Why Personal Websites Matter More Than Ever

Yaak – The API client for modern developers
Developer Differences: Makers vs Menders
WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List
Accessibility Checker - ADA & WCAG Compliance (Free Scan)
discoveryjs/jora: JavaScript object query engine
Jora Sandbox
Changing a way we’re viewing JSON in a browser
Jora docs - JavaScript object query engine
Following up "Mother of all htmx demos"
CasaOS and bash in Docker |
How to add adminuser to archive box and use bash inside docker
Quba-Viewer – Quba E-Invoice Viewer
Something went wrong – Ways out of the JavaScript crisis
Dice - PHP Dependency Injection Container
Dice is a minimalist Inversion of Control (IoC) container (Often called a Dependency Injection Container) for PHP.
kevinlebrun/colors.php: An easy way to add colors in your CLI scripts.
matthiasmullie/minify: CSS & JavaScript minifier, in PHP. Removes whitespace, strips comments, combines files (incl. @import statements and small assets in CSS files), and optimizes/shortens a few common programming patterns.
The Process Component (Symfony Docs)
DanRVP/php-threadpool: A simplistic approach to a threadpool in PHP
patschwork/digiYiiKam: Web frontend for the famous open-source software DigiKam Photo Management
The Case for Spark · putyourlightson/craft-spark · Discussion #2
The Web Component Success Story | jakelazaroff.com
Using Datastar
htmx has a JavaScript API, btw
Building a Single-Page App with htmx | jakelazaroff.com
Virtual scrolling: Core principles and basic implementation in React - LogRocket Blog
The AHA stack overview
Table of Contents: The Ultimate Design Guide