Cannabis Oil Brain Tumor Remission by Jeffrey Dach MD - Jeffrey Dach M (...)
Cancer Survivor Story - Joanne Stuart - Brain, Bladder & Lung Cancer - YouTube
Brain cancer Two essential amino acids might hold key to better outcom (...)
The altered metabolism of two essential amino acids helps drive the development of the most common and lethal form of brain cancer, new research has discovered. The findings suggest new ways to treat the malignancy, slow its progression and reveal its extent more precisely. The study shows that in glioblastoma, the essential amino acids methionine and tryptophan are abnormally metabolized due to the loss of key enzymes in GBM cells.
Having a Choice Successful Use of LDN for Difficult-To-Treat Cancers a (...)
Dr. Burton Berkson, an integrative physician from New Mexico, relates his vast experience with LDN in treating pancreatic cancer and autoimmune disease.
Why Vitamin C Fights Cancer So Well
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What are the 21 Basic Causes and 4 Basic Characteristics of Cancers
The truth is that there is no one cause of cancer. There is a multiplicity of causes acting simultaneously through the years that leads up to each person’s cancer. That means there is no single demon that we can blame our cancer on. As you go through the below list of causes try to pick... View Article
Trehalose Liposomes Suppress the Growth of Tumors on Human Lung Carcinoma-bearing Mice by Induction of Apoptosis In Vivo - PubMed
Remarkably high anti-tumor activities of DMTreC14 for the subcutaneous and orthotopic graft-bearing mice of lung carcinoma accompanied with apoptosis were revealed for the first time in vivo.
Understanding Pancreatic Cancer Causes and Treatments
“The pancreas is the first organ to develop inhibited function from varied stresses,”[1] writes Dr. William Philpott and Dr. Dwight K. Kalita in their book Brain Allergies. Recent studies have shown that virtually 100% of all Americans have an enlarged pancreas by the time they’re 40 and the incidence of pancreatic cancer has been... View Article
Ralph Moss, PhD - Author of Questioning Chemotherapy, The Cancer Industry, & Cancer Incorporated.
Dr. Ralph Moss has dedicated his life to evaluate the claims of conventional and alternative cancer treatments all over the world.
Promising role for Gc-MAF in cancer immunotherapy from bench to bedside
Immunotherapy has been used for years in many types of cancer therapy. Recently, cancer immunotherapy has focused on mechanisms which can enhance the development of cell-mediated immunity. Anticancer medications are administered to inhibit immunosuppressive ...
Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins
Diet containing the anthelminthic fenbendazole is used often to treat rodent pinworm infections because it is easy to use and has few reported adverse effects on research. However, during fenbendazole treatment at our institution, an established human ...
QA #12 The Gerson Therapy and stents - YouTube
A Question and Answer series from Andrew Saul PhD.
See his free Vitamin Series at
Patrick Quillin, PhD - Beating Cancer with Nutrition
Dr. Patrick Quillin shares valuable insight on healing and prevention and the inner workings of the pharmaceutical and cancer industries.
Much shorter radiation treatment found to be safe, effective for people with soft tissue sarcoma Study shows radiation therapy can be cut from 5 weeks to 5 days -- ScienceDaily
A new study found that treating soft tissue sarcoma with radiation over a significantly shorter period of time is safe, and likely just as effective, as a much longer conventional course of treatment.
Novel fucoidan based bioactive targeted nanoparticles from Undaria Pinnatifida for treatment of pancreatic cancer - ScienceDirect
Fucoidan is a marine polymer extracted from diverse types of brown algae. This polysaccharide showed great potential towards treatment of different ty…
Molecular and Cellular Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on Human Lung Cancer Cells Potential Therapeutic Implications
Lung cancer has a very high mortality-to-incidence ratio, representing one of the main causes of cancer mortality worldwide. Therefore, new treatment strategies are urgently needed. Several diseases including lung cancer have been associated with the action of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from which hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is one of the most studied. Despite the fact that H2O2 may have opposite effects on cell proliferation depending on the concentration and cell type, it triggers several antiproliferative responses. H2O2 produces both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA lesions, increases the expression of cell adhesion molecules, and increases p53 activity and other transcription factors orchestrating cancer cell death. In addition, H2O2 facilitates the endocytosis of oligonucleotides, affects membrane proteins, induces calcium release, and decreases cancer cell migration and invasion. Furthermore, the MAPK pathway and the expression of genes related to inflammation including interleukins, TNF-α, and NF-κB are also affected by H2O2. Herein, we will summarize the main effects of hydrogen peroxide on human lung cancer leading to suggesting it as a potential therapeutic tool to fight this disease. Because of the multimechanistic nature of this molecule, novel therapeutic approaches for lung cancer based on the use of H2O2 may help to decrease the mortality from this malignancy.
Hydrogen Inhalation Cures Brain Cancer
An important case study of a 47 year old woman suffering from multiple tumors of the brain showed how important hydrogen medicine will be in the future of medicine and modern oncology. In my book on Hydrogen Medicine I have already written on using hydrogen for cancer patients. This study sustains what I have written... View Article
Veggies and Fruit to Reduce Cancer Risk NaturalHealth365
Onions Have 6 Powerful Health Benefits NaturalHealth365
Modified Citrus Pectin for Detoxification, Cancer, Longevity Heal Naturally
Magnesium Deficiency as a Cause and Essential Treatment for Cancer
In this chapter we are going to part the red sea of cancer with magnesium. A complex relationship links magnesium and cancer. Magnesium is a serious cancer medicine because it stabilizces ATP[1] and allows for DNA and RNA transcriptions and repairs.[2] Magnesium deficiency has been shown to be carcinogenic, and in the case of solid... View Article
Melatonin inhibits lung metastasis of gastric cancer in vivo - ScienceDirect
Melatonin shows therapeutic benefits in gastric cancer, but the mechanism underlying its anticancer effects remains elusive. The aim of this study was…
Leukaemia cells can transform into non-cancerous cells through epigenetic changes -- ScienceDaily
Researchers have discovered that a leukemic cell is capable of transforming into a non-cancerous cell through epigenetic changes.
Ivermectin - enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations
Melatonin Stops Cancer! Antiaging Systems
A few years ago, Dr. Frank Shallenberger, a Medical Doctor who makes his practice in Carson City, Nevada- and who also holds a doctorate in Natural
Ivermectin Antiparasitic Anticancer Wonder Drug - Jeffrey Dach MD
Antiparasitic Drug Ivermectin Has Remarkable Anti-Cancer Activity.
Itraconazole Anti-Cancer Anti-Fungal Drug - Jeffrey Dach MD
jeffrey dach md bioidentical hormones and natural thyroid for hashimotos
God's Natural Chemotherapy Strategies -
God has given us what we need to heal naturally. Discover God's natural chemotherapy with various foods, herbs and health strategies.
Henning Saupe, MD - The Naturopathic Integrative Approach to Oncology
Dr. Henning Saupe, founder of Arcadia Clinic, has spent 25 years treating cancer with holistic, naturopathic, and integrative therapies.
Gluten and Cancer – What is the Connection - YouTube
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Does gluten cause cancer? Do those with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease have an increased risk for developing this deadly disease? We will get to that shortly. First let’s dive into some statistics and facts around this deadly disease. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, with more than 1.5 million new cases diagnosed per year. About 40% of American adults are expected to develop cancer at some point in their life. And the World Health Organization predicts cases worldwide to rise by 70% over the next 30 years. All that being said, it is estimated that 1/2 of all cancers are caused by lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit:
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit:
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.