Statamic Addons
Bolt 4 - An open source, adaptable platform for building and running modern websites. Built on PHP, Symfony and more
Multilingual data modeling on MongoDB
What’s the Best Database Structure to Keep Multilingual Data?
JavaScript Functional Google Translate API to translate JSON values.
Building Multilingual Web Apps with Web-Translate
Using HTML's translate attribute
Schema for a multilanguage database
Legacy to Laravel: How to Modernize an Aging PHP Application
Chris Hartjes on Twitter
Migrating Legacy Web Applications to Laravel | php[architect]
Remix Icon - Open source icon library
Migrating to password_verify
Make Me Think
Don't Make Me Think - by Steve Krug | Derek Sivers
15 tips Optimization of a PWA
A clean start for the web
JSON Schema vs. OpenAPI
Spectre.css CSS Framework
CUBE CSS - Piccalilli
TACHYONS - Css Toolkit
1-Line Layouts
The Best Landing Page Design Inspiration, Templates, Resources and More | Landingfolio
Cookie-Einwilligung – User Experience vs. Businessziele | RapidUsertests