C Difficile

Impact of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Onset and Disease Activity: To Eradicate or Not to Eradicate? - PubMed
Impact of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Onset and Disease Activity: To Eradicate or Not to Eradicate? - PubMed
Helicobacter pylori infection has significant epidemiological relevance due to the carcinogenic nature of this bacterium, which is potentially associated with cancer. When detected, it should ideally be eradicated using a treatment that currently involves a combination of gastric acid suppres …
Impact of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Onset and Disease Activity: To Eradicate or Not to Eradicate? - PubMed
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
We sought to better understand how intestinal microbiota confer protection against Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infection (CDI). We utilized gnotobiotic altered Schaedler flora (ASF) mice, which lack the abnormalities of germfree (GF) mice as well as the complexity and heter …
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
Emerging Clostridioides difficile ribotypes have divergent metabolic phenotypes - PubMed
Emerging Clostridioides difficile ribotypes have divergent metabolic phenotypes - PubMed
The gut pathogen Clostridioides difficile utilizes a wide range of carbon sources. Microbial communities can be rationally designed to combat C. difficile by depleting its preferred nutrients in the gut. However, C. difficile is genetically diverse with hundreds of identified ri …
Emerging Clostridioides difficile ribotypes have divergent metabolic phenotypes - PubMed
Modeling the effects of prebiotic interventions on luminal and mucosa-associated gut microbiota without and with Clostridium difficile challenge in vitro - PubMed
Modeling the effects of prebiotic interventions on luminal and mucosa-associated gut microbiota without and with Clostridium difficile challenge in vitro - PubMed
Prebiotics can modulate the gut microbial community composition and function for improved (gut) health and increase resilience against infections. In vitro models of the gut facilitate the study of intervention effects on the gut microbial community relevant to health. The mucosa-associated g …
Modeling the effects of prebiotic interventions on luminal and mucosa-associated gut microbiota without and with Clostridium difficile challenge in vitro - PubMed
CLOVER: A Phase 3 Randomized Trial Investigating the Efficacy and Safety of a Detoxified Toxin A/B Vaccine in Adults 50 Years and Older at Increased Risk of Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
CLOVER: A Phase 3 Randomized Trial Investigating the Efficacy and Safety of a Detoxified Toxin A/B Vaccine in Adults 50 Years and Older at Increased Risk of Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
Three PF-06425090 doses were safe and well-tolerated. Although the primary endpoint was not met, PF-06425090 reduced symptom duration, CDI requiring medical attention, and CDI-directed antibiotic treatment, highlighting its potential to reduce CDI-associated healthcare burden. NCT03090191.
CLOVER: A Phase 3 Randomized Trial Investigating the Efficacy and Safety of a Detoxified Toxin A/B Vaccine in Adults 50 Years and Older at Increased Risk of Clostridioides difficile Infection - PubMed
A Clostridioides difficile endolysin modulates toxin secretion without cell lysis - PubMed
A Clostridioides difficile endolysin modulates toxin secretion without cell lysis - PubMed
The Clostridia produce and secrete Large Clostridial Glucosylating Toxins (LCGTs) responsible for disease symptoms, but the secretion mechanism is largely unknown. Recently, a holin-like protein was shown to be essential for toxin secretion. Holins, typically bacteriophage-specific proteins, are par …
A Clostridioides difficile endolysin modulates toxin secretion without cell lysis - PubMed
Physiological role and complex regulation of O2-reducing enzymes in the obligate anaerobe Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Physiological role and complex regulation of O2-reducing enzymes in the obligate anaerobe Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
The gastrointestinal tract is a hypoxic environment, with the existence of two gradients of O2 along the gut, one longitudinal anteroposterior decreasing gradient and one proximodistal increasing from the lumen to the epithelial cells. O2 is a major source of stress for an obli …
Physiological role and complex regulation of O2-reducing enzymes in the obligate anaerobe Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Role of glycogen metabolism in Clostridioides difficile virulence - PubMed
Role of glycogen metabolism in Clostridioides difficile virulence - PubMed
Glycogen plays a vital role as an energy reserve in various bacterial and fungal species. Clostridioides difficile possesses a glycogen metabolism operon that contains genes for both glycogen synthesis and utilization. In our investigation, we focused on understanding the significance of glyc …
Role of glycogen metabolism in Clostridioides difficile virulence - PubMed
Elucidating human gut microbiota interactions that robustly inhibit diverse Clostridioides difficile strains across different nutrient landscapes
Elucidating human gut microbiota interactions that robustly inhibit diverse Clostridioides difficile strains across different nutrient landscapes
Nature Communications - In this paper, the authors use a systems biology approach to explore human gut microbiota interactions impacting multiple Clostridioides difficile strains in various...
