C Difficile

The complete catalog of antimicrobial resistance secondary active transporters in Clostridioides difficile: evolution and drug resistance perspective - PubMed
The complete catalog of antimicrobial resistance secondary active transporters in Clostridioides difficile: evolution and drug resistance perspective - PubMed
Secondary active transporters shuttle substrates across eukaryotic and prokaryotic membranes, utilizing different electrochemical gradients. They are recognized as one of the antimicrobial efflux pumps among pathogens. While primary active transporters within the genome of C. difficile 630 ha …
The complete catalog of antimicrobial resistance secondary active transporters in Clostridioides difficile: evolution and drug resistance perspective - PubMed
Economic and Chronologic Optimization of Fecal Donors Screening Process - PubMed
Economic and Chronologic Optimization of Fecal Donors Screening Process - PubMed
What is known:Fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) is the transfer of microbiome from healthy donors to patients.Fecal donors undergo multiple strict screening tests to exclude any transmissible disease.Screening tests of potential fecal donors is expensive and time consuming.FMT is the most effici …
Economic and Chronologic Optimization of Fecal Donors Screening Process - PubMed
Revealing the therapeutic properties of gut microbiota: transforming cancer immunotherapy from basic to clinical approaches - PubMed
Revealing the therapeutic properties of gut microbiota: transforming cancer immunotherapy from basic to clinical approaches - PubMed
The immune system plays a pivotal role in the battle against cancer, serving as a formidable guardian in the ongoing fight against malignant cells. To combat these malignant cells, immunotherapy has emerged as a prevalent approach leveraging antibodies and peptides such as anti-PD-1, anti-PD-L1, and …
Revealing the therapeutic properties of gut microbiota: transforming cancer immunotherapy from basic to clinical approaches - PubMed
Gut microbiota and D-ribose mediate the anti-colitic effect of punicalagin in DSS-treated mice - PubMed
Gut microbiota and D-ribose mediate the anti-colitic effect of punicalagin in DSS-treated mice - PubMed
Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an increasing health burden worldwide. Punicalagin, a bioactive component rich in pomegranate rind, has been shown to attenuate chemical or bacteria-induced experimental colitis in mice, but whether punicalagin exerts its function through modula …
Gut microbiota and D-ribose mediate the anti-colitic effect of punicalagin in DSS-treated mice - PubMed
Proton-Pump Inhibitors to Prevent Gastrointestinal Bleeding - An Updated Meta-Analysis - PubMed
Proton-Pump Inhibitors to Prevent Gastrointestinal Bleeding - An Updated Meta-Analysis - PubMed
High certainty evidence supports the association of proton-pump inhibitors with decreased upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Proton-pump inhibitors may have little or no effect on mortality, although a decrease in mortality in less severely ill patients and an increase in mortality in more severely il …
Proton-Pump Inhibitors to Prevent Gastrointestinal Bleeding - An Updated Meta-Analysis - PubMed
Paternal and induced gut microbiota seeding complement mother-to-infant transmission - PubMed
Paternal and induced gut microbiota seeding complement mother-to-infant transmission - PubMed
Microbial colonization of the neonatal gut involves maternal seeding, which is partially disrupted in cesarean-born infants and after intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis. However, other physically close individuals could complement such seeding. To assess the role of both parents and of induced seedi …
Paternal and induced gut microbiota seeding complement mother-to-infant transmission - PubMed
Intestinal colonization resistance in the context of environmental, host, and microbial determinants - PubMed
Intestinal colonization resistance in the context of environmental, host, and microbial determinants - PubMed
Microbial communities that colonize the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract defend against pathogens through a mechanism known as colonization resistance (CR). Advances in technologies such as next-generation sequencing, gnotobiotic mouse models, and bacterial cultivation have enhanced our understandi …
Intestinal colonization resistance in the context of environmental, host, and microbial determinants - PubMed
Ecological dynamics imposes fundamental challenges in community-based microbial source tracking - PubMed
Ecological dynamics imposes fundamental challenges in community-based microbial source tracking - PubMed
Quantifying the contributions of possible environmental sources ("sources") to a specific microbial community ("sink") is a classical problem in microbiology known as microbial source tracking (MST). Solving the MST problem will not only help us understand how microbial communities were formed, but …
Ecological dynamics imposes fundamental challenges in community-based microbial source tracking - PubMed
Decoding the role of immune T cells: A new territory for improvement of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease - PubMed
Decoding the role of immune T cells: A new territory for improvement of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease - PubMed
Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is a new emerging concept and is associated with metabolic dysfunction, generally replacing the name of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) due to heterogeneous liver condition and inaccuracies in definition. The prevalence of MAFLD is rising by …
Decoding the role of immune T cells: A new territory for improvement of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease - PubMed
StrainPanDA: Linked reconstruction of strain composition and gene content profiles via pangenome-based decomposition of metagenomic data - PubMed
StrainPanDA: Linked reconstruction of strain composition and gene content profiles via pangenome-based decomposition of metagenomic data - PubMed
Microbial strains of variable functional capacities coexist in microbiomes. Current bioinformatics methods of strain analysis cannot provide the direct linkage between strain composition and their gene contents from metagenomic data. Here we present Strain-level Pangenome Decomp …
StrainPanDA: Linked reconstruction of strain composition and gene content profiles via pangenome-based decomposition of metagenomic data - PubMed
The interplay between gut microbiota and the brain-gut axis in Parkinson's disease treatment - PubMed
The interplay between gut microbiota and the brain-gut axis in Parkinson's disease treatment - PubMed
This study delves into the pivotal role of the gut microbiota and the brain-gut axis in Parkinson's Disease (PD), a neurodegenerative disorder with significant motor and non-motor implications. It posits that disruptions in gut microbiota-dysbiosis-and alterations in the brain-gut axis contribute to …
