JohnCoene/awn: Awesome notifications for shinyAwesome notifications for shiny. Contribute to JohnCoene/awn development by creating an account on GitHub.R - Shiny#shiny#r#r-shiny#Shiny#r-package#r-development#dev#webdev#javascript··Mar 25, 2025JohnCoene/awn: Awesome notifications for shiny
UNCHARTED DATA: Interactive Tooltip TablesHow to include tables in your {ggiraph} tooltips.R#r-development#r-package#dev#shiny#webdev#dataviz#r-package-devt#r-shiny#tables#dt··Dec 31, 2024UNCHARTED DATA: Interactive Tooltip Tables
reactable: Column group definitions — colGroupUse colGroup() to create column groups in a table.R#r-development#r-package#dev#r-shiny#shiny#tables#webdev#reactable#javascript··Dec 21, 2024reactable: Column group definitions — colGroup
Overview – Next Generation Shiny Apps with {bslib}R - Shiny#r-development#shiny#webdev#dev#r-shiny#r-package#article#book#bslib#r··Dec 11, 2024Overview – Next Generation Shiny Apps with {bslib}
Welcome and Getting Started – Next Generation Shiny Apps with {bslib}Welcome to the workshop and hello, bslib!R - Shiny#r-development#shiny#webdev#dev#r-shiny#r-package#r-package-devt#bslib#r#workshop··Dec 11, 2024Welcome and Getting Started – Next Generation Shiny Apps with {bslib}
How to enhance your R shiny application with httpOnly CookieshttpOnly Cookies are crucial for security, protecting against cross-site scripting attacks in R Shiny apps. Read more about them here.R - Shiny#shiny#webdev#r-development#dev#r-shiny#shiny-server#security#http-only#cookie#cross-site scripting#xss··Sep 6, 2024How to enhance your R shiny application with httpOnly Cookies
dreamRs/shinypop: Collection of notifications, confirm dialogs and alerts for 'Shiny' applicationsCollection of notifications, confirm dialogs and alerts for 'Shiny' applications - dreamRs/shinypopR - Shiny#shiny#r-package#dev#webdev#r-development··May 9, 2021dreamRs/shinypop: Collection of notifications, confirm dialogs and alerts for 'Shiny' applications
Using Cookie Based Authentication with Shiny · calligross.deAPIs#shiny#webdev#dev#authentication#api#r-development··Apr 30, 2021Using Cookie Based Authentication with Shiny ·
Experiment, Fail, Learn, RepeatR#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Apr 6, 2021Experiment, Fail, Learn, Repeat
How To Reinstall Built-in App removed with Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage ?R#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Feb 7, 2021How To Reinstall Built-in App removed with Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage ?
Making Shiny apps faster with caching - RStudioShiny's 1.6 has a new function, bindCache(), which makes it easy to dramatically speed up reactive expressions and output rendering functions.R - Shiny#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Feb 5, 2021Making Shiny apps faster with caching - RStudio
feddelegrand7/shinysnip: 👽 👽 👽 VSCode Extension for Generating Shiny Code Snippets.R#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 29, 2021feddelegrand7/shinysnip: 👽 👽 👽 VSCode Extension for Generating Shiny Code Snippets.
