Examining Web Worker Performance

Highest Voted 'web-worker' Questions - Stack Overflow
mchaov/WebWorkers: Demos with and without web workers
vkiryukhin/vkthread: javascript plugin allows to execute any function of javascript code in a thread
cheprasov/jThread: Simple way to use multi-threading in javascript. Based on web workers.
icodeforlove/task.js: Simplified interface for getting CPU intensive code to run on all cores (node.js, and web)
developit/greenlet: 🦎 Move an async function into its own thread.
tanzeelkazi/web-worker: Event driven web worker javascript framework.
lukeschaefer/WorkerB: Inline Web Workers without external files
Introduction to Web Workers. A hands-on deep dive into web workers… | by Chidume Nnamdi 🔥💻🎵🎮 | Bits and Pieces
50K Array, HTML5 Web Worker Demo
WebWorker — Creating an async task execution thread | by Lokesh Pathrabe | Medium
Introduction to Web Workers. A hands-on deep dive into web workers… | by Chidume Nnamdi 🔥💻🎵🎮 | Bits and Pieces
Web Workers Demystified. A web worker is a simple way to run… | by Liron Navon | Clockwork | Medium
The Basics of Web Workers - HTML5 Rocks
Web Workers API - Web APIs | MDN
Web Workers to improve UI performance | by Alberto De Agostini | THRON tech blog | Medium
How to communicate with Service Workers