Catching Up Laravel: How to Safely and Efficiently Upgrade an Out-of-Date Laravel App

CSS { In Real Life } | Breaking Out of a Central Wrapper
r/PHP - Do generators really reduce the memory usage?
CSS Line Breaking
assetic-php/assetic: Asset Management for PHP
nemtsov/json-mask: Tiny language and engine for selecting specific parts of a JS object, hiding the rest.
What Generators Can Do For You
Agentur-Server – bestes Hosting für Agenturen & Freelancer
deoostfrees/Parvus: An accessible, open-source image lightbox with no dependencies.
The future needs files – Scott Jenson
Measure page quality
r/PHP - Comment by u/harmar21 on ”Which native PHP features do you regret not knowing about/adapting earlier?”
How to Write Better Landing Page Copy (With Tips)
The Unbounce Guide to Landing Page Copywriting
Smart Copy - AI Copywriting Assistant | Unbounce
5 headline formulas to test on your home page today
NEWSTROLL Newsletter Software
Title Capitalization Rules | Title Case Converter
Sliding Data Expiration in Cache | NCache Docs
Programmer Interrupted: The Real Cost of Interruption and Context Switching
CSS Tooltip Generator - CSS Portal
How Did REST Come To Mean The Opposite of REST?
Presentation title
space10-community/conversational-form: Turning web forms into conversations
PHP-CS-Fixer Configurator
How to lazy load objects in PHP
Interactive Typography Tutorial