Guardian: AI scientists make 'exciting' discovery using chatbots to solve maths problems (2023)
The GuardianL EU agrees ‘historic’ deal with world’s first laws to regulate AI (2023) Is technology harming our brains? (2023)
Fast Company: Fake candidates, hallucinated jobs: How AI could poison online hiring (2023)
The Guardian: The big idea: are our short attention spans really getting shorter? (2023)
The Guardian: ‘Social loafing’ found when working alongside robots (2023)
Abstracts written by ChatGPT fool scientists (2023)
"Abstracts written by ChatGPT fool scientis"
Is virtual care delivering on its promise of improving access? (2023)
Fast Company: I tried using ChatGPT to write this article (2023)
2023 - 02 - 04 | Rob Locascio | Fast Company
VentureBeat: The profound danger of conversational AI (2023)
The Guardian: ‘They’re 25, they don’t do emails’: is instant chat replacing the inbox? (2023)
AI Is Taking On Ever-Larger Puzzles (2023)
Computers need to make a quantum leap before they can crack encrypted messages (2023)
ScienceDaily: How your mood affects the way you process language: When you're in a bad mood, you might want to focus on tasks that are more detail-oriented, such as proofreading (2023)
Nvidia builds an AI cloud platform for power users and digital novices (2023)
Singularity Hub: Microsoft's New AI Can Clone Your Voice in Just 3 Seconds (2023)
SingularityHub: AI Might Be Seemingly Everywhere, but There Are Still Plenty of Things It Can’t Do—For Now (2023)
NPR: A college student made an app to detect AI-written text (2023)
Strategy+Business: Can bossless management work? (2023)
MITSloan Management Review: Flexibility Is Key to Integrating Meaning and Work (2023)
HBR: Today's Most Critical Workplace Challenges Are About Systems (2023)
The Economist: Now and then (2015)
The Guardian: Steven Johnson: 'Eureka moments are very, very rare' (2010)
The Guardian; The big idea: what’s the secret of innovation? (2023)
The Guardian: The company purging meetings from calendars: ‘Uninterrupted time is precious’ (2023)
The Guardian: Death of the narrator? Apple unveils suite of AI-voiced audiobooks (2023)
The Guardian: Is modern life ruining our powers of concentration? (2023)
How to take back control of your data in a connected IoT world (2022)
The semantic, sovereign web: The full picture of the future of the internet (2022)
IT Chronicles: How to Drive Employee Engagement for Your Remote Teams (2022)