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Trehalose induces B cell autophagy to alleviate myocardial injury via the AMPKULK1 signalling pathway in acute viral myocarditis induced by Coxsackie virus B3 - PubMed
Trehalose induces B cell autophagy to alleviate myocardial injury via the AMPKULK1 signalling pathway in acute viral myocarditis induced by Coxsackie virus B3 - PubMed
Viral myocarditis (VMC) is the main cause of sudden acute heart failure and cardiac death in adolescents; however, treatment for VMC is limited. Trehalose is a natural non-reductive disaccharide that protects against cardiovascular diseases by inducing autophagy. The protective effect of trehalose o …
Trehalose induces B cell autophagy to alleviate myocardial injury via the AMPKULK1 signalling pathway in acute viral myocarditis induced by Coxsackie virus B3 - PubMed
Trehalose increases tomato drought tolerance, induces defenses, and increases resistance to bacterial wilt disease
Trehalose increases tomato drought tolerance, induces defenses, and increases resistance to bacterial wilt disease
Ralstonia solanacearum causes bacterial wilt disease, leading to severe crop losses. Xylem sap from R. solanacearum-infected tomato is enriched in the disaccharide trehalose. Water-stressed plants also accumulate trehalose, which increases drought tolerance via abscisic acid (ABA) signaling. Because R. solanacearum-infected plants suffer reduced water flow, we hypothesized that bacterial wilt physiologically mimics drought stress, which trehalose could mitigate. We found that R. solanacearum-infected plants differentially expressed drought-associated genes, including those involved in ABA and trehalose metabolism, and had more ABA in xylem sap. Consistent with this, treating tomato roots with ABA reduced both stomatal conductance and stem colonization by R. solanacearum. Treating roots with trehalose increased xylem sap ABA and reduced plant water use by lowering stomatal conductance and temporarily improving water use efficiency. Trehalose treatment also upregulated expression of salicylic acid (SA)-dependent tomato defense genes; increased xylem sap levels of SA and other antimicrobial compounds; and increased bacterial wilt resistance of SA-insensitive NahG tomato plants. Additionally, trehalose treatment increased xylem concentrations of jasmonic acid and related oxylipins. Finally, trehalose-treated plants were substantially more resistant to bacterial wilt disease. Together, these data show that exogenous trehalose reduced both water stress and bacterial wilt disease and triggered systemic disease resistance, possibly through a Damage Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) response pathway. This suite of responses revealed unexpected linkages between plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress and suggested that R. solanacearum-infected plants increase trehalose to improve water use efficiency and increase wilt disease resistance. The pathogen may degrade trehalose to counter these efforts. Together, these results suggest that treating tomatoes with exogenous trehalose could be a practical strategy for bacterial wilt management.
Trehalose increases tomato drought tolerance, induces defenses, and increases resistance to bacterial wilt disease
Life Free Full-Text Trehalose Activates Hepatic and Myocardial Autophagy and Has Anti-Inflammatory Effects in dbdb Diabetic Mice
Life Free Full-Text Trehalose Activates Hepatic and Myocardial Autophagy and Has Anti-Inflammatory Effects in dbdb Diabetic Mice
Db/db mice (carrying a mutation in the gene encoding leptin receptor) show autophagy suppression. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of autophagy inducer trehalose on liver and heart autophagy in db/db mice and to study inflammation dysregulation and the suitability of chitinases’ expression levels as diabetes markers. Thirty-eight male db/db mice and C57/BL mice (control) were used. The db/db model manifested inflammation symptoms: overexpression of TNF-α in the spleen and underexpression of IL-10 in the liver and spleen (cytokine imbalance). Simultaneously, we revealed decreased expression of chitotriosidase (CHIT1) and acid mammalian chitinase (CHIA) in the liver of db/db mice. CHIA expression in db/db mice is significantly lower only in the spleen. Trehalose treatment significantly reduced blood glucose concentration and glycated hemoglobin. Treatment of db/db mice by trehalose was followed by increased autophagy induction in the heart and liver (increased autolysosomes volume density studied by morphometric electron-microscopic method). Trehalose exerted beneficial cardiac effects possibly via increased lipophagy (uptake of lipid droplets). The autophagy activation by trehalose had several positive effects on the heart and liver of db/db mice; therefore, lipophagy activation seems to be a promising therapy for diabetes.
