6 simple Shiny things I have learned from creating a somewhat small app
I recently built a small Shiny app where I had to search for how to do a lot of things. Here are 6 things I learned doing that. Maybe a Shiny beginner will find something useful in here.
Learn how to connect Microsoft Excel to a database in Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Managed Instance. Import data into Excel for reporting and data exploration.
IaC uses code to provision, configure, and manage infrastructure. In part one of this IaC miniseries, I will introduce you to the basic concepts and explain some of the benefits.
Push your code and see your builds happening in your terminal with "git deploy"
By extending git on your local machine with just one small Python script, you can see your Cloud Build triggers deployed as you push your code up to GitHub.
In this article we will explore how to create custom stored procedures using R which is basically an R function that can be called from a SQL Server stored procedure.
git can be configured to push and pull from many locations at once, enabling you to store your code on two different platforms while only maintaining one local copy. Here’s how to set it up.