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How to Stop Dementia and Alzheimer's Naturally - YouTube
How to Stop Dementia and Alzheimer's Naturally - YouTube
Dementia and Alzheimer's a big problem in industrialized countries. With the aging population at greater and greater risk for these conditions, it is imperative to understand that there are a variety of natural ways to stop dementia in its tracks. In this video, Dr. Osborne breaks down 6 natural ways you can overcome brain inflammation (brainflammation) including: 1. Avoid gluten 2. Eat lots of healthy fats 3. Avoid eating excessive carbohydrates 4. Take exercise more seriously 5. Maintain a healthy blood sugar 6. Do a medication review with your doctor. Remember, natural help is all about your diet and your lifestyle. There are no magic cures. You have to put in the work. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
How to Stop Dementia and Alzheimer's Naturally - YouTube
Keto Diet Proven Effective in Alzheimer's - with Dr. Phillips The Empowering Neurologist EP. 128 - YouTube
Keto Diet Proven Effective in Alzheimer's - with Dr. Phillips The Empowering Neurologist EP. 128 - YouTube
In our discussions in recent years about Alzheimer's disease, certainly one dietary recommendation seems to gain the spotlight and that is a diet that helps produce ketones. To be fair, most of the support for a ketogenic diet thus far has been theoretical although early animal research has been supportive. Now, I'm excited to report that an actual interventional trial using the ketogenic diet in Alzheimer's patients has been completed and has demonstrated quite remarkable results. The study, performed by my friend Dr. Matthew Phillips in New Zealand, demonstrated significant improvement in a variety of parameters in Alzheimer's patients who were placed on a ketogenic diet in comparison to their standard diet. Here is the actual study: Many of you may remember Dr. Phillips as he appeared on the podcast in the past describing his results of using a ketogenic diet, successfully, in Parkinson's disease: Here's more information about him. ==== Matt is a full-time clinical and research neurologist at Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, New Zealand. His foremost passion is to explore the potential feasibility, safety, and efficacy of metabolic therapies, particularly fasting and ketogenic diets, in creating alternate metabolic states that may improve not only the symptoms, but also function and quality of life, for people with a variety of difficult disorders. ___________________________ Instagram: Website: Subscribe to our channel:
Keto Diet Proven Effective in Alzheimer's - with Dr. Phillips The Empowering Neurologist EP. 128 - YouTube
Epigenomes Free Full-Text The Contribution of Epigenetic Inheritance Processes on Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease
Epigenomes Free Full-Text The Contribution of Epigenetic Inheritance Processes on Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease
During the last years, epigenetic processes have emerged as important factors for many neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). These complex diseases seem to have a heritable component; however, genome-wide association studies failed to identify the genetic loci involved in the etiology. So, how can these changes be transmitted from one generation to the next? Answering this question would allow us to understand how the environment can affect human populations for multiple generations and explain the high prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases, such as AD. This review pays particular attention to the relationship among epigenetics, cognition, and neurodegeneration across generations, deepening the understanding of the relevance of heritability in neurodegenerative diseases. We highlight some recent examples of EI induced by experiences, focusing on their contribution of processes in learning and memory to point out new targets for therapeutic interventions. Here, we first describe the prominent role of epigenetic factors in memory processing. Then, we briefly discuss aspects of EI. Additionally, we summarize evidence of how epigenetic marks inherited by experience and/or environmental stimuli contribute to cognitive status offspring since better knowledge of EI can provide clues in the appearance and development of age-related cognitive decline and AD.
Epigenomes Free Full-Text The Contribution of Epigenetic Inheritance Processes on Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease
Trehalose as a promising therapeutic candidate for the treatment of Parkinson's disease - PubMed
Trehalose as a promising therapeutic candidate for the treatment of Parkinson's disease - PubMed
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive movement disorder resulting primarily from loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. PD is characterized by the accumulation of protein aggregates, and evidence suggests that aberrant protein deposition in dopaminergic neurons could be related to the dysre …
Trehalose as a promising therapeutic candidate for the treatment of Parkinson's disease - PubMed
Treatment for Parkinson's disease with Natural Medicinals
Treatment for Parkinson's disease with Natural Medicinals
Magnesium oil, cannabis and Iodine are natural medicinals that have been found to be a remarkable help in decreasing the pain and spasms and increasing functioning, language, and better attention in Parkinson's disease.