Life Free Full-Text Trehalose Activates Hepatic and Myocardial Autophagy and Has Anti-Inflammatory Effects in dbdb Diabetic Mice
Trehalose Augments Neuron Survival and Improves Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury via mTOR-Independent Activation of Autophagy - PubMed
Trehalose Augments Neuron Survival and Improves Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury via mTOR-Independent Activation of Autophagy - PubMed
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a major cause of irreversible nerve injury and leads to serious tissue loss and neurological dysfunction. Thorough investigation of cellular mechanisms, such as autophagy, is crucial for developing novel and effective therapeutics. We administered trehalose, an mTOR-indep …
Trehalose Augments Neuron Survival and Improves Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury via mTOR-Independent Activation of Autophagy - PubMed
Assessment of in vitro kinetics and biological impact of nebulized trehalose on human bronchial epithelium - PubMed
Assessment of in vitro kinetics and biological impact of nebulized trehalose on human bronchial epithelium - PubMed
Trehalose is added in drug formulations to act as fillers or improve aerosolization performance. Its characteristics as a carrier molecule have been explored; however, the fate of trehalose in human airway tissues has not been thoroughly investigated. Here, we investigated the fate of nebulized treh …
Assessment of in vitro kinetics and biological impact of nebulized trehalose on human bronchial epithelium - PubMed
Trehalose Ameliorates Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Role of the PK2PKR Pathway - PubMed
Trehalose Ameliorates Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Role of the PK2PKR Pathway - PubMed
Ample clinical case reports suggest a high incidence of cardiomyopathy in diabetes mellitus (DM). Recent evidence supports an essential role of trehalose (TLS) in cardiomyocyte survival signaling. Our previous study found that prokineticin2 (PK2) was involved in the process of diabetic cardiomyopath …
Trehalose Ameliorates Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Role of the PK2PKR Pathway - PubMed
Daily Intake of Trehalose Is Effective in the Prevention of Lifestyle-Related Diseases in Individuals with Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome - a1c
Daily Intake of Trehalose Is Effective in the Prevention of Lifestyle-Related Diseases in Individuals with Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome - a1c
We previously performed animal studies that suggested that trehalose potentially prevents the development of metabolic syndrome in humans. To evaluate this possibility, we examined whether trehalose suppressed the progression of insulin resistance in a placebo-controlled, double-blind trial in 34 su …
Daily Intake of Trehalose Is Effective in the Prevention of Lifestyle-Related Diseases in Individuals with Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome - a1c
Trehalose limits opportunistic mycobacterial survival during HIV co-infection by reversing HIV-mediated autophagy block - PubMed
Trehalose limits opportunistic mycobacterial survival during HIV co-infection by reversing HIV-mediated autophagy block - PubMed
Opportunistic bacterial infections amongst HIV-infected individuals contribute significantly to HIV-associated mortality. The role of HIV-mediated modulation of innate mechanisms like autophagy in promoting opportunistic infections, however, remains obscure. Here we show, HIV reactivation in or infe …
Trehalose limits opportunistic mycobacterial survival during HIV co-infection by reversing HIV-mediated autophagy block - PubMed
The Effect of Trehalose in Inhibiting Liver Damage via The Il-6 Pathway in Old Mice International Journal Papier Advance and Scientific Review
The Effect of Trehalose in Inhibiting Liver Damage via The Il-6 Pathway in Old Mice International Journal Papier Advance and Scientific Review
Trehalose is a non-reducing disaccharide consisting of two glucose molecules linked by a 1–1 glycosidic bond. Trehalose can play a role in organ detoxification, antioxidant enzyme activity, reducing lipid peroxidation and reducing the secretion of inflammatory factors TNF-, IL-1β, Il-6, thereby inhibiting liver damage. Because of its role, this study aims to determine the effect of trehalose administration on liver damage through the IL-6 expression pathway with experimental post-test design with control group design. This research was conducted using samples of old rats, namely Wistar rats (Rattus novergicus). The old rats used were 21 male species which were then divided into 3 groups, namely the old control group, the old rat group that was given sucrose, and the old rat group that was given trehalose. Then observed for 8 weeks, namely in March - May 2021 at the Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University Makassar. The results obtained from the 3 groups showed a significant value that the administration of trehalose sugar in elderly mice had an effect on reducing the inflammatory factor IL-6 because it activated autophagy in macrophages thereby reducing cytokine production and vascular inflammation so as to be able to restore all aging mice to a level like observed in young mice. It is also known that aged rat liver, which is characterized by ER UPR activation and inflammatory signaling, decreases nicotinamide and UDP-N-acetyl-hexosamines, and reduces proteasome activity. Therefore, trehalose can be an effective therapeutic strategy against age-related disorders of proteostasis in the liver.
