Setting column width in R Shiny DataTable does not work in case of lots of column - Stack Overflow
I need to set the column width of a DataTabe in an R Shiny app. I went through the Data Table Options in the documentation. Also, I reviewed this and this questions in Stackoverflow. Setting width
Docking or containerization is a new method of distribute a software/tool. Beside providing only the source code for installing, we give the users the so-called container, which contains the whole environment to run the program, including the tool and its dependencies with the exact version and all the needed configurations. By delivering such a “container”, users are always able to “reuse” the tool and reproduce the results as we did.
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
This blogpost explains step by step how you can build your own Docker Image and include R scripts. With this you can have scripts running at every image's beginning.
Learn how to dockerize ShinyApps! Join our colleague Oliver on his journey toward deploying his work done in R with the help of neat Docker containers.
Help yourself to these free books, tutorials, packages, cheat sheets, and many more materials for R programming. There’s a separate overview for handy R programming tricks. If you have additi…