kleimaj/multiSelect.js: ๐ฆ โจ Simple multi-select pure vanilla Javascript library.
PhilippeMarcMeyer/vanillaSelectBox: A dropdown menu with lots of features that takes a select tag and transforms it into a single or multi-select menu with 1 or 2 levels
DashboardCode/BsMultiSelect: BsMultiselect is "multiselect input" plugin that reuses your Bootstrap 4 theme and doesn't bring its own css (unless you would like to add it).
snapappointments/bootstrap-select: The jQuery plugin that brings select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection, searching, and much more.
To Create An Evolvable API, Think About The Protocol
To Create An Evolvable API, Stop Thinking About URLs
The time is right for Hotwire
File uploading, processing & delivery for web and mobile apps
phauer/comment-sidecar: Lightweight, tracking-free, self-hosted comment service for web spaces supporting only PHP and MySQL
Frank de Jonge on Twitter
Learn PWA
Issues ยท CuyZ/Valinor
Testing for XSS (Like a KNOXSS) - Brute XSS
GitHub - delboy1978uk/form: HTML Form generation
The Symfony Workflow component explained โ Wouter Carabain
ScriptFUSION/Mapper: Transforms arrays using an object composition DSL.
Elegantly Consuming APIs using Data Transfer Objects in PHP
Json 2 DTO
swaggest/php-json-schema: High definition PHP structures with JSON-schema based validation
swaggest/php-code-builder: JSON Schema enabled PHP code building abstraction for PHP
mormat/php-formula-interpreter - Packagist
math-parser/StdMathParser.php at master ยท mossadal/math-parser
denissimon/formula-parser: Parsing and evaluating mathematical formulas given as strings.
madorin/matex: PHP Mathematical expression parser and evaluator
Online JSON Query Tester
Radical Simplicity in Technology | More happiness and success
Types of Access Permissions
How To Structure Permissions In A SaaS App - Heap