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Glucosamine and mortality a note of caution Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Glucosamine and mortality a note of caution Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
I read with interest the paper by Li et al 1 reporting the association of regular glucosamine use with lower mortality. The authors report significantly lower all-cause mortality HR 0.85 (95% CI 0.82 to 0.89), cardiovascular mortality HR 0.82 (95% CI 0.74 to 0.90), cancer mortality HR 0.94 (95% CI 0.88 to 0.99), respiratory mortality HR 0.73 (95% CI 0.66 to 0.81) and digestive mortality HR 0.74 (95% CI 0.62 to 0.90). The magnitude of the reported reduction in mortality is striking, as is the consistency across major disease categories. The results reported by the authors are consistent with other prior epidemiological studies looking at glucosamine and mortality.2–4 The biological plausibility for glucosamine having such pronounced causative effects …
Glucosamine and mortality a note of caution Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Molecular Targets and Related Biologic Activities of Fucoidan A Review - PubMed
Molecular Targets and Related Biologic Activities of Fucoidan A Review - PubMed
Fucoidan-a marine natural active polysaccharide derived from brown algae with a variety of medicinal activities and low toxicity-has been used as clinical drug for renal diseases for nearly 20 years. The pharmacological mechanism of fucoidan has been well-investigated, based on target molecules and …
Molecular Targets and Related Biologic Activities of Fucoidan A Review - PubMed
Molecules Free Full-Text Application of pH-Responsive FucoidanChitosan Nanoparticles to Improve Oral Quercetin Delivery
Molecules Free Full-Text Application of pH-Responsive FucoidanChitosan Nanoparticles to Improve Oral Quercetin Delivery
Polymeric nanoparticles based on fucoidan and chitosan were developed to deliver quercetin as a novel functional food. Through the polyelectrolyte self-assembly method, fucoidan/chitosan (F/C) nanoparticles were obtained with three different weight ratios (1/1, 3/1, and 5/1). The content of quercetin in the fucoidan/chitosan nanoparticles was in the range 110 ± 3 to 335 ± 4 mg·mL−1, with the increase of weight ratio of fucoidan to chitosan in the nanoparticle. Physicochemically stable nanoparticles were obtained with a particle size within the 300–400 nm range and surface potential higher than +30 mV for the 1F/1C ratio nanoparticle and around −30 mV for the 3F/1C and 5F/1C ratios nanoparticles. The 1F/1C ratio nanoparticle became larger and more unstable as the pH increased from 2.5 to 7.4, while the 3F/1C and 5F/1C nanoparticles retained their initial characteristics. This result indicates that the latter nanoparticles were stable along the gastrointestinal tract. The quercetin-loaded fucoidan/chitosan nanoparticles showed strong antioxidant activity and controlled release under simulated gastrointestinal environments (in particular for the 3F/1C and 5F/1C ratios), preventing quercetin degradation and increasing its oral bioavailability.
Molecules Free Full-Text Application of pH-Responsive FucoidanChitosan Nanoparticles to Improve Oral Quercetin Delivery
Glucosamine improves survival in a mouse model of sepsis and attenuates sepsis-induced lung injury and inflammation. - PubMed - NCBI
Glucosamine improves survival in a mouse model of sepsis and attenuates sepsis-induced lung injury and inflammation. - PubMed - NCBI
The aim of the current study was to investigate the effects of glucosamine (GlcN) on septic lethality and sepsis-induced inflammation using animal models of mice and zebrafish. GlcN pretreatment improved survival in the cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)-induced sepsis mouse model and attenuated lipo …
Glucosamine improves survival in a mouse model of sepsis and attenuates sepsis-induced lung injury and inflammation. - PubMed - NCBI
Symbiotic effect of Aloe vera juice on the growth of Lactobacilllus fe (...)
Symbiotic effect of Aloe vera juice on the growth of Lactobacilllus fe (...)
