Vitamin D

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#1 Sign That You Overdosed on Vitamin D - YouTube
#1 Sign That You Overdosed on Vitamin D - YouTube
Learn more about vitamin D toxicity and the top signs of vitamin D overdose. DATA: Watch my Other Videos on Vitamin D: How Much Vitamin D Do I Need? ▶️ Is it Safe to Take 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D3? ▶️ The 7 Warning Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency ▶️ 0:00 Introduction: Vitamin D overdose 0:10 Vitamin D toxicity 3:40 The #1 sign of vitamin D overdose 4:02 Other signs of too much vitamin D 4:40 Vitamin D2 vs. vitamin D3 6:25 Learn more about calcification! Today we’re going to talk about vitamin D toxicity and the signs you’re taking too much vitamin D. It’s important to keep in mind that the dangers of vitamin D deficiency outweigh the dangers of getting too much vitamin D. It’s also very difficult to overdose on vitamin D. Vitamin D works with other factors that support its function and absorption. Certain amounts of vitamin D can potentially have side effects but can be made safe by adjusting the cofactors. Magnesium and vitamin K2 are the main cofactors that help keep higher levels of vitamin D from becoming toxic. It’s also important to drink plenty of water. The side effects of vitamin D toxicity typically start to occur when a person is consuming hundreds of thousands of international units (IU) of vitamin D for many weeks. The #1 sign of vitamin D overdose: • Calcification Other signs of vitamin D overdose: • Kidney stones • Nerve symptoms (numbness, pain, or tingling) • Excessive thirst • Excessive urination In my opinion, it seems that many cases of vitamin D toxicity occur because of a person consuming too much vitamin D2—not vitamin D3. There are some big differences between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. I also don’t think people will see the same benefits after taking vitamin D2 that they would if they took vitamin D3. A few things you need to know about vitamin D2: • It’s not as effective as D3 • It’s not as bioavailable as D3 • It’s not as studied as D3 • It doesn’t help prevent fractures like D3 can • It does help reverse rickets (in infants) • It has a different effect on depression than D3 • It doesn’t affect the immune system like D3 can Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio: Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media. Follow Me On Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Anchor: TikTok: Send a Message to his team: Disclaimer: Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. #keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle Thanks for watching! I hope this helps explain the signs of vitamin D overdose. I’ll see you in the next video.
#1 Sign That You Overdosed on Vitamin D - YouTube
High-Dose Vitamin D Dramatically Improves Psoriasis and Vitiligo
High-Dose Vitamin D Dramatically Improves Psoriasis and Vitiligo
A pilot study illuminates that high-dose vitamin D significantly improves lesions and depigmentation in psoriasis and vitiligo, respectively. Because Vitamin D deficiency is implicated in the pathophysiology of autoimmune responses, these findings may be applicable to other autoimmune disorders
High-Dose Vitamin D Dramatically Improves Psoriasis and Vitiligo
Vitamin D Deficiency Common Symptoms & Solutions - YouTube
Vitamin D Deficiency Common Symptoms & Solutions - YouTube
In this video, I go over the details behind vitamin D, including best testing strategies, best food sources, causes of vitamin D resistance and best supplementation strategies. Vitamin D Deficiency: Vitamin D Resistance: Vitamin D3/K2 Power: Liposomal D3/K2: Use coupon code Jockers10 at checkout to save 10% Comprehensive Blood Analysis:
Vitamin D Deficiency Common Symptoms & Solutions - YouTube
Am I vitamin D Deficient You might be if... - YouTube
Am I vitamin D Deficient You might be if... - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - Website: Vitamin D has been shown to regulate the immune system. This goes back to what I mentioned in a previous video about vitamin D being important for regulating the strength and the weakness of the immune cells. Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to 19 different forms of terminal types of cancer. And so if we're talking about dietary vitamin D, if you don't have a gallbladder, if you've had your gallbladder removed, if you've had a surgery, or if you've got preexisting liver disease and your gallbladder is not properly functioning, you run a greater risk of that diet vitamin D that you're eating through your diet not absorbing as effectively. If you take steroids for inflammation, if you take steroids for autoimmune disease, if you take steroids for inflammatory bowel disease, if you take steroids for any reason whatsoever, you should understand that taking steroids lowers your Vitamin D. Same thing with antifungals and the class of medications to treat seizures. Additionally, if you have cancer and you are taking an anticancer agent, then that also can increase your risk for vitamin D deficiency. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Am I vitamin D Deficient You might be if... - YouTube
