Metabolic Syndrome Linked to Vitamin Deficiencies NaturalHealth365
Vitamin C
Microorganisms Free Full-Text Ascorbic Acid Changes Growth of Food-Borne Pathogens in the Early Stage of Biofilm Formation
Since bacterial biofilm may contribute to the secondary contamination of food during the manufacturing/processing stage there is a need for new methods allowing its effective eradication. Application of food additives such as vitamin C already used in food industry as antioxidant food industry antioxidants may be a promising solution. The aim of this research was evaluation of the impact of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), in a range of concentrations 2.50 µg mL−1–25.0 mg mL−1, on biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from food. The efficacy of ascorbic acid was assessed based on the reduction of optical density (λ = 595 nm). The greatest elimination of the biofilm was achieved at the concentration of vitamin C of 25.0 mg mL−1. The effect of the vitamin C on biofilm, however, was strain dependent. The concentration of 25.0 mg mL−1 reduced 93.4%, 74.9%, and 40.5% of E. coli, L. monocytogenes, and S. aureus number, respectively. For E. coli and S. aureus lower concentrations were ineffective. In turn, for L. monocytogenes the biofilm inhibition was observed even at the concentration of 0.25 mg mL−1. The addition of vitamin C may be helpful in the elimination of bacterial biofilms. Nonetheless, some concentrations can induce growth of the pathogens, posing risk for the consumers’ health.
Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus
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Oral High-Dose Vitamin C for Major Diseases Whole Foods Magazine
Recent columns have discussed the history of vitamin C supplementation, time-proven uses of vitamin C and recent vitamin C research. Many ask whether high dose use of vitamin C supplements reduces health risks. We wanted to get to the bottom of high dose use of vitamin C with an expert in the field. This month […]
Osteoporosis Is Scurvy of the Bone, Not Calcium Deficiency
It saddens me to see older women diagnosed with "osteopenia" or "osteoporosis" listening to their doctors and taking supplemental calcium and even problematic drugs called bisphosphonates. These are irrational, dogmatic, harmful approaches to the problem of degrading bone as we age
Putting the C in Cure
Reduce Blood Pressure with Vitamin C NaturalHealth365
Reverse Pneumonia In 3 Hours NaturalHealth365
Reverse Pneumonia in 3 Hours - YouTube
Ron Hunninghake, MD on the Anticancer Power of Vitamin C
Dr. Ron Hunninghake has overseen over 75,000 administrations of IV vitamin C as Medical Director at the Riordan Clinic in Wichita, Kansas.
Scientific Focus On Anti-Cancer Effects Of Vitamin C - Dr. Rath Resear (...)
After heart disease, cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. One in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with some type of cancer in their lifetime. Despite novel initiative...
Sepsis and Scurvy are Connected - Evidence Revealed NaturalHealth365
Sepsis Patients Saved with Vitamin C Therapy NaturalHealth365
Supplemental Forms Linus Pauling Institute Oregon State University
Español The Bioavailability of Different Forms of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) In the rapidly expanding market of dietary supplements, it is possible to find vitamin C in many different forms with many c
Targeted Aerosolized Delivery of Ascorbate in the Lungs of Chlorine-Exposed Rats
Chlorine (Cl[2] )-induced lung injury is a serious public health threat that may result from industrial and household accidents. Post-Cl[2] administration of aerosolized ascorbate in rodents decreased lung injury and mortality. However, the extent to ...
Tetanus Shot How Do We Know That It Works GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Do we know how tetanus shots work? The medical establishment holds a view that a tetanus shot prevents tetanus, but how do we know this view is correct?
The Role of Vitamin C in the Treatment of Terminal Cancer - YouTube
What can we conclude about the role of IV vitamin C after 33 years of trials involving at least 1,600 patients?
Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations:
If you missed the first two videos in this series, for the complete saga, see Intravenous Vitamin C for Terminal Cancer Patients ( and Vitamin C Supplements for Terminal Cancer Patients (
I discuss the conundrum of what do to about funding research of non-patentable natural treatments in Plants as Intellectual Property – Patently Wrong? ( On one hand, we want therapies to be accessible, but if no one profits off of it, who’s going to fund the necessary research?
Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it!
Image Credit: Wendy via Flickr.
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The Science of Vitamin C Research on Optimizing Blood and Cellular Levels Whole Foods Magazine
Recent columns have focused on our expanded knowledge of vitamin C’s health benefits. The over-riding message has been, “Vitamin C is helpful, in higher doses it is highly effective.” This month, we are consulting with Dr. Steve Hickey on maintaining desired blood and immune system levels of vitamin C. This is primarily for those individuals […]
Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma
Treatment with vitamin C dissolves toxic protein aggregates in Alzheim (...)
Researchers in Sweden have discovered a new function for vitamin C. Treatment with vitamin C can dissolve the toxic protein aggregates that build up in the brain in Alzheimer's disease.
Vitamin C - an overview ScienceDirect Topics
vitamin c allergy - Google Search
Vitamin C and Acidity
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Vitamin C and Its Remarkable Record NaturalHealth365
Vitamin C and Sepsis The genie is now out of the bottle
Vitamin C and the Mitochondria - Dr Thomas Levy - YouTube
Vitamin C Antidote too all known toxins Thomas Levy, MD - even SNAKEBITE! VIRAL VIRUS BACTERIAL - YouTube
see my other video on the cure for physical withdrawal
Thomas Levy, MD - Vitamin C Past, Present, Future Applications-cure to all known virus, bacterial infections. antidote to all known toxins. Amazing. WATCH VERY CLOSELY AT 25:30. Thats right..he said it..ALL KNOWN TOXINS.
Vitamin C Deficiency is Bad for the Heart NaturalHealth365
Vitamin C deficiency linked to pneumonia NaturalHealth365