List of for-profit universities and colleges - Wikipedia
Credential engine learning and employment records action guide pilot version
Credential Finder
Credential transparency indiana spotlight
Credential Engine’s 5th Anniversary Resource Page - Credential Engine
On December 7th, Credential Engine celebrates its five-year anniversary. Over these past five years, we have accomplished working with over half the states, as well as with federal agencies, Congress, systems, and providers to ensure that students, workers, employers, educators, and policymakers have access to linked, open, interoperable data to be able to make more
State roadmap and action guide
Budget report 2022
Counting credentials2022 onepager
Southern New Hampshire University Seeks to Unlock Opportunities with the Credential Transparency Description Language - Credential Engine
“Imagine a new normal where students can see what knowledge and skills are required to earn a credential.” – Dr. Paul LeBlanc, Students First (p. 63) Students deserve equitable access to information about their education and career options, including transparency about the skills and competencies that they achieve in courses and credentials. Working together, Credential
New Jersey - Credential Engine
Counting credentials 2022
Conferences - ACAD
Past Conferences Catching the Wave: Energy and Renewal in Liberal Arts Education A Conference on Academic Leadership co-sponsored by ACAD and The Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Society June 23-25, 2016 Milwaukee, WI In June 2016 ACAD and PBK held their sixth join conference. The focus of this conference was on sustaining energy and nurturing renewal. […]
Top Higher Education Conferences to Attend in 2022
Explore the top higher education conferences in 2022 that offer industry leaders a chance to learn about the latest industry trends & issues.
Re: "world needs less vocabularies" from Paola Di Maio on 2022-11-30 ( from November 2022)
Competency Frameworks for Credential Engine
5-star Open Data
Information around Tim Berners-Lee's 5-star Open Data Plan
T3 Open Competencies Network - T3 Network Wiki
Avinash Tripathi | LinkedIn
Shelly Hodges | LinkedIn
Mary Elizabeth Smith | LinkedIn
Eve Krahe Billings, PhD, EDAC | LinkedIn
Veena Nayak | LinkedIn
University of Phoenix Vice President of Analytics Avinash Tripathi Closing Keynote at Executive Summit
University of Phoenix announces that Avinash Tripathi, vice president, analytics, is the closing keynote speaker at the Evanta Atlanta Chief Data Offi
University of Phoenix Leadership Presenting at 1EdTech Digital Curriculum and App Innovation Summit
University of Phoenix announces that Eve Krahe-Billings, Ph.D., dean, Academic Innovation and Evaluation, Mary Elizabeth Smith, director, Learning Inn
Credentials to employment the last mile
A national ler infrastructure
Introduction — Opensalt Docs 3.0 documentation
GitHub - opensalt/opensalt: Standards Alignment Tool
Standards Alignment Tool. Contribute to opensalt/opensalt development by creating an account on GitHub.
openSALT - Features
A public demonstration instance of OpenSALT(tm) is viewable at
To request access to a Sandbox server to create and edit framework, please contact PCG.
Below are some video tutorial on how to use the tools to create Standards Frameworks