AIM: Long-term dietary intake of non-caloric fiber, such as Aloe vera gel influences the structural and activity of micro-organisms in the human gut. The present investigation was executed with an innovative concept: symbiotic effect of probiotics that are used commercially as lactic acid bacteria i.e. Lactobacillus fermentum and Aloe vera juice as prebiotics for a prospective prophylaxis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fermentation of L. fermentum with Aloe vera juice certified by International Aloe Science Council was carried out and the quantification of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) from the fermentation broth in large scale was determined by gas-chromatography-mass-spectrometry selective detection in the selective ion monitoring mode. RESULTS: The growth of L. fermentum and L. helveticus with Aloe vera juice (AVJ) individually on MRS broth was continued to keep at pH 3.5 and 3.6, while pH of the negative controls changed to 4.3 and 4.0, respectively, during 24 hr incubation. The growth rate and the viability of L. helveticus incubated with different concentrations (5-25%) of Aloe vera juice were strongly reduced. However, the growth rate of L. fermentum was enhanced in a concentration dependent manner with emphasis on the use of 15% AVJ that resulted in two times more growth than that of the negative control. Continuation of L. fermentum growth at pH 3.6 in combination with AVJ during incubation for 24 hr suggests the durability of prebiotic potential by AVJ in in vitro fermentation. Acetic, propionic and lactic acid as SCFAs in the ether extract were identified from the fermentation culture medium. CONCLUSION: The prebiotic activity of AVJ may be assessed by the participation of SCFAs during 24 hrs-incubation with L. fermentum. An innovative concept of symbiotics: a combination of AVJ and L. fermentum, is a perspective prophylaxis on future intestinal health claims. Due to tolerance to acid, L. fermentum may pass through the gastric barrier and colonize the intestine after oral administration.
Symbiotic effect of Aloe vera juice on the growth of Lactobacilllus fe (...)
damaged glycocalyx - Bing
damaged glycocalyx - Bing
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damaged glycocalyx - Bing
Molecules Free Full-Text Current Trends on Seaweeds Looking at Chemical Composition, Phytopharmacology, and Cosmetic Applications HTML
Molecules Free Full-Text Current Trends on Seaweeds Looking at Chemical Composition, Phytopharmacology, and Cosmetic Applications HTML
Seaweeds have received huge interest in recent years given their promising potentialities. Their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, hypolipemic, and anticoagulant effects are among the most renowned and studied bioactivities so far, and these effects have been increasingly associated with their content and richness in both primary and secondary metabolites. Although primary metabolites have a pivotal importance such as their content in polysaccharides (fucoidans, agars, carragenans, ulvans, alginates, and laminarin), recent data have shown that the content in some secondary metabolites largely determines the effective bioactive potential of seaweeds. Among these secondary metabolites, phenolic compounds feature prominently. The present review provides the most remarkable insights into seaweed research, specifically addressing its chemical composition, phytopharmacology, and cosmetic applications.
Molecules Free Full-Text Current Trends on Seaweeds Looking at Chemical Composition, Phytopharmacology, and Cosmetic Applications HTML
Gum Acacia and Studies the Resistance to Oxidation and the Changes Phases against the Characteristics of Physicochemical Aloe vera Gel
Gum Acacia and Studies the Resistance to Oxidation and the Changes Phases against the Characteristics of Physicochemical Aloe vera Gel
Aloe vera gel is a potential material as raw material industry, this is because a very complex composition. However Aloe vera gel is very easily oxidized or unstable. Viscosity gel and the benefit are decreased at room temperature after 24-36 hours. This research aims to obtain information about the resistance to oxidation via nitogren gas treatment and antioxidants, as well as the influence of phase changes in an attempt to retain the characteristics of the physicochemical Aloe vera gel over time. This Study can be described a conclusion that the best storage conditions are sound-proofed temperature conditions (4 ± 1)oc. Environmental conditioning by administering nitrogen gas storage and antioxidant Buthylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) 750 ppm for 4 weeks defending the nature physicochemical Aloe vera gel. Freeze drying process of Aloe vera gel that has filled gum Arabic 3 % generates a more homogenous powder and smaller and more.