The interplay between gut microbiota and the brain-gut axis in Parkinson's disease treatment - PubMed
Donors' experiences and attitudes of fecal microbiota transplantation: An empirical bioethics study from China - PubMed
Donors' experiences and attitudes of fecal microbiota transplantation: An empirical bioethics study from China - PubMed
Donor participation is a critical part of ensuring the development of human microbiome research and the clinical application of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). Most FMT donors are still not sufficiently aware of the risks associated with the act of donating gut microbiota, especially the ris …
Donors' experiences and attitudes of fecal microbiota transplantation: An empirical bioethics study from China - PubMed
Gut microbiota in heart failure and related interventions - PubMed
Gut microbiota in heart failure and related interventions - PubMed
Heart failure (HF) is a sophisticated syndrome with structural or functional impairment of ventricular filling or ejection of blood, either causing symptoms and signs or being asymptomatic. HF is a major global health issue affecting about 64.3 million people worldwide. The gut microbiota refers to …
Gut microbiota in heart failure and related interventions - PubMed
Impacts of microbiota and its metabolites through gut-brain axis on pathophysiology of major depressive disorder - PubMed
Impacts of microbiota and its metabolites through gut-brain axis on pathophysiology of major depressive disorder - PubMed
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized by a high rate of recurrence and disability, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. That's why a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of MDD pathology is an urgent task, and some studies have found that intestinal symptoms accompan …
Impacts of microbiota and its metabolites through gut-brain axis on pathophysiology of major depressive disorder - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile infection: history, epidemiology, risk factors, prevention, clinical manifestations, treatment, and future options | Clinical Microbiology Reviews
Clostridioides difficile infection: history, epidemiology, risk factors, prevention, clinical manifestations, treatment, and future options | Clinical Microbiology Reviews
SUMMARYClostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is one of the major issues in nosocomial infections. This bacterium is constantly evolving and poses complex challenges for clinicians, often encountered in real-life scenarios. In the face of CDI, we are ...
Clostridioides difficile infection: history, epidemiology, risk factors, prevention, clinical manifestations, treatment, and future options | Clinical Microbiology Reviews
The Impact of Gastroesophageal Disease on Clostridium difficile Infection Hospitalization: A Nationwide Analysis From the United States
The Impact of Gastroesophageal Disease on Clostridium difficile Infection Hospitalization: A Nationwide Analysis From the United States
Background Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is one of the most common infectious causes of healthcare-associated diarrhea and a significant cause of morbidity and mo...
The Impact of Gastroesophageal Disease on Clostridium difficile Infection Hospitalization: A Nationwide Analysis From the United States
Genomic and phenotypic studies among Clostridioides difficile isolates show a high prevalence of clade 2 and great diversity in clinical isolates from Mexican adults and children with healthcare-associated diarrhea - PubMed
Genomic and phenotypic studies among Clostridioides difficile isolates show a high prevalence of clade 2 and great diversity in clinical isolates from Mexican adults and children with healthcare-associated diarrhea - PubMed
Clostridioides difficile is a toxin-producing bacterial pathogen recognized as the most common cause of diarrhea acquired primarily in healthcare settings. This bacterial species is diverse; its global population has been divided into five different clades using multilocus sequence typing, an …
Genomic and phenotypic studies among Clostridioides difficile isolates show a high prevalence of clade 2 and great diversity in clinical isolates from Mexican adults and children with healthcare-associated diarrhea - PubMed
[Analysis of Clostridioides difficile infection characteristics and risk factors in patients hospitalized for diarrhea in 3 university hospitals in a mid-south city of China] - PubMed
[Analysis of Clostridioides difficile infection characteristics and risk factors in patients hospitalized for diarrhea in 3 university hospitals in a mid-south city of China] - PubMed
The CDI rate remains low in the hospitalized patients with diarrhea in the investigated hospitals, but early precaution measures are recommended when exposure to the risk factors is reported to reduce the risk of CDI in the hospitalized patients.
[Analysis of Clostridioides difficile infection characteristics and risk factors in patients hospitalized for diarrhea in 3 university hospitals in a mid-south city of China] - PubMed
Toxic megacolon: a potentially lethal condition. Case report - PubMed
Toxic megacolon: a potentially lethal condition. Case report - PubMed
Toxic megacolon denotes an abrupt non-obstructive distension of the colon, accompanied by systemic signs of toxicity. Mortality rates can soar as high as 7.9%. While primarily linked with chronic bowel conditions, the incidence attributed to Clostridioides difficile has surged due to the indi …
Toxic megacolon: a potentially lethal condition. Case report - PubMed
The Impact of Gastroesophageal Disease on Clostridium difficile Infection Hospitalization: A Nationwide Analysis From the United States
The Impact of Gastroesophageal Disease on Clostridium difficile Infection Hospitalization: A Nationwide Analysis From the United States
Background Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is one of the most common infectious causes of healthcare-associated diarrhea and a significant cause of morbidity and mo...
The Impact of Gastroesophageal Disease on Clostridium difficile Infection Hospitalization: A Nationwide Analysis From the United States
Characterization and dynamics of intestinal microbiota in patients with Clostridioides difficile colonization and infection - PubMed
Characterization and dynamics of intestinal microbiota in patients with Clostridioides difficile colonization and infection - PubMed
Gut microbiota dysbiosis increases the susceptibility to Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). In this study, we monitored C. difficile colonization (CDC) patients from no CDC status (CDN) to CDC status (CDCp) and CDI patients from asymptomatic status before CDI (PRECDI), CDI status (ONCDI), to …
Characterization and dynamics of intestinal microbiota in patients with Clostridioides difficile colonization and infection - PubMed