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Brain Degeneration Causes, Symptoms & Solutions - YouTube
Brain Degeneration Causes, Symptoms & Solutions - YouTube
Brain degeneration is clearly a serious issue and its symptoms, including memory problems, confusion, and mood changes can be quite scary. Chances are, you want to avoid these symptoms, protect your brain, and stay mentally sharp, preserve your memory, and have a good mood for the rest of your life. Thankfully, there are some natural strategies that can help you with that. For more info read this article: Brain Calm Magnesium: Mito Support: Resveratrol Power: Use coupon code Jockers10 at checkout to save.
Brain Degeneration Causes, Symptoms & Solutions - YouTube
Boost Brain Function and Blood Flow With This 'Fruit' Extract
Boost Brain Function and Blood Flow With This 'Fruit' Extract
Memory problems are rampant, especially among the middle-aged and older populations. So what if you could boost your memory and satisfy a sweet tooth at the very same time? New research proves that you can free two birds with one hand by consuming the juice of this fabulous fruit...
Boost Brain Function and Blood Flow With This 'Fruit' Extract
6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition
6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition
It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but the default state of the body is one of ceaseless regeneration. Without the flame-like persistence of continual cell turnover within the body - life and death ceaselessly intertwined - the miracle of the human body would not exist
6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition
Brain Regeneration 12 Ways to Heal Brain Cells - YouTube
Brain Regeneration 12 Ways to Heal Brain Cells - YouTube
Brain regeneration is an important concept that is critical in today’s environment. Your brain is the command center of your nervous system and the center of all of your body’s functions and systems. The health of your brain is essential for your memory, learning, mental energy, and mood, and the prevention of mental health issues and neurodegenerative disorders. For more info go here: Brain Calm Magnesium: Mito Support:
Brain Regeneration 12 Ways to Heal Brain Cells - YouTube
Is Your Brain Making Enough GABA -
Is Your Brain Making Enough GABA -
GABA (Gamma-AminoButyric Acid) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that has a calming and relaxing effect in the brain. Is your brain making enough GABA?
Is Your Brain Making Enough GABA -
Leaky Brain - What it is - YouTube
Leaky Brain - What it is - YouTube Leaky Brain - Does it exist? Dr. Osborne breaks down brain inflammation, type III diabetes, and the mechanisms behind how gluten can cause brain inflammation, brain fog, and much more. Join Dr. Osborne to discuss what to do to preserve your health. Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Leaky Brain - What it is - YouTube
12 Proven Natural Therapies to Prevent and Relieve Migraines
12 Proven Natural Therapies to Prevent and Relieve Migraines
Every year nearly one in five Americans experience some form of migraine attack. One in 25 will have headaches lasting at least 15 days per month. Here's what to do when a disabling migraine strikes you.
12 Proven Natural Therapies to Prevent and Relieve Migraines
Clues to improving wound healing -- ScienceDaily
Clues to improving wound healing -- ScienceDaily
A plant-based polyphenol promotes the migration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) in blood circulation and accumulates them in damaged tissues to improve wound healing, scientists have found. It is anticipated that the results will be used for stem cell treatments for cutaneous disorders associated with various damage and lesions.
Clues to improving wound healing -- ScienceDaily
Magnesium The Safe First Line of Defense for Clinical Depression
Magnesium The Safe First Line of Defense for Clinical Depression
The science supporting the efficacy of magnesium for major depression and other psychiatric disorders, testing for magnesium deficiency, and which forms and dosages are most effective
Magnesium The Safe First Line of Defense for Clinical Depression
MCT Fats Found In Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only One Dose
MCT Fats Found In Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only One Dose
MCTs, the primary type of fat found within coconut oil, have been found to boost cognitive performance in older adults suffering from memory disorders as serious as Alzheimer's -- and not after months or even days of treatment, but after a single 40 ml dose!
MCT Fats Found In Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only One Dose
A new player revealed in nerve growth process -- ScienceDaily
A new player revealed in nerve growth process -- ScienceDaily
A protein previously known for its role in kidney function, adaptor protein CD2AP, also plays a significant role in the nervous system, and is associated with a type of neural growth known as collateral sprouting, say investigators.
A new player revealed in nerve growth process -- ScienceDaily
Concussions loosen insulation around brain cells Condition detected two weeks after concussion, when players said they felt ok -- ScienceDaily
Concussions loosen insulation around brain cells Condition detected two weeks after concussion, when players said they felt ok -- ScienceDaily
Detailed scans of concussed hockey players found that the protective fatty tissue surrounding brain cell fibers was loosened two weeks after the injury -- even though the athletes felt fine and were deemed ready to return to the ice. A loosening of that insulation, called myelin, slows the transmission of electrical signals between neurons, and shows that passing a concussion test may not be a reliable indicator of whether the brain has truly healed.
Concussions loosen insulation around brain cells Condition detected two weeks after concussion, when players said they felt ok -- ScienceDaily
More evidence that male and female brains are wired differently Eurek (...)
More evidence that male and female brains are wired differently Eurek (...)
While measuring brain activity with magnetic resonance imaging during blood pressure trials, UCLA researchers found that men and women had opposite responses in the right front of the insular cortex, a part of the brain integral to the experience of emotions, blood pressure control and self-awareness.
More evidence that male and female brains are wired differently Eurek (...)
Connections between gut microbiota and the brain -- ScienceDaily
Connections between gut microbiota and the brain -- ScienceDaily
Intestinal bacteria that can boost bravery or trigger multiple sclerosis: An increasing body of research results confirms the importance of the “gut-brain axis” for neurology and indicates that the triggers for a number of neurological diseases may be located in the digestive tract.
Connections between gut microbiota and the brain -- ScienceDaily
New hope for diabetic wound healing -- ScienceDaily
New hope for diabetic wound healing -- ScienceDaily
A compound that accelerates diabetic wound healing has been identified by investigators, which may open the door to new treatment strategies.
New hope for diabetic wound healing -- ScienceDaily