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Cloud Transformation
Cloud Transformation
PwC's Cloud Transformation solution helps you use cloud differently. Designed to enable innovation that creates new business models and amazing customer experiences.
Cloud Transformation
Notes and Tasks All-In-One | Amplenote Review
Notes and Tasks All-In-One | Amplenote Review
#amplenote ☕ Buy Me A Coffee - In this video, I do a review and walk-through of Amplenote. 📺 Related Videos: How To Use A Tag System In Obsidian - How To Create A Tag System | Use in Obsidian - Obsidian - [[ Links ]] You Need To Know - 📚 Get more productive Obsidian App - ClickUp - - 📈 Trade Stocks M1 Finance - #BeInvested 🌐 Learn a new language Duolingo - 👍 Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to the channel. 👍 💬 Comments and feedback are welcome. And if you'd like to see something that I missed let me know in the comments. PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜
Notes and Tasks All-In-One | Amplenote Review
Optimizing your $Profile
Optimizing your $Profile
Optimizing your $Profile Your PowerShell Profile allows you to customize your PowerShell session and runs at startup. Complex profiles can cause a significant delay in the startup of PowerShell as it is a script that needs to be executed before the prompt first shows up.
Optimizing your $Profile
Making Obsidian play nice with Logseq - Look what I built - Logseq
Making Obsidian play nice with Logseq - Look what I built - Logseq
I’ve been using outliners ever since the 1980s, when I was running Dave Winer’s MORE on a MacPlus in college. I then used: Omni Outliner, Workflowy, Dynalist, and Roam Research before moving to Logseq this week. For a long time I’d wished that Obsidian had a decent workflowy-like outlining experience and when the beta desktop app for Logseq came out I saw a post saying that the two apps could work together. I now have it all set up and I’m absolutely delighted with the result. The main reason ...
Making Obsidian play nice with Logseq - Look what I built - Logseq
Breakdown a Monolithic Application to a Suite of Services • Use Microservices in R
Breakdown a Monolithic Application to a Suite of Services • Use Microservices in R
Microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies.
Breakdown a Monolithic Application to a Suite of Services • Use Microservices in R
Supplement to Shiny in Production
Supplement to Shiny in Production
This document is full of supplemental resources and content from the Shiny in Production Workshop delievered at rstudio::conf 2019.
Supplement to Shiny in Production
Field Guide to the R Ecosystem
Field Guide to the R Ecosystem
This guide aims to introduce the reader to the main elements of the R ecosystem.
Field Guide to the R Ecosystem