Gum Acacia and Studies the Resistance to Oxidation and the Changes Phases against the Characteristics of Physicochemical Aloe vera Gel
Glucosamine prevents polarization of cytotoxic granules in NK-92 cells by disturbing FOXO1ERKpaxillin phosphorylation
Glucosamine prevents polarization of cytotoxic granules in NK-92 cells by disturbing FOXO1ERKpaxillin phosphorylation
Glucosamine (GlcN) is a naturally occurring derivative of glucose and an over-the-counter food additive. However, the mechanism underlying GlcN action on cells is unknown. In this study, we investigated the effect of GlcN on natural killer (NK) cells. We demonstrate that GlcN affects NK-92 cell cytotoxicity by altering the distribution of cathepsin C, a cysteine protease required for granzyme processing in cytotoxic granules. The relocation of cathepsin C due to GlcN was shown to be accompanied by a decrease in the intracellular enzyme activity and its extracellular secretion. Similarly, the relocation of endosomal aspartic cathepsin E was observed. Furthermore, we elucidated that repositioning of cathepsin C is a consequence of altered signaling pathways of cytotoxic granule movement. The inhibition of phosphorylation upstream and downstream of ERK by GlcN disturbed the polarized release of cytotoxic vesicles. Considerable changes in the ERK phosphorylation dynamics, but not in those of p38 kinase or JNK, were observed in the IL2-activated NK-92 cells. We found decreased phosphorylation of the transcription factor FOXO1 and simultaneous prolonged phosphorylation of ERK as well as its nuclear translocation. Additionally, a protein downstream of the ERK phosphorylation cascade, paxillin, was less phosphorylated, resulting in a diffuse distribution of cytotoxic granules. Taken together, our results suggest that dietary GlcN affects signaling pathway activation of NK-92 immune cells.
Glucosamine prevents polarization of cytotoxic granules in NK-92 cells by disturbing FOXO1ERKpaxillin phosphorylation
Glucosamine Promotes Hepatitis B Virus Replication Through its Dual Effects in Suppressing Autophagic Degradation
Glucosamine Promotes Hepatitis B Virus Replication Through its Dual Effects in Suppressing Autophagic Degradation
Glucosamine (GlcN), a dietary supplement widely utilized to promote joint health and effective in the treatment of osteoarthritis, is an effective macroautophagy/autophagy activator in vitro and in vivo. Previous studies have shown that autophagy is required for hepatitis B virus (HBV) …
Glucosamine Promotes Hepatitis B Virus Replication Through its Dual Effects in Suppressing Autophagic Degradation
Nutrients Free Full-Text Anti-Diabetic Effects and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Laminaria japonica and Hizikia fusiforme in Skeletal Muscle In Vitro and In Vivo Model HTML
Nutrients Free Full-Text Anti-Diabetic Effects and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Laminaria japonica and Hizikia fusiforme in Skeletal Muscle In Vitro and In Vivo Model HTML
Laminaria japonica (LJ) and Hizikia fusiforme (HF) are brown seaweeds known to have various health-promoting effects. In this study, we investigated the anti-diabetic effects and possible mechanism(s) of LJ and HF by using both in vitro and in vivo models. C2C12 myotubes, mouse-derived skeletal muscle cells, treated with LF or HF extracts were used for the in vitro model, and muscle tissues from C57BL/6N mice fed a high-fat diet supplemented with 5% LF or HF for 16 weeks were used for the in vivo model. Although both the LF and HF extracts significantly inhibited α-glucosidase activity in a dose-dependent manner, the HF extract had a superior α-glucosidase inhibition than the LF extract. In addition, glucose uptake was significantly increased by LJ- and HF-treated groups when compared to the control group. Phosphorylation of protein kinase B and AMP-activated protein kinase was induced by LJ and HF in both the vivo and in vitro skeletal muscle models. Furthermore, LJ and HF significantly decreased tumor necrosis factor-α whereas both extracts increased interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-10 production in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated C2C12 myotubes. Taken together, these findings imply that the brown seaweeds LJ and HF could be useful therapeutic agents to attenuate muscle insulin resistance due to diet-induced obesity and its associated inflammation.
