The Guardian: ‘Social loafing’ found when working alongside robots (2023)

Digital Organization
ScienceDaily: How your mood affects the way you process language: When you're in a bad mood, you might want to focus on tasks that are more detail-oriented, such as proofreading (2023)
Strategy+Business: Can bossless management work? (2023)
MITSloan Management Review: Flexibility Is Key to Integrating Meaning and Work (2023)
The Economist: Now and then (2015)
The Guardian: Steven Johnson: 'Eureka moments are very, very rare' (2010)
The Guardian; The big idea: what’s the secret of innovation? (2023)
The Guardian: The company purging meetings from calendars: ‘Uninterrupted time is precious’ (2023)
IT Chronicles: How to Drive Employee Engagement for Your Remote Teams (2022)
114 down, 10 million to go: The Global Lighthouse Network's mission
HBR: How One Person Can Change the Conscience of an Organization (2019)
In the experience economy, systems of experience take center stage (2021)