & Tools - Quantified Self Forum
Hi everybody! I’ve been enjoying developing and using an app for measuring+optimizing happiness+efficiency over the last ~9 years, but I’ve been having difficulty getting users to try it out and to give feedback. Would anybody here be interested in any of: Trying it out and offering feedback? Suggesting how to get more feedback? The application has a bunch of properties that I think are super interesting: Record what you do Super-convenient autocomplete: it only requires pressing a few bu...
Feedback on our free happiness+efficiency app? - Quantified Self / Apps & Tools - Quantified Self Forum
Quantifying the self - Why I track 80 metrics about my life every day - Quantified Self / Research & Media - Quantified Self Forum
Quantifying the self - Why I track 80 metrics about my life every day - Quantified Self / Research & Media - Quantified Self Forum
I started a data blog on my quantified self journey. You can read the first post here. Let me know what you think, and if there’s anything in particular you’d be interested in reading in future posts. Thanks!
Quantifying the self - Why I track 80 metrics about my life every day - Quantified Self / Research & Media - Quantified Self Forum
How private do you consider your personal data? - Quantified Self - Quantified Self Forum
How private do you consider your personal data? - Quantified Self - Quantified Self Forum
I for one, find it fascinating to see other people’s data, and see what conclusions they’ve come to about themselves. My question is, how many qualms about sharing your biometric data do you have (voluntarily and publicly, as opposed to giving it to a company to improve ad selection…)? There have been performance art projects like livestreaming a constant video of themself, publishing their every location, etc. I’m curious where people draw the line.
How private do you consider your personal data? - Quantified Self - Quantified Self Forum
Personal Dashboards for Self-Tracking Data - Quantified Self / Apps & Tools - Quantified Self Forum
Personal Dashboards for Self-Tracking Data - Quantified Self / Apps & Tools - Quantified Self Forum
This is a general topic for discussing ideas about personal dashboards for your self-tracking data. I started it with some posts from earlier topics that were happening on the forum, sparked by @LNP. I apologize for some slight timeline issues on the posts and making small edits to add coherence, but I think it will be worth it. #virtualbreakout
Personal Dashboards for Self-Tracking Data - Quantified Self / Apps & Tools - Quantified Self Forum
What is quantified self?
What is quantified self?
Quantified Self Quantified Self (QS) is the term that embodies self-knowledge through self-tracking. The list of things that we can measure about ourselves is endless: among others our heart rate, respiration, hours slept, or even the number of sneezes and coughs during a day. However, not all important things in life can be measured and not everything that
What is quantified self?
Get Started - Quantified Self
Get Started - Quantified Self
The purpose of this website is to support anybody who wants to use empirical methods to explore personal questions. We call this practice “everyday science.” In the decade that we’ve been working with people doing self-tracking projects, we’ve come to appreciate the diversity of motivations, methods and tools people use to gain insight into a...
Get Started - Quantified Self
Lifescope lets you search the internet of you using passive automatic life logging. Connect accounts for events, people, places, things, and digital content in one lifelogger. Built on BitScoop.
Solid World – March 2021
Solid World – March 2021
During this Solid World, we heard about the growing market of interoperability.
Solid World – March 2021
Blockchain credentialing startup Learning Machine acquired - Ledger Insights - enterprise blockchain
Blockchain credentialing startup Learning Machine acquired - Ledger Insights - enterprise blockchain
Learning Machine, a blockchain credentialing startup that grew out of the MIT Labs, has been acquired by enterprise content management company Hyland. Hyland is known for its OnBase solution, employs 3,500 people, and is estimated to have earned $700 million in revenues in 2018. The company is owned by private equity firm Thoma Bravo which […]
Blockchain credentialing startup Learning Machine acquired - Ledger Insights - enterprise blockchain
Blockchain’s impact on marketplaces: what’s the future for decentralized marketplaces? - Version One
Blockchain’s impact on marketplaces: what’s the future for decentralized marketplaces? - Version One
Nearly two years ago, we published our first ebook, A Guide to Marketplaces. Towards the end, we touched briefly on emerging marketplace types and included decentralized marketplaces in the mix. At the time, OpenBazaar was still in beta. Since then, we’ve been closely following the evolution of blockchain technology and looking at the potential impact […]
Blockchain’s impact on marketplaces: what’s the future for decentralized marketplaces? - Version One
Solid’s data decentralization vision will change the way we interact with applications
Solid’s data decentralization vision will change the way we interact with applications
CEO Jonathan Bingham speaks with SD Times reporter Jenna Sargent about the possibilities of the decentralized web. This post originally appeared on … A few months ago, Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the World Wide Web, announced that he was heading up a new project to reshape the way...
Solid’s data decentralization vision will change the way we interact with applications