Elucidating human gut microbiota interactions that robustly inhibit diverse Clostridioides difficile strains across different nutrient landscapes
The Incidence of Clostridioides difficile Infection in the Post-COVID-19 Era in a Hospital in Northern Greece - PubMed
The Incidence of Clostridioides difficile Infection in the Post-COVID-19 Era in a Hospital in Northern Greece - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) has evolved to be the most significant cause of healthcare-associated diarrhoea and one of the leading representatives of healthcare-associated infections, with a high associated mortality. The aim of this retrospective study was to record the incidenc …
The Incidence of Clostridioides difficile Infection in the Post-COVID-19 Era in a Hospital in Northern Greece - PubMed
Best Practices in the Management of Clostridioides difficile Infection in Developing Nations - PubMed
Best Practices in the Management of Clostridioides difficile Infection in Developing Nations - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is a well-known cause of hospital-acquired infectious diarrhea in developed countries, though it has not been a top priority in the healthcare policies of developing countries. In the last decade, several studies have reported a wide range of CDI rates …
Best Practices in the Management of Clostridioides difficile Infection in Developing Nations - PubMed
Structural and Functional Insights into the Delivery Systems of Bacillus and Clostridial Binary Toxins - PubMed
Structural and Functional Insights into the Delivery Systems of Bacillus and Clostridial Binary Toxins - PubMed
Pathogenic Bacillus and clostridial (i.e., Clostridium and Clostridioides) bacteria express a diverse repertoire of effector proteins to promote disease. This includes production of binary toxins, which enter host epithelial cells and seriously damage the intestinal tracts of in …
Structural and Functional Insights into the Delivery Systems of Bacillus and Clostridial Binary Toxins - PubMed
Contrasting methods to operationalize antibiotic exposure in clinical research: a real-world application on healthcare-associated Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
Contrasting methods to operationalize antibiotic exposure in clinical research: a real-world application on healthcare-associated Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
The goal of this article is to summarize common methods of antibiotic operationalization used in clinical research and demonstrate methods for exposure variable selection. We demonstrate three methods for modeling exposure, using data from a case-control study on Clostridioides difficile infection i …
Contrasting methods to operationalize antibiotic exposure in clinical research: a real-world application on healthcare-associated Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
Gut microbiome and plasma lipidome analysis reveals a specific impact of Clostridioides difficile infection on intestinal bacterial communities and sterol metabolism - PubMed
Gut microbiome and plasma lipidome analysis reveals a specific impact of Clostridioides difficile infection on intestinal bacterial communities and sterol metabolism - PubMed
There is increasing evidence about the influence the changes in microbiota and its metabolism has on numerous diseases and infections such as Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). The knowledge of these changes at local and systemic levels can help us manage this infection to avoid recurr …
Gut microbiome and plasma lipidome analysis reveals a specific impact of Clostridioides difficile infection on intestinal bacterial communities and sterol metabolism - PubMed
Role of glycogen metabolism in Clostridioides difficile virulence - PubMed
Role of glycogen metabolism in Clostridioides difficile virulence - PubMed
Glycogen plays a vital role as an energy reserve in various bacterial and fungal species. Clostridioides difficile possesses a glycogen metabolism operon that contains genes for both glycogen synthesis and utilization. In our investigation, we focused on understanding the significance of glyc …
Role of glycogen metabolism in Clostridioides difficile virulence - PubMed
