Fasting Ketogenic Diet

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Why Do You Recommend Water Fasting by Michael Klaper, M.D. - YouTube
Why Do You Recommend Water Fasting by Michael Klaper, M.D. - YouTube
In this lecture, Dr. Michael Klaper discusses the critical importance of gut bacteria, lists diseases and conditions that can be caused by “leaky gut syndrome,” and details how to cure it. How do you know if you have a leaky gut? What is an Intestinal Permeability Test? What should you do if you have a leaky gut? How can you repair gut integrity and the barrier function? How long does it normally take? Dr. Klaper answers these questions. He talks about the difference between eating sugar as a flavoring versus eating sugar as food, explains what happens when you kill off “good” bacteria in your body, and how to defend yourself against “modern life’s assault on friendly intestinal bacteria.” Dr. Klaper says, “In any complex natural system, you can’t do just one thing.” He reminds us that everything is connected and that what we do have repercussions and consequences. “Leaky Gut” may underlie dozens of serious medical conditions – from acne to autism and AIDS to autoimmune arthritis – and it affects far more of our population than is realized, which is why its clinical importance is being acknowledged. Dr. Michael Klaper, a practicing physician for more than 40 years, says the causes of “leaky gut” are dietary and environmental. Connect with The Real Truth About Health Passionate believers in whole food plant based diets, no chemicals, minimal pharmaceutical drugs, no GMO's. Fighting to stop climate change and extinction.
Why Do You Recommend Water Fasting by Michael Klaper, M.D. - YouTube
Why I Drink Bone Broth Every Day! - YouTube
Why I Drink Bone Broth Every Day! - YouTube
To get Kettle & Fire Bone Broth go here: Use the coupon code JOCKERS at checkout to save 15% Many cultures have used bone broth to make healing elixers, soups and stews for many centuries. The Jewish community made chicken soup the popular remedy for the common cold without fully understanding the unique health benefits in this dish. Science has revealed the amazing health benefits that come with bone broth. Bone broth can be made from any animal with bones and the most popular soup bones include those of fish, chicken, turkey, beef, lamb and venison. The bones house a variety of powerful nutrients that become released when they are slowly simmered in water for a few hours. These nutrients include bone marrow which helps provide the raw materials for healthy blood cells and immune development.
Why I Drink Bone Broth Every Day! - YouTube
William Li Can we eat to starve cancer TED Talk
William Li Can we eat to starve cancer TED Talk
(NOTE: This talk was given in 2010, and this field of science has developed quickly since then. Enjoy it as a piece of science history but not as the last word on this topic. Read "Criticisms & updates" below for more details.) William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game.
William Li Can we eat to starve cancer TED Talk