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! 1 I-RECOVER Protocol | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
! 1 I-RECOVER Protocol | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
Major public health authorities do not recognize post-COVID-vaccine injuries; and there is no specific ICD classification code for this disease. However, while no official definition exists, a temporal correlation between a patient receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and beginning or worsening of clinical manifestations is sufficient to diagnose as a COVID-19 vaccine-induced injury when the symptoms are unexplained by other concurrent causes.Since there are no published reports detailing the management of vaccine-injured patients, our treatment approach is based on the postulated pathogenetic mechanism, clinical observation, and patient anecdotes. Treatment must be individualized according to each patient’s presenting symptoms and disease syndromes. It is likely that not all patients will respond equally to the same intervention; a particular intervention may be life saving for one patient and totally ineffective for another.Early treatment is essential; it is likely that the response to treatment will be attenuated when treatment is delayed.
! 1 I-RECOVER Protocol | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
Original research: Gut microbiota dynamics in a prospective cohort of patients with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome
Original research: Gut microbiota dynamics in a prospective cohort of patients with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome
Long-term complications after COVID-19 are common, but the potential cause for persistent symptoms after viral clearance remains unclear.To investigate whether gut microbiome composition is linked to post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS), defined as at ...
Original research: Gut microbiota dynamics in a prospective cohort of patients with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome
1 The Pathology of Long Covid - Why Viral Debris May Be The Cause With Dr Bruce Patterson - YouTube
1 The Pathology of Long Covid - Why Viral Debris May Be The Cause With Dr Bruce Patterson - YouTube
In this second in the series of expert interviews, I talk with Dr Bruce Patterson about the pathology of Long Covid, his latest research results which suggest residual viral protein is responsible for triggering long haulers symptoms, and just what the implications of that might be for treatment and recovery. References: Patterson et al, paper 1: Cheung et al, Viral debris in gut and liver: 0:00 Introduction 0:25 Dr Patterson's background 2:43 Viral debris 6:52 Where is it coming from? 9:39 Is it specific to long haulers? 13:30 Why so many long haulers from wave 1? 16:35 Other evidence of viral persistence 19:20 The role of the gut 21:10 What about auto antibodies? 22:31 What role do hormones play? 24:53 Treatment 28:53 Can we treat the cause? 31:00 Do steroids have a role in treatment? 32:53 Dream research project 35:00 The third paper 35:47 Conclusion
1 The Pathology of Long Covid - Why Viral Debris May Be The Cause With Dr Bruce Patterson - YouTube
1 Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
1 Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity   29 September 2021     The International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor Post Office Box 19519 2500 CM The Hague The Netherlands     And   Ms. Karen Mosoti, or official replacement for the office of Liaison Office of the International Criminal Court to the United Nations 866 United Nations Plaza Suite 476 New York, NY, 10017 USA 212-486-1346/47/62     Email:   Dear
1 Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
! + Search 2016
! + Search 2016
Use the tag #Vaccine to bring up important documents related to Vaccine Exemptions, Prevention and Treatment. I am really impressed with the ! 1 Free Rapid Virus Recovery Book.
! + Search 2016