Calcium to Absorb Vitamin D - YouTube
Calcium to Absorb Vitamin D - YouTube
You probably already know that the best source of vitamin D is the sun, something all of us rarely get access to on a daily basis. Dr. Group discusses a few important things that you should know about vitamin D. Read about “9 Facts Everyone Should Know About Vitamin D” here: ------ Subscribe to Global Healing Center: Sign up for our monthly Live Healthy newsletter: Like Dr. Group: ------- View Our Top Selling Products: Live Healthier with Our Health Articles: Read more about Dr. Group: Dr. Edward Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM is the founder and CEO of Global Healing Center. He assumes a hands-on approach to producing new and advanced life-changing products and information to help you maintain a clean body and live a healthy lifestyle. It's Global Healing Center’s mission to bring back good health, positive thinking, happiness, and love. Follow us to Live Healthy! -------- The statements expressed by Dr. Group, Global Healing Center and their partners are published for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, please see your physician. #LiveHealthy #GlobalHealingCenter #HealthSupplements #VitaminD #Calcium ____________ - Help us Make America Healthy and FREE Again:
Calcium to Absorb Vitamin D - YouTube
Do Vitamin D Supplements Help with Diabetes, Weight Loss, and Blood Pr (...)
Do Vitamin D Supplements Help with Diabetes, Weight Loss, and Blood Pr (...)
Those with higher vitamin D levels tend to have lower rates of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension but is it cause and effect? Interventional trials finally put vitamin D to the test. Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: This is the first of a six-part video series on the latest in vitamin D. Stay tuned for: • Will You Live Longer if You Take Vitamin D Supplements? ( • How Much Vitamin D Should You Take? ( • The Optimal Dose of Vitamin D Based on Natural Levels ( • The Best Way to Get Vitamin D: Sun, Supplements, or Salons? ( • The Risks and Benefits of Sensible Sun Exposure ( Supplements (no specific Vitamin E or beta carotene): • Creatine Brain Fuel Supplementation ( • Garden Variety Anti-Inflammation ( • Health Food Store Supplement Advice ( • Bad Advice From Health Food Store Employees ( • Dangerous Advice From Health Food Store Employees ( • Pharmacists Versus Health Food Store Employees: Who Gives Better Advice? ( • Dietary Supplement Snake Oil ( • Heavy Metals in Protein Powder Supplements ( • Some Dietary Supplements May Be More Than a Waste of Money ( • Risk Associated With Iron Supplements ( • Diet Pills Do Fat a Lot of Good ( • Is Vitamin D3 Better Than D2? ( • Infant Seizures Linked to Mother’s Spirulina Use ( • Should We Take a Multivitamin? ( • Food Antioxidants and Cancer ( • Food Antioxidants, Stroke, and Heart Disease ( • Treating Asthma With Plants vs. Supplements? ( • Plants as Intellectual Property – Patently Wrong? ( • Broccoli: Sprouts vs. Supplements ( • Antioxidants and Depression ( • Are Calcium Supplements Safe? ( • Are Calcium Supplements Effective? ( • Industry Response to Plants Not Pills ( • Resveratrol Impairs Exercise Benefits ( • Vitamin C Supplements for Terminal Cancer Patients ( Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it! Image Credit: mojzagrebinfo via Pixabay. • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): • Shop:
Do Vitamin D Supplements Help with Diabetes, Weight Loss, and Blood Pr (...)
Do Vitamin D Supplements Reduce the Risk of Dying from Cancer - YouTub (...)
Do Vitamin D Supplements Reduce the Risk of Dying from Cancer - YouTub (...)
Sun exposure is associated with lower rates of 15 different cancers and improved cancer survival. What happened when vitamin D supplements were put to the test? Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: What about just getting sun instead? Please check out my recent 6-part video series: • Will You Live Longer if You Take Vitamin D Supplements? ( • Do Vitamin D Supplements Help with Diabetes, Weight Loss, and Blood Pressure ( • How Much Vitamin D Should You Take? ( • The Optimal Dose of Vitamin D Based on Natural Levels ( • The Best Way to Get Vitamin D: Sun, Supplements, or Salons? ( • The Risks and Benefits of Sensible Sun Exposure ( Better, of course, to prevent colon cancer in the first place. See, for example: • Stool pH and Colon Cancer ( • Solving a Colon Cancer Mystery ( • Resistant Starch and Colon Cancer ( For more on that extraordinary story about Premarin and hormone replacement therapy, see How Did Doctors Not Know About the Risks of Hormone Therapy? ( Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at . You’ll also find a transcript of the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Image Credit: mahnoorraja via flickr and ClkerFreeVectorImages and ClkerFreeVectorImages via Pixabay. • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): • Shop:
Do Vitamin D Supplements Reduce the Risk of Dying from Cancer - YouTub (...)