The Effect of Trehalose in Inhibiting Liver Damage via The Il-6 Pathway in Old Mice International Journal Papier Advance and Scientific Review
Is there a causal relationship between trehalose consumption and Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
Is there a causal relationship between trehalose consumption and Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
Currently, there is no proven causal association between the incidence or severity of human CDI and the presence of trehalose metabolism variants. Furthermore, microbial metabolism reduces trehalose bioavailability, potentially removing this competitive advantage for C. difficile trehalose metabolis …
Is there a causal relationship between trehalose consumption and Clostridioides difficile infection - PubMed
Cells Free Full-Text Treatment with Autophagy Inducer Trehalose Alleviates Memory and Behavioral Impairments and Neuroinflammatory Brain Processes in dbdb Mice
Cells Free Full-Text Treatment with Autophagy Inducer Trehalose Alleviates Memory and Behavioral Impairments and Neuroinflammatory Brain Processes in dbdb Mice
Autophagy attenuation has been found in neurodegenerative diseases, aging, diabetes mellitus, and atherosclerosis. In experimental models of neurodegenerative diseases, the correction of autophagy in the brain reverses neuronal and behavioral deficits and hence seems to be a promising therapy for neuropathologies. Our aim was to study the effect of an autophagy inducer, trehalose, on brain autophagy and behavior in a genetic model of diabetes with signs of neuronal damage (db/db mice). A 2% trehalose solution was administered as drinking water during 24 days of the experiment. Expressions of markers of autophagy (LC3-II), neuroinflammation (IBA1), redox state (NOS), and neuronal density (NeuN) in the brain were assessed by immunohistochemical analysis. For behavioral phenotyping, the open field, elevated plus-maze, tail suspension, pre-pulse inhibition, and passive avoidance tests were used. Trehalose caused a slight reduction in increased blood glucose concentration, considerable autophagy activation, and a decrease in the neuroinflammatory response in the brain along with improvements of exploration, locomotor activity, anxiety, depressive-like behavior, and fear learning and memory in db/db mice. Trehalose exerted some beneficial peripheral and systemic effects and partially reversed behavioral alterations in db/db mice. Thus, trehalose as an inducer of mTOR-independent autophagy is effective at alleviating neuronal and behavioral disturbances accompanying experimental diabetes.
Cells Free Full-Text Treatment with Autophagy Inducer Trehalose Alleviates Memory and Behavioral Impairments and Neuroinflammatory Brain Processes in dbdb Mice
Improving SIRT1 by trehalose supplementation reduces oxidative stress, inflammation, and histopathological scores in the kidney of aged rats - Bahri - - Journal of Food Biochemistry
Improving SIRT1 by trehalose supplementation reduces oxidative stress, inflammation, and histopathological scores in the kidney of aged rats - Bahri - - Journal of Food Biochemistry
In this study, it was demonstrated that trehalose which was administered orally to aged rats for four weeks, upregulated SIRT1 in kidneys. In addition, trehalose attenuated lipid peroxidation and inf...
Improving SIRT1 by trehalose supplementation reduces oxidative stress, inflammation, and histopathological scores in the kidney of aged rats - Bahri - - Journal of Food Biochemistry
Nutrients Free Full-Text Trehalose Reduces Nerve Injury Induced Nociception in Mice but Negatively Affects Alertness HTML
Nutrients Free Full-Text Trehalose Reduces Nerve Injury Induced Nociception in Mice but Negatively Affects Alertness HTML
Trehalose, a sugar from fungi, mimics starvation due to a block of glucose transport and induces Transcription Factor EB- mediated autophagy, likely supported by the upregulation of progranulin. The pro-autophagy effects help to remove pathological proteins and thereby prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Enhancing autophagy also contributes to the resolution of neuropathic pain in mice. Therefore, we here assessed the effects of continuous trehalose administration via drinking water using the mouse Spared Nerve Injury model of neuropathic pain. Trehalose had no effect on drinking, feeding, voluntary wheel running, motor coordination, locomotion, and open field, elevated plus maze, and Barnes Maze behavior, showing that it was well tolerated. However, trehalose reduced nerve injury-evoked nociceptive mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity as compared to vehicle. Trehalose had no effect on calcium currents in primary somatosensory neurons, pointing to central mechanisms of the antinociceptive effects. In IntelliCages, trehalose-treated mice showed reduced activity, in particular, a low frequency of nosepokes, which was associated with a reduced proportion of correct trials and flat learning curves in place preference learning tasks. Mice failed to switch corner preferences and stuck to spontaneously preferred corners. The behavior in IntelliCages is suggestive of sedative effects as a “side effect” of a continuous protracted trehalose treatment, leading to impairment of learning flexibility. Hence, trehalose diet supplements might reduce chronic pain but likely at the expense of alertness.