feddelegrand7/rintimg: View an image in full screen by clicking on itView an image in full screen by clicking on it. Contribute to feddelegrand7/rintimg development by creating an account on GitHub.R#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 29, 2021feddelegrand7/rintimg: View an image in full screen by clicking on it
feddelegrand7/mailtoR: 🐹🐹🐹 Creates a Friendly User Interface for Emails Sending in Shiny and RMarkdown🐹🐹🐹 Creates a Friendly User Interface for Emails Sending in Shiny and RMarkdown - feddelegrand7/mailtoRR#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 29, 2021feddelegrand7/mailtoR: 🐹🐹🐹 Creates a Friendly User Interface for Emails Sending in Shiny and RMarkdown
feddelegrand7/scrollrevealR: Animate shiny elements when they scroll into view 🍁 🍁 🍁Animate shiny elements when they scroll into view 🍁 🍁 🍁 - feddelegrand7/scrollrevealRR#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 29, 2021feddelegrand7/scrollrevealR: Animate shiny elements when they scroll into view 🍁 🍁 🍁
feddelegrand7/pivta: Create an Interactive Pivot Table with Data Analysis ToolsCreate an Interactive Pivot Table with Data Analysis Tools - feddelegrand7/pivtaR#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 29, 2021feddelegrand7/pivta: Create an Interactive Pivot Table with Data Analysis Tools
feddelegrand7/algo: Implement the Algolia Places Address Search Auto Completion Menu on Shiny Text InputsImplement the Algolia Places Address Search Auto Completion Menu on Shiny Text Inputs - feddelegrand7/algoR#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 29, 2021feddelegrand7/algo: Implement the Algolia Places Address Search Auto Completion Menu on Shiny Text Inputs
ThinkR-open/shinysnippets: A series of shiny related RStudio SnippetsA series of shiny related RStudio Snippets . Contribute to ThinkR-open/shinysnippets development by creating an account on GitHub.R#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 29, 2021ThinkR-open/shinysnippets: A series of shiny related RStudio Snippets
Basic Data Exploration AppR#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 29, 2021Basic Data Exploration App
nanxstats/awesome-shiny-extensions: 🐝 Awesome R packages that offer extended UI or server components for the R web framework Shiny🐝 Awesome R packages that offer extended UI or server components for the R web framework Shiny - nanxstats/awesome-shiny-extensionsR#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 29, 2021nanxstats/awesome-shiny-extensions: 🐝 Awesome R packages that offer extended UI or server components for the R web framework Shiny
5 Signs It's Time To Refactor Your Shiny Dashboard - Appsilon | End to End Data Science SolutionsR#refactor#shiny#dev#webdev#r-development··Jan 28, 20215 Signs It's Time To Refactor Your Shiny Dashboard - Appsilon | End to End Data Science Solutions
jbryer/DTedit: Editable DataTables for shiny appsEditable DataTables for shiny apps. Contribute to jbryer/DTedit development by creating an account on GitHub.R#shiny#dt#r-package#tables#dataviz#webdev#dev#r-development··Jan 26, 2021jbryer/DTedit: Editable DataTables for shiny apps
gyang274/ygdashboard: A modified shinydashboard to incorporate more functionality from adminLTEA modified shinydashboard to incorporate more functionality from adminLTE - gyang274/ygdashboardR#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 26, 2021gyang274/ygdashboard: A modified shinydashboard to incorporate more functionality from adminLTE
DivadNojnarg/outstanding-shiny-ui-code: Standalone code for the "Outstanding Shiny UI" BookStandalone code for the "Outstanding Shiny UI" Book - DivadNojnarg/outstanding-shiny-ui-codeR#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 26, 2021DivadNojnarg/outstanding-shiny-ui-code: Standalone code for the "Outstanding Shiny UI" Book
dreamRs/shinyapps: Some Shiny applicationsSome Shiny applications. Contribute to dreamRs/shinyapps development by creating an account on GitHub.R#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 26, 2021dreamRs/shinyapps: Some Shiny applications
dreamRs/jstools: Tools to work with JavaScript and CSS filesTools to work with JavaScript and CSS files. Contribute to dreamRs/jstools development by creating an account on GitHub.Developer Tools#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 26, 2021dreamRs/jstools: Tools to work with JavaScript and CSS files
DivadNojnarg/Advanced-User-Interfaces-for-Shiny-Developers: erum::Conf 2020 workshop sessionerum::Conf 2020 workshop session. Contribute to DivadNojnarg/Advanced-User-Interfaces-for-Shiny-Developers development by creating an account on GitHub.Code#dev#webdev#shiny#r-development··Jan 26, 2021DivadNojnarg/Advanced-User-Interfaces-for-Shiny-Developers: erum::Conf 2020 workshop session
systats/shinyuser: User login and admin panel for shiny apps (Semantic UI)User login and admin panel for shiny apps (Semantic UI) - systats/shinyuserR#shiny#r-package#dev#webdev#r-development··Jan 25, 2021systats/shinyuser: User login and admin panel for shiny apps (Semantic UI)