High-Dose Vitamin D Shows Promising Effects in MS
High-Dose Vitamin D Shows Promising Effects in MS
Taking 10,400 IU cholecalciferol daily was associated with target serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and reductions in interleukin-17 T cells, which are believed to play a key role in MS, in a new study.
High-Dose Vitamin D Shows Promising Effects in MS
How Important is the Sun in Climate and Cancer
How Important is the Sun in Climate and Cancer
Though sun exposure has been demonized by dermatologists and ignored by climate change pundits, it is essential if you want to avoid cancer. Optimal vitamin D levels are crucial to reduce your risk of invasive cancers. Researchers from UC San Diegodiscovered that vitamin D levels of 48 ng/mL or higher were linked to a 67... View Article
How Important is the Sun in Climate and Cancer
How Much Vitamin D Should You Take - YouTube
How Much Vitamin D Should You Take - YouTube
The safe dose of vitamin D supplements to get most of the population to the optimal level is 2,000 i.u. a day, but the elderly and overweight may need more. Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: After all that work plowing through the new science and the same 2,000 iu/day recommendation I made in 2011 remains. If you missed the first two videos in this series, see: • Do Vitamin D Supplements Help with Diabetes, Weight Loss, and Blood Pressure ( • Will You Live Longer if You Take Vitamin D Supplements? ( And I wrap up with: • The Optimal Dose of Vitamin D Based on Natural Levels ( • The Best Way to Get Vitamin D: Sun, Supplements, or Salons? ( • The Risks and Benefits of Sensible Sun Exposure ( Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it! Image Credit: Peter Rosbjerg via flickr. • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): • Shop:
How Much Vitamin D Should You Take - YouTube
Less body fat for toddlers taking vitamin D Supplement given during fi (...)
Less body fat for toddlers taking vitamin D Supplement given during fi (...)
A healthy intake of vitamin D in the first year of life appears to set children up to have more muscle mass and less body fat as toddlers, according to a new study. The findings emerged from research initially aimed at confirming the importance of vitamin D for bone density. The additional benefit in terms of body composition came as a surprise for the research team.
Less body fat for toddlers taking vitamin D Supplement given during fi (...)
The 25(OH)Vitamin D Status Affected the Effectiveness of Oligo Fucoidan in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection With Immune Tolerance Phase - PubMed
The 25(OH)Vitamin D Status Affected the Effectiveness of Oligo Fucoidan in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection With Immune Tolerance Phase - PubMed
Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a serious public health issue. Vitamin D is involved in various pathophysiological mechanisms as an immune modulator and the deficiency rate of vitamin D is prevalent in chronic liver disease. Fucoidan exerts anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, antitumor, a …
The 25(OH)Vitamin D Status Affected the Effectiveness of Oligo Fucoidan in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection With Immune Tolerance Phase - PubMed
The Optimal Dose of Vitamin D Based on Natural Levels - YouTube
The Optimal Dose of Vitamin D Based on Natural Levels - YouTube
Why do some recommend thousands of units of supplemental vitamin D when the Institute of Medicine set the recommended daily intake at just 600 to 800 units? Subscribe to’s free newsletter to receive our B12 infographic that covers the latest research takeaways and Dr. Greger’s updated recommendations: If one is going to make an evolutionary argument for what a “natural” vitamin D level may be, how about getting vitamin D in the way nature intended: sun instead of supplements? That’s the subject of my next video, The Best Way to Get Vitamin D: Sun, Supplements, or Salons? ( This is the fourth video of a six-part series on the latest in vitamin D science. If you missed the first three check out: • Do Vitamin D Supplements Help with Diabetes, Weight Loss, and Blood Pressure ( • Will You Live Longer if You Take Vitamin D Supplements? ( • How Much Vitamin D Should You Take? ( After The Best Way to Get Vitamin D: Sun, Supplements, or Salons? ( I’m going to close out with The Risks and Benefits of Sensible Sun Exposure ( Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he'll try to answer it! Image Credit: skeeze via Pixabay. • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Books (including the NEW How Not to Diet Cookbook): • Shop:
The Optimal Dose of Vitamin D Based on Natural Levels - YouTube
UK study supports cardiovascular safety of calcium and vitamin D suppl (...)
