Data Quality Rules: The Definitive Guide to Getting Started — Data Quality Pro
The reality is that all organisations possess data quality rules but they’re typically scattered widely across the organisation with no thought to standardisation, governance and re-use. The following resources will help your organisation buck that trend adopt data quality rules management habits a
How to set up a production-grade flask application using Application Factory Pattern and Celery
This is not a beginner tutorial. It is assumed that the reader is experienced with the flask web application framework, its commonly used libraries and celery. Flask is a very flexible web…
How do you make robust #Python apps with Flask? Let’s explore recipes for building a complete #production-ready #Flask #application.
While you work on your Flask application, you normally run the development web server, which provides a basic, yet functional WSGI complaint HTTP server. But eventually you will want to deploy your…
PowerShell-Scripts/Restore-EdgeTabs.ps1 at master · papersaltserver/PowerShell-Scripts
Various PowerShell scripts, too small for dedicated repository - PowerShell-Scripts/Restore-EdgeTabs.ps1 at master · papersaltserver/PowerShell-Scripts