Treatment for Parkinson's disease with Natural Medicinals
Welcome to Fight Parkinson's - Fight Parkinsons
Welcome to Fight Parkinson's - Fight Parkinsons
Welcome to Fight Parkinson’s About Parkinson’s Parkinson’s Causes Parkinson’s Recovery Contact Us Account 2 Day Free Trial Registration Full Access Log In|Log Out My Blog Video Blog Welcome To Fight-Parkinsons I am Colin Potter and I have a Parkinson’s diagnosis Just like you, following m ...
Welcome to Fight Parkinson's - Fight Parkinsons
Special Parkinson's Interview Colin Potter from Fight-Parkins... - YouTube
Special Parkinson's Interview Colin Potter from Fight-Parkins... - YouTube
[Facebook LIVE Replay] Are you interested in combating PD symptoms without simply taking more medication? Dr. Sarah King, PT, DPT chats with Colin Potter, founder of Fight Parkinsons, about his holistic approach to PD. Here's a breakdown of the conversation: 3:00 - Quick Disclaimer 7:30 - Colin’s Background - self-employed problem-solver 10:00 - Colin’s initial symptoms (3 years before official diagnosis) 12:55 - When Colin started taking medication 14:14 - The gift Colin received that changed everything 15:50 - The #1 thing Colin learned initially that launched his journey (hint: it’s at the heart of most chronic diseases) 19:04 - Peek into Colin’s diet 21:30 - How long it took for him to start seeing results (and his transition off medication) 24:00 - Colin’s advice on where to start with nutrition, exercise, supplementation, and toxin elimination upgrades 25:55 - How Colin developed an optimistic mindset and how he stays motivated to keep fighting 28:00 - What Colin’s able to do now physically that he couldn’t do 4 years ago 29:27 - The role of exercise in Colin’s recovery plan 31:49 - Colin’s #1 Reading recommendation 34:53 - Colin’s supplementation program - then and now 38: 55 - The physician who Colin sees primarily to help him guide his natural treatment program (and their plan of attack) 45:20 - A recent victory that Colin got wildly excited about! 47:30 - Steps that Colin recommends when just starting out on your journey 53:45 - The role of toxins in brain health and where they show up in our daily life 55:55 - Answer to the question "Do I have to go 100% for these efforts to be worth it?" 1:00:10 - Constipation, Urinary Frequency, and Colon Hydrotherapy… oh my! 1:04:00 - Colin’s take on dairy in his diet 1:09:50 - The role of medication in a thriving Parkinson's recovery program
Special Parkinson's Interview Colin Potter from Fight-Parkins... - YouTube
Serrapeptase Natural Anti-inflammatory Life Extension Magazine
Serrapeptase Natural Anti-inflammatory Life Extension Magazine
The main serrapeptase benefits is the anti-inflammatory property without the side effect. This supplement may prevent pain, similar to ibuprofen and aspirin; without thinning the blood. Additionally, it has been shown to help prevent plaque buildup in the heart arteries
Serrapeptase Natural Anti-inflammatory Life Extension Magazine
Powerful Treatments For Parkinson's Disease Hydrogen and Magnesium
Powerful Treatments For Parkinson's Disease Hydrogen and Magnesium
“When I first contacted Dr. Sircus to consult with him, I was in desperate need of help. My elderly husband, diagnosed with Parkinson’s, suddenly began to decline rapidly over five months. He had no appetite, lost weight, and gradually lost the ability to walk, even with a walker. His legs were swollen from the ankles... View Article
Powerful Treatments For Parkinson's Disease Hydrogen and Magnesium