Second Lockdown Imminent The FACTS Will Keep Us Safe From Further Tyranny! - YouTube
Shining the Light on Unnecessary Quarantines
The latest information is that the lockdown was unnecessary. In fact, not only was it unnecessary but it turns out that locking people in their homes was exactly the wrong thing to do. A study of almost 800 people shows that the higher your vitamin D status the less the coronavirus will affect you. Get... View Article
Something No One is Telling You - YouTube
There is something no one is telling you
Subpeona Dr. Judy Mikovits to testify before Congress on the corruption of Dr. Anthony Fauci. We the People Your Voice in Our Government
Learn how the Biden-Harris Administration is tackling our nation’s challenges and building our country back better from this crisis.
Sweden covid protocol - Google Search
TAIWAN No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member, and
Astonishingly, in spite of being only 80 miles from the coast of China with over 400,000 of its 24 million citizens working in China, as of mid-April, Taiwan only has 400 cases of COVID, 6 deaths
The Brothers Grim Bill and Mike’s Pandemic Panopticon
Covid-19 isn't simply a virus to be dealt with so we can move on with our lives. The response to this event is meant to instill fear and an acceptance of indefinite authoritarian measures
The Covid Pandemic Destroying People’s Lives. Engineered
The Lies are sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. 24/7, Incessant and repetitive "Covid alerts" for the last ten months. … It is a process of social engineering
COVID-19 Treatment - Analysis of 68 global studies showing high effectiveness for early treatment
U.S. government funded virus research inside China with a $3.7 million grant
Wow! Twitter Removes Claim About CDC And Covid 19 Coronavirus Deaths That Trump Retweeted - YouTube
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available.We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection ...
Coronavirus, How to Protect Ourselves - Jeffrey Dach MD
Corona Virus how to protect ourselves, hydroxychloroquine, botanicals and supplements.
Do the Math MATH+ Saves Lives
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Institutionalized Medical Malpractice & COVID
It’s been over six weeks since Iowa dropped all state-level COVID restrictions, and surprise, surprise, hospitalized patients are down 54 percent. But if you try to Google this information, all you will see is death, dying, and it must be the end of the world because of COVID, which miraculously seems to be a cure... View Article
Underlying Conditions Raise Risk Of Hospitalization NaturalHealth365
Dr. Richard Bartlett The Covid Silver Bullet
! T-Detect is simply the best test
Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
The 'I-MASK+ Prophylaxis and Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19' and the 'MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19' are physiologic-based combination treatment regimen created by the FLCCC Alliance, a group of leaders in critical care medicine. All component medicines in our protocols are well approved, inexpensive, readily available and have been used for decades with well-established safety profiles.
A new clinical trial to test high-dose vitamin C in patients with COVID-19
Antibody Test Results for COVID-19 Inaccurate NaturalHealth365
Astonishing COVID-19 Testing Fraud Revealed GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought us many harsh lessons. Importantly, it has shown us how easy it is to manufacture panic and control entire populations through deceptive means
Busted 11 COVID Assumptions Based on Fear Not Fact GreenMedInfo
COVID assumptions - the assumptions people make about COVID, how dangerous it is, how it spreads and what we need to do to stop it - are running rampant and far more wildly than the supposed virus
CDC COVID Test Kit Errors Reported NaturalHeatlh365
COVID Testing Problems in Florida NaturalHealth365
COVID-19 Death Rates Much Lower NaturalHealth365
COVID-19 Postive Test on Goat and Fruit NaturalHealth365
Glutathione Against Cancer and Viral Infections
"My husband was dealing with stage 4 leukemia, and tests showed he developed multiple myeloma (M spike), yet we’re doing well due in large part to following some of Dr. Sircus’ protocols. My husband self-discharged from the hospital in Oct 2019 after a three-week stay nearly killed him. As a parting present from the hospital,... View Article
COVID-19 Testing and Protocols Revealed NaturalHealth365
False Positive Covid Tests Will Extend Unjustified Lockdowns, Fauci
Whether you live in the USA or most of Europe, one thing remains true: Covid-19 testing regimes are being aggressively pushed onto populations