Nutrients Free Full-Text Anti-Diabetic Effects and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Laminaria japonica and Hizikia fusiforme in Skeletal Muscle In Vitro and In Vivo Model HTML
Nutrients Free Full-Text Oligo-Fucoidan Improves Diabetes-Induced Renal Fibrosis via Activation of Sirt-1, GLP-1R, and Nrf2HO-1 An In Vitro and In Vivo Study HTML
Nutrients Free Full-Text Oligo-Fucoidan Improves Diabetes-Induced Renal Fibrosis via Activation of Sirt-1, GLP-1R, and Nrf2HO-1 An In Vitro and In Vivo Study HTML
Fucoidan extracted from brown algae has multiple beneficial functions. In this study, we investigated the effects of low-molecular-weight fucoidan (oligo-FO) on renal fibrosis under in vitro and in vivo diabetic conditions, and its molecular mechanisms. Advanced glycation product (AGE)-stimulated rat renal proximal tubular epithelial cells (NRK-52E) and diabetic mice induced by high-fat diet and intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin and nicotinamide were used. Oligo-FO treatment significantly inhibited anti-high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1)/RAGE/ anti-nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB)/transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1)/TGF-β1R/Smad 2/3/fibronectin signaling pathway and HIF-1α activation in AGE-stimulated NRK-52E cells. Conversely, the expression and activity of Sirt-1; the levels of ubiquitin-specific peptidase 22 (USP22), p-AMPK, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R), and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1); and Nrf2 activation were remarkably increased by oligo-FO in AGE-stimulated cells. However, the above effects of oligo-FO were greatly diminished by inhibiting Sirt-1, HO-1, or GLP-1R activity. Similar changes of these pro-fibrotic genes in the kidney and a marked attenuation of renal injury and dysfunction were observed in oligo-FO-treated diabetic mice. These findings indicated that the inhibitory effects of the oligo-FO on diabetes-evoked renal fibrosis are mediated by suppressing TGF-β1-activated pro-fibrogenic processes via Sirt-1, HO-1, and GLP-1R dependence. Collectively, fucoidan-containing foods or supplements may be potential agents for ameliorating renal diseases due to excessive fibrosis.
Nutrients Free Full-Text Oligo-Fucoidan Improves Diabetes-Induced Renal Fibrosis via Activation of Sirt-1, GLP-1R, and Nrf2HO-1 An In Vitro and In Vivo Study HTML
Hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera against cartap- and malathion-induced toxicity in Wistar rats - Gupta - - Journal of Cellular Physiology - Wiley Online Library
Hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera against cartap- and malathion-induced toxicity in Wistar rats - Gupta - - Journal of Cellular Physiology - Wiley Online Library
The pretreatment of aqueous extract of Aloe vera leaf in rats proved to act as a potential antioxidant which could be implicated toward protection of the integrity of liver of rat against pesticide i...
Hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera against cartap- and malathion-induced toxicity in Wistar rats - Gupta - - Journal of Cellular Physiology - Wiley Online Library
Oligo-Fucoidan prevents IL-6 and CCL2 production and cooperates with p (...)
Oligo-Fucoidan prevents IL-6 and CCL2 production and cooperates with p (...)
Low-molecular-weight Fucoidan (Oligo-Fucoidan) is a sulfated polysaccharide that has a variety of biological effects and has also been shown to have beneficial health effects. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of Oligo-Fucoidan ...
Oligo-Fucoidan prevents IL-6 and CCL2 production and cooperates with p (...)