Nutrients Free Full-Text Trehalose Reduces Nerve Injury Induced Nociception in Mice but Negatively Affects Alertness HTML
1 Trehalose-Induced Remodelling of the Human Microbiota Affects Clostridioides difficile Infection Outcome in an In Vitro Colonic Model A Pilot Study
1 Trehalose-Induced Remodelling of the Human Microbiota Affects Clostridioides difficile Infection Outcome in an In Vitro Colonic Model A Pilot Study
Within the human intestinal tract, dietary, microbial- and host-derived compounds are used as signals by many pathogenic organisms, including Clostridioides difficile. Trehalose has been reported to enhance virulence of certain C. difficile ribotypes; ...
1 Trehalose-Induced Remodelling of the Human Microbiota Affects Clostridioides difficile Infection Outcome in an In Vitro Colonic Model A Pilot Study
Mucopolysaccharidosis and Autophagy Controversies on the Contribution of the Process to the Pathogenesis and Possible Therapeutic Applications
Mucopolysaccharidosis and Autophagy Controversies on the Contribution of the Process to the Pathogenesis and Possible Therapeutic Applications
Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) consists of a group of 11 enzymatic defects which result in accumulation of undegraded glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in lysosomes. MPS is a severe metabolic disease for which only bone marrow/hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ...
Mucopolysaccharidosis and Autophagy Controversies on the Contribution of the Process to the Pathogenesis and Possible Therapeutic Applications
Trehalose and bacterial virulence
Trehalose and bacterial virulence
Trehalose is a disaccharide of two D-glucose molecules linked by a glycosidic linkage, which plays both structural and functional roles in bacteria. Trehalose can be synthesized and degraded by several pathways, and induction of trehalose biosynthesis ...
Trehalose and bacterial virulence
Trehalose Augments Neuron Survival and Improves Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury via mTOR-Independent Activation of Autophagy
Trehalose Augments Neuron Survival and Improves Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury via mTOR-Independent Activation of Autophagy
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a major cause of irreversible nerve injury and leads to serious tissue loss and neurological dysfunction. Thorough investigation of cellular mechanisms, such as autophagy, is crucial for developing novel and effective therapeutics. We administered trehalose, an mTOR-independent autophagy agonist, in SCI rats suffering from moderate compression injury to elucidate the relationship between autophagy and SCI and evaluate trehalose’s therapeutic potential. 60 rats were divided into 4 groups and were treated with either control vehicle, trehalose, chloroquine, or trehalose + chloroquine 2 weeks prior to administration of moderate spinal cord crush injury. 20 additional sham rats were treated with control vehicle. H&E staining, Nissl staining, western blot, and immunofluorescence studies were conducted to examine nerve morphology and quantify autophagy and mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis at various time points after surgery. Functional recovery was assessed over a period of 4 weeks after surgery. Trehalose promotes autophagosome recruitment via an mTOR-independent pathway, enhances autophagy flux in neurons, inhibits apoptosis via the intrinsic mitochondria-dependent pathway, reduces lesion cavity expansion, decreases neuron loss, and ultimately improves functional recovery following SCI (all ). Furthermore, these effects were diminished upon administration of chloroquine, an autophagy flux inhibitor, indicating that trehalose’s beneficial effects were due largely to activation of autophagy. This study presents new evidence that autophagy plays a critical neuroprotective and neuroregenerative role in SCI, and that mTOR-independent activation of autophagy with trehalose leads to improved outcomes. Thus, trehalose has great translational potential as a novel therapeutic agent after SCI.
Trehalose Augments Neuron Survival and Improves Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury via mTOR-Independent Activation of Autophagy
Trehalose in Machado-Joseph Disease Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy - PubMed
Trehalose in Machado-Joseph Disease Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy - PubMed
Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is relatively prevalent among the Yemenite Jewish subpopulation living in Israel. Currently, there is no treatment able to modify the disease progression. Trehalose is a disaccharide with protein-stabilizing and autophagy-enhancing properties. In animal models of MJD, tr …
Trehalose in Machado-Joseph Disease Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy - PubMed
1 Microbial and metabolic impacts of trehalose and trehalose analogues
1 Microbial and metabolic impacts of trehalose and trehalose analogues
Trehalose is a disaccharide and fasting-mimetic that has been both canonized and vilified for its putative cardiometabolic and microbial effects. Trehalose analogues are currently under development to extend the key metabolic therapeutic actions of trehalose ...
1 Microbial and metabolic impacts of trehalose and trehalose analogues
Dietary trehalose enhances virulence of epidemic Clostridium difficile. - PubMed - NCBI
Dietary trehalose enhances virulence of epidemic Clostridium difficile. - PubMed - NCBI
Clostridium difficile disease has recently increased to become a dominant nosocomial pathogen in North America and Europe, although little is known about what has driven this emergence. Here we show that two epidemic ribotypes (RT027 and RT078) have acquired unique mechanisms to metabolize low conce …
Dietary trehalose enhances virulence of epidemic Clostridium difficile. - PubMed - NCBI