The transparency discussed here is referring specifically to the iframe (the containing web element), not transparency in any videos you upload. Vimeo does not include alpha channel support at this...
How to set up a production-grade flask application using Application Factory Pattern and Celery
This is not a beginner tutorial. It is assumed that the reader is experienced with the flask web application framework, its commonly used libraries and celery. Flask is a very flexible web…
How do you make robust #Python apps with Flask? Let’s explore recipes for building a complete #production-ready #Flask #application.
While you work on your Flask application, you normally run the development web server, which provides a basic, yet functional WSGI complaint HTTP server. But eventually you will want to deploy your…
PowerShell-Scripts/Restore-EdgeTabs.ps1 at master · papersaltserver/PowerShell-Scripts
Various PowerShell scripts, too small for dedicated repository - PowerShell-Scripts/Restore-EdgeTabs.ps1 at master · papersaltserver/PowerShell-Scripts
The JavaScript reference serves as a repository of facts about the JavaScript language. The entire language is described here in detail. As you write JavaScript code, you'll refer to these pages often (thus the title "JavaScript reference").
Modern JavaScript Tutorial: simple, but detailed explanations with examples and tasks, including: closures, document and events, object oriented programming and more.
The Internet has become a critical part of almost every part of our society — it provides information, communication, and entertainment to billions of people every day, and enables coordination and collaboration between people and business across the globe. Unfortunately, this crucial piece of infrastructure is poorly understood by a large majority of the population; the myriad of technologies (both hard and soft) that let your laptop connect to your bank or to your mom’s Skype window could just as well be magic as far as average person in the street is concerned.
Prototype implementation of an extension to S3 that provides explicit class definitions and a form of multiple dispatch. Represents the output of the Object-oriented Programming Working Group, sponsored by the R Consortium.