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
We sought to better understand how intestinal microbiota confer protection against Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infection (CDI). We utilized gnotobiotic altered Schaedler flora (ASF) mice, which lack the abnormalities of germfree (GF) mice as well as the complexity and heter …
Prevention and cure of murine C. difficile infection by a Lachnospiraceae strain - PubMed
Pathogens in Toilets: Careful With That Flush, Eugene
Pathogens in Toilets: Careful With That Flush, Eugene
If you’re going into a public restroom, you may want to take a quick step back after flushing, as the swirling water creates an invisible aerosol that will carry whatever pathogen may be residing in the toilet bowl up and into your nostrils. A study by a team from the University of Colorado Boulder, published […]
Pathogens in Toilets: Careful With That Flush, Eugene
Physiological role and complex regulation of O2-reducing enzymes in the obligate anaerobe Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Physiological role and complex regulation of O2-reducing enzymes in the obligate anaerobe Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
The gastrointestinal tract is a hypoxic environment, with the existence of two gradients of O2 along the gut, one longitudinal anteroposterior decreasing gradient and one proximodistal increasing from the lumen to the epithelial cells. O2 is a major source of stress for an obli …
Physiological role and complex regulation of O2-reducing enzymes in the obligate anaerobe Clostridioides difficile - PubMed
Fecal Microbiota, Live-jslm (RBL; REBYOTA®) for Prevention of Recurrent Clostridioides difficile Infection: What Gastroenterology Nurses Need to Know - PubMed
Fecal Microbiota, Live-jslm (RBL; REBYOTA®) for Prevention of Recurrent Clostridioides difficile Infection: What Gastroenterology Nurses Need to Know - PubMed
Live biotherapeutic products (LBPs) such as fecal microbiota, live-jslm (RBL) are becoming more frequently administered in gastroentintestinal (GI) care settings. As a result, GI nurses must be knowledgeable about and skilled in their administration of LBPs. RBL is a single-dose, rectally-administer …
Fecal Microbiota, Live-jslm (RBL; REBYOTA®) for Prevention of Recurrent Clostridioides difficile Infection: What Gastroenterology Nurses Need to Know - PubMed
Deep learning-based prediction of Clostridioides difficile infection caused by antibiotics using longitudinal electronic health records - PubMed
Deep learning-based prediction of Clostridioides difficile infection caused by antibiotics using longitudinal electronic health records - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is a major cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and colitis. It is recognized as one of the most significant hospital-acquired infections. Although CDI can develop severe complications and spores of Clostridioides difficile can be transmitted by the fecal- …
Deep learning-based prediction of Clostridioides difficile infection caused by antibiotics using longitudinal electronic health records - PubMed
Emerging Clostridioides difficile ribotypes have divergent metabolic phenotypes - PubMed
Emerging Clostridioides difficile ribotypes have divergent metabolic phenotypes - PubMed
The gut pathogen Clostridioides difficile utilizes a wide range of carbon sources. Microbial communities can be rationally designed to combat C. difficile by depleting its preferred nutrients in the gut. However, C. difficile is genetically diverse with hundreds of identified ri …
Emerging Clostridioides difficile ribotypes have divergent metabolic phenotypes - PubMed
The Benefits of Making C diff a Nationally Notifiable Infectious Disease
The Benefits of Making C diff a Nationally Notifiable Infectious Disease
In the second part of our interview with Christian Lillis, cofounder and CEO of the Peggy Lillis Foundation, he discusses what the passage of the Peggy Lillis Clostridioides difficile Inclusion Act would do for reporting of the infection as well as the potential ancillary effects around antibiotic development and antimicrobial resistance.
The Benefits of Making C diff a Nationally Notifiable Infectious Disease