r-lib/pkginstall: Provides a replacement for `utils::install.packages()`Provides a replacement for `utils::install.packages()` - r-lib/pkginstallR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019r-lib/pkginstall: Provides a replacement for `utils::install.packages()`
Roche/rtables: Reporting tables with RReporting tables with R. Contribute to Roche/rtables development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019Roche/rtables: Reporting tables with R
ropenscilabs/reviewer: Improving the track changes and reviewing experience in R markdownImproving the track changes and reviewing experience in R markdown - ropenscilabs/reviewerRMarkdown·github.com·Aug 7, 2019ropenscilabs/reviewer: Improving the track changes and reviewing experience in R markdown
r-lib/pkgapi: Create a map of functions for an R package - WORK IN PROGRESS!Create a map of functions for an R package - WORK IN PROGRESS! - r-lib/pkgapiR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019r-lib/pkgapi: Create a map of functions for an R package - WORK IN PROGRESS!
HenrikBengtsson/R.utils: 🔧 R package: R.utils (this is *not* the utils package that comes with R itself)🔧 R package: R.utils (this is *not* the utils package that comes with R itself) - HenrikBengtsson/R.utilsR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019HenrikBengtsson/R.utils: 🔧 R package: R.utils (this is *not* the utils package that comes with R itself)
merlinoa/shinyFeedback: R package for displaying user feedback next to Shiny inputsdisplay user feedback next to Shiny inputs. Contribute to merlinoa/shinyFeedback development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019merlinoa/shinyFeedback: R package for displaying user feedback next to Shiny inputs
yihui/xfun: Yihui Xie's miscellaneous R functionsYihui Xie's miscellaneous R functions. Contribute to yihui/xfun development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019yihui/xfun: Yihui Xie's miscellaneous R functions
reconhub/reportfactory: Lightweight infrastructure to handle multiple rmarkdown reportsLightweight infrastructure to handle multiple rmarkdown reports - reconhub/reportfactoryRMarkdown·github.com·Aug 7, 2019reconhub/reportfactory: Lightweight infrastructure to handle multiple rmarkdown reports
brodieG/vetr: Trust, but VerifyTrust, but Verify. Contribute to brodieG/vetr development by creating an account on GitHub.Code·github.com·Aug 7, 2019brodieG/vetr: Trust, but Verify
leeper/csvy: Import and Export CSV Data With a YAML Metadata HeaderImport and Export CSV Data With a YAML Metadata Header - leeper/csvyR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019leeper/csvy: Import and Export CSV Data With a YAML Metadata Header
r-hub/sysreqs: R package to install system requirementsR package to install system requirements. Contribute to r-hub/sysreqs development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019r-hub/sysreqs: R package to install system requirements
r-lib/revdepcheck: R package reverse dependency checkingR package reverse dependency checking. Contribute to r-lib/revdepcheck development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019r-lib/revdepcheck: R package reverse dependency checking
trinker/textreadr: Tools to uniformly read in text data including semi-structured transcriptsTools to uniformly read in text data including semi-structured transcripts - trinker/textreadrR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019trinker/textreadr: Tools to uniformly read in text data including semi-structured transcripts
MaximeWack/desctable: An R package to produce descriptive and comparative tablesAn R package to produce descriptive and comparative tables - MaximeWack/desctableR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019MaximeWack/desctable: An R package to produce descriptive and comparative tables
RhoInc/datadigest: Concise interactive data summaries in RConcise interactive data summaries in R. Contribute to RhoInc/datadigest development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019RhoInc/datadigest: Concise interactive data summaries in R
karthik/dashboard: A R package dashboard generatorA R package dashboard generator. Contribute to karthik/dashboard development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019karthik/dashboard: A R package dashboard generator
r-lib/sessioninfo: Print Session InformationPrint Session Information. Contribute to r-lib/sessioninfo development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019r-lib/sessioninfo: Print Session Information
ropenscilabs/datapkg: Read and Write Data PackagesRead and Write Data Packages. Contribute to ropensci-archive/datapkg development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019ropenscilabs/datapkg: Read and Write Data Packages
SymbolixAU/jsonify: R package to convert R objects to JSONR package to convert R objects to JSON. Contribute to SymbolixAU/jsonify development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019SymbolixAU/jsonify: R package to convert R objects to JSON
lbartnik/subprocessContribute to lbartnik/subprocess development by creating an account on GitHub.Code·github.com·Aug 7, 2019lbartnik/subprocess
zzawadz/customLayout: Simple extension of basic layout function from R.Simple extension of basic layout function from R. Contribute to zzawadz/customLayout development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019zzawadz/customLayout: Simple extension of basic layout function from R.
Ironholds/webreadr: A package for consuming and munging access log dataA package for consuming and munging access log data - Ironholds/webreadrR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019Ironholds/webreadr: A package for consuming and munging access log data
HenrikBengtsson/progressr: 三 R package: A Unifying API for Progress Updates三 R package: An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates - HenrikBengtsson/progressrR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019HenrikBengtsson/progressr: 三 R package: A Unifying API for Progress Updates
hrbrmstr/speedtest: Measure upload/download speed/bandwidth for your network with R:triangular_ruler: Measure upload/download speed/bandwidth for your network with R - hrbrmstr/speedtestR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019hrbrmstr/speedtest: Measure upload/download speed/bandwidth for your network with R
dreamRs/wired: Wired elements in ShinyWired elements in Shiny. Contribute to dreamRs/wired development by creating an account on GitHub.R·github.com·Aug 7, 2019dreamRs/wired: Wired elements in Shiny
katiejolly/data-resources: Collection of resources I've found to be helpful for data science and programmingCollection of resources I've found to be helpful for data science and programming - katiejolly/data-resourcesAwesome Lists·github.com·Aug 7, 2019katiejolly/data-resources: Collection of resources I've found to be helpful for data science and programming
ropenscilabs/notary: Signing & verification of R packages:lock_with_ink_pen::package: Signing & verification of R packages - ropenscilabs/notaryR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019ropenscilabs/notary: Signing & verification of R packages
alexsanjoseph/compareDF: R Tool to compare two data.framesR Tool to compare two data.frames. Contribute to alexsanjoseph/compareDF development by creating an account on GitHub.Addins·github.com·Aug 7, 2019alexsanjoseph/compareDF: R Tool to compare two data.frames
r-lib/rappdirs: A port of AppDirs for RA port of AppDirs for R. Contribute to r-lib/rappdirs development by creating an account on GitHub.Addins·github.com·Aug 7, 2019r-lib/rappdirs: A port of AppDirs for R
pmaji/financial-asset-comparison-tool: R Shiny app to compare the relative performance of cryptos and equities.R Shiny app to compare the relative performance of cryptos and equities. - pmaji/financial-asset-comparison-toolR·github.com·Aug 7, 2019pmaji/financial-asset-comparison-tool: R Shiny app to compare the relative performance of cryptos and equities.