UK study supports cardiovascular safety of calcium and vitamin D suppl (...)
Rsearchers have presented a new study that supports the cardiovascular safety of calcium and vitamin D supplementation. The study was based on analysis of the UK Biobank, a very large study comprising 502,664 men and women aged 40-69 years.
UK study supports cardiovascular safety of calcium and vitamin D suppl (...)
Vitamin Crash Course The Real Truth About VItamin D - YouTube
Vitamin Crash Course The Real Truth About VItamin D - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - My favorite Vitamin D Supplement: In this video I cover Vitamin D Deficiency - The Ultimate Crash Course: The Real Truth About VItamin D In this episode of Pick Dr. Osborne's Brain, I dive into: The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency including muscle pain, joint pain, autoimmune problems, allergies, frequent colds... Additionally, who is at risk to develop a problem with vitamin D deficiency - African Americans, those taking multiple medications, those using sunscreen and cosmetics with SPF, and those who avoid sunshine. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: Facebook: Pinterest: One of the best dietary sources to get your vitamin D is liver, but as long as the liver comes from a healthy animal. Sunlight does not cause skin cancer or any cancer for that matter. When ultraviolet radiation hits your skin, it converts that cholesterol into vitamin D and this vitamin D that originally has made in your skin is what we call inactive vitamin D. It's not yet been activated. So to kind of think of it as a two step process where our body is taking that vitamin D that's produced in our skin, converting it once in the liver, converting it the second time in the kidney, at which point we have the active metabolite of vitamin D, the type of vitamin D that helps you absorb calcium from your diet. So again, Sun exposure converts cholesterol, vitamin D leading to transformation in the liver and kidney. So if you've got liver disease, if you've got kidney disease, if you've got problems with your skin, inflammatory problems in your skin, you're at risk possibly for not producing adequate vitamin D from sunlight exposure. I would tell you a glass of wine tonight is a sure fire way to damage your liver and to reduce your capacity to produce adequate vitamin D. And this is actually one of the reasons we see a lot of vitamin D deficiency is because so many people consume alcohol, all alcohol on a regular basis and think that it's okay. And so what disease is associated with kidney damage, predominantly diabetes and diabetes, meaning elevations in blood sugar that can damage your kidney over time, reducing its capacity to convert inactive vitamin D to the active version of vitamin D. Or maybe you have a skin inflammatory condition and so your dermatologist is telling you to use sunscreen. There I think today, 19 different forms of cancer that we know vitamin D deficiency could contribute to. We know that vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle pain. Dark skinned individuals are at greater risk because their skin, the pigment in the skin, it absorbs UV radiation and doesn't allow for as a aggressive of a production of vitamin D. So if your dark skin, you're going to make less vitamin D then if you're light skinned, if we're talking about minute for minute sunlight exposure, other people who are at risk for developing vitamin D deficiency, if you live above 27 degrees latitude, you're at greater risk. Well, did you know that vitamin D deficiency can actually increase your risk of developing diabetes? The pancreas has a number of vitamin D receptors, they're called BDRs, when you have adequate vitamin D and that vitamin D connects to those pancreatic receptors, it stimulates the production of insulin, which then can help you regulate your blood sugar. So vitamin D is just one of the first steps in making sure that you produce adequate insulin to get the sugar regulated, to get your blood sugar regulated. And so what vitamin D does is it tells the cells to absorb calcium. And without vitamin D, these cells don't absorb calcium very efficiently at all that your calcium absorption massively reduces to the point where it can create diseases like osteoporosis and rickets, which is a disease of children with vitamin D deficiency where their legs start to bow out. If you take steroids for inflammation, if you take steroids for immune disease, if you take steroids for inflammatory bowel disease, if you take steroids for any reason whatsoever, you should understand that taking steroids lowers your vitamin D period. I mean, vitamin D can help the kidneys but more specifically kidney disease can cause vitamin D deficiency. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
Vitamin Crash Course The Real Truth About VItamin D - YouTube