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DB Connection Pools: Essential Knowledge for Web Developers
DB Connection Pools: Essential Knowledge for Web Developers
Typical data-driven web apps need a Database (DB) connection to render almost every page or to serve every API call. For scalability reasons, Web Server and Database servers are hosted on different Machines.
DB Connection Pools: Essential Knowledge for Web Developers
the community's sql powershell module
How YOU create a script package for PowerShell gallery
How YOU create a script package for PowerShell gallery
TLDR; this article covers how to build a package for the PowerShell gallery. This is a great way to share your scripts and modules with others. You want to help the community, right? Of course, you do Here's the steps we are about to take: Author script. First you need to create a script. In this ...
How YOU create a script package for PowerShell gallery
What is a fast-forward merge in Git?
What is a fast-forward merge in Git?
Fast forward merge can be performed when there is a direct linear path from the source branch to the target branch. In fast-forward merge, git simply moves the ...
What is a fast-forward merge in Git?
getsysreqs/get-sysreqs.R at main · mdneuzerling/getsysreqs
getsysreqs/get-sysreqs.R at main · mdneuzerling/getsysreqs
Determine system requirements from R packages using the RStudio Package Manager. This is a weekend project, not a real package, so please think twice before using it for anything serious. - getsys...
getsysreqs/get-sysreqs.R at main · mdneuzerling/getsysreqs
Determining system dependencies for R projects
Determining system dependencies for R projects
Locking down R package dependencies and versions is a solved problem, thanks to the easy-to-use renv package. System dependencies — those Linux packages that need to be installed to make certain R packages work — are a bit harder to manage. Option 1: Hard-coding The easiest option is to hard-code the system dependencies. I did this recently when I was creating a Dockerfile for a very simple Plumber API: RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install \ make \ libsodium-dev \ libicu-dev \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libssl-dev My Dockerfile used only three R packages and so its system dependencies were not complicated.
Determining system dependencies for R projects
Some Dockerfiles for Building R Package Binaries
Some Dockerfiles for Building R Package Binaries
I went down a strange path recently, trying to compile binaries of R packages for Linux. I’m not sure why — this area is pretty much covered by the RStudio Package Manager. I’ll leave my Dockerfiles here in case they’re of any use to a future wayward R programmer. The intention here is to build a Docker image that can build an R binary with the below command. I’m trying to build x86 binaries on my ARM Macbook, so I’m specifying the platform during both build and run.
Some Dockerfiles for Building R Package Binaries
R on AWS Lambda with Containers
R on AWS Lambda with Containers
AWS has announced support for container images for their serverless computing platform Lambda. AWS doesn’t provide an R runtime for Lambda, and this was the excuse I needed to finally try to make one. An R runtime means that I can take advantage of AWS Lambda to put my R functions in the cloud. I don’t have to worry about provisioning servers or spinning up containers — the function itself is the star.
R on AWS Lambda with Containers
Awesome R Shiny
Awesome R Shiny
A collection of awesome rShiny packages, tools, addons and examples
Awesome R Shiny
12 Factor CLI Apps
12 Factor CLI Apps
CLIs are a fantastic way to build products. Unlike web applications, they take a small fraction of the time to build and are much more…
12 Factor CLI Apps
GitHub - AlexzanderFlores/Worn-Off-Keys-Lambda-Tutorials: The source code for the AWS Lambda tutorials on the Worn Off Keys YouTube channel.
GitHub - AlexzanderFlores/Worn-Off-Keys-Lambda-Tutorials: The source code for the AWS Lambda tutorials on the Worn Off Keys YouTube channel.
The source code for the AWS Lambda tutorials on the Worn Off Keys YouTube channel. - GitHub - AlexzanderFlores/Worn-Off-Keys-Lambda-Tutorials: The source code for the AWS Lambda tutorials on the Wo...
GitHub - AlexzanderFlores/Worn-Off-Keys-Lambda-Tutorials: The source code for the AWS Lambda tutorials on the Worn Off Keys YouTube channel.