Basic Data Exploration App
nanxstats/awesome-shiny-extensions: 🐝 Awesome R packages that offer extended UI or server components for the R web framework Shiny
🐝 Awesome R packages that offer extended UI or server components for the R web framework Shiny - nanxstats/awesome-shiny-extensions
5 Signs It's Time To Refactor Your Shiny Dashboard - Appsilon | End to End Data Science Solutions
jbryer/DTedit: Editable DataTables for shiny apps
Editable DataTables for shiny apps. Contribute to jbryer/DTedit development by creating an account on GitHub.
HTML Static Template
gyang274/ygdashboard: A modified shinydashboard to incorporate more functionality from adminLTE
A modified shinydashboard to incorporate more functionality from adminLTE - gyang274/ygdashboard
DivadNojnarg/outstanding-shiny-ui-code: Standalone code for the "Outstanding Shiny UI" Book
Standalone code for the "Outstanding Shiny UI" Book - DivadNojnarg/outstanding-shiny-ui-code
dreamRs/shinyapps: Some Shiny applications
Some Shiny applications. Contribute to dreamRs/shinyapps development by creating an account on GitHub.
dreamRs/jstools: Tools to work with JavaScript and CSS files
Tools to work with JavaScript and CSS files. Contribute to dreamRs/jstools development by creating an account on GitHub.
DivadNojnarg/Advanced-User-Interfaces-for-Shiny-Developers: erum::Conf 2020 workshop session
erum::Conf 2020 workshop session. Contribute to DivadNojnarg/Advanced-User-Interfaces-for-Shiny-Developers development by creating an account on GitHub.
Shiny - Gallery
systats/shinyuser: User login and admin panel for shiny apps (Semantic UI)
User login and admin panel for shiny apps (Semantic UI) - systats/shinyuser
yanirmor/shiny-user-management: Demonstration of user management and authentication system in R Shiny
Demonstration of user management and authentication system in R Shiny - yanirmor/shiny-user-management
dreamRs/tuicalendr: R htmlwidget for tui-calendar
:calendar: R htmlwidget for tui-calendar. Contribute to dreamRs/tuicalendr development by creating an account on GitHub.
dreamRs/capture: Take screenshots in Shiny apps
Take screenshots in Shiny apps. Contribute to dreamRs/capture development by creating an account on GitHub.
Shiny modules to import data into an application or addin - dreamRs/datamods
etiennebacher/shinyfullscreen: Display HTML Elements on Full Screen in 'Shiny' Apps Using 'Screenfull.js'
Display HTML Elements on Full Screen in 'Shiny' Apps Using 'Screenfull.js' - etiennebacher/shinyfullscreen
ropenscilabs/r-docker-tutorial: A docker tutorial for reproducible research
A docker tutorial for reproducible research. Contribute to ropenscilabs/r-docker-tutorial development by creating an account on GitHub.
A fast, easy-to-use database library for R. Contribute to ankane/dbx development by creating an account on GitHub.
Shiny Server Pro with Docker – RStudio Support
You can put Shiny Server Pro in a Docker container, but licensing must be handled explicitly. For this configuration, we recommend using a floating license server on hardware or a static VM, on the...
rstudio/rscrypt: scrypt cryptographic functions for R
scrypt cryptographic functions for R. Contribute to rstudio/rscrypt development by creating an account on GitHub.
skranz/shinyEventsLogin: Login Module for ShinyEvents Apps
Login Module for ShinyEvents Apps. Contribute to skranz/shinyEventsLogin development by creating an account on GitHub.
Creating a Streamlit web app, building with Docker + GitHub Actions, and hosting on Heroku | Joshua Cook
A step-by-step tutorial on creating a web application with Streamlit, building a Docker image with GitHub Actions, and hosting on Heroku.
Integrating React.js and Shiny
React.js is a thriving JavaScript library that eases encapsulating and sharing sophisticated component libraries. The React.js ecosystem is filled with components for doing everything from...
Hosting a Shiny App using Docker
I used for my own shiny app. It’s a great service. You can deploy your app for free, test it and show it to other people. But there’s also a downside: The memory an app can use is limited. So I was looking for another way to deploy my app. So I took a look at Docker.
4 Tips to Make Your Shiny Dashboard Faster
Yes, Shiny apps can be fast and scalable. But only if you build them in the right way and use the proper tools.
Shiny - shiny-options
Auto-refresh persistently displayed Shiny app when new version is deployed to RStudioConnect
Aaaand... because I couldn't help myself. A simple little example using shinyjs that seems to work for my not-very-thorough testing 😄 The two important bits: In the UI: shinyjs::useShinyjs(), In the Server (10 seconds for testing): shinyjs::runjs( "function reload_page() { window.location.reload(); setTimeout(reload_page, 10000); } setTimeout(reload_page, 10000); ") You definitely don't need the shinyjs package to make this work, but it does make things a little easier :s...
Deploying R Shiny apps using ShinyProxy on Windows 10 | databentobox
This post provides a guide to use ShinyProxy, an open-source tool with enterprise features, to deploy R Shiny apps.
Securing and Monitoring ShinyProxy Deployment of R Shiny Apps | databentobox
This post provides a guide to secure ShinyProxy with Nginx, Certbot and AWS Cognito, and monitor usage statistics with InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana.