Found 144 bookmarks
Auto-refresh persistently displayed Shiny app when new version is deployed to RStudioConnect
Auto-refresh persistently displayed Shiny app when new version is deployed to RStudioConnect
Aaaand... because I couldn't help myself. A simple little example using shinyjs that seems to work for my not-very-thorough testing 😄 The two important bits: In the UI: shinyjs::useShinyjs(), In the Server (10 seconds for testing): shinyjs::runjs( "function reload_page() { window.location.reload(); setTimeout(reload_page, 10000); } setTimeout(reload_page, 10000); ") You definitely don't need the shinyjs package to make this work, but it does make things a little easier :s...
Auto-refresh persistently displayed Shiny app when new version is deployed to RStudioConnect
r - How to adjust width of one column for shiny DataTables created with the JavaScript? - Stack Overflow
r - How to adjust width of one column for shiny DataTables created with the JavaScript? - Stack Overflow
My Shiny App has a paging system, that allows to go back and forth. Below is a miniversion of my entire app. I would like to resize the first column of my datatable that includes checkboxes and mak...
r - How to adjust width of one column for shiny DataTables created with the JavaScript? - Stack Overflow
Alternative Approaches to Scaling Shiny with RStudio Connect, ShinyProxy, or Custom Architecture - Appsilon | End­ to­ End Data Science Solutions
Alternative Approaches to Scaling Shiny with RStudio Connect, ShinyProxy, or Custom Architecture - Appsilon | End­ to­ End Data Science Solutions
Article compares different technologies to scale R Shiny Apps, technologies used: ShinyProxy, Shiny Server Open Source & Pro and solution based Docker and Load Balancer.
Alternative Approaches to Scaling Shiny with RStudio Connect, ShinyProxy, or Custom Architecture - Appsilon | End­ to­ End Data Science Solutions
Best practices for global/external variables used in a module - shiny - RStudio Community
Best practices for global/external variables used in a module - shiny - RStudio Community
I wanted to know what others think is the best approach when making a shiny module that uses some functions/variables that in a non-module app would belong in global.R Do you still keep them in global.R? To me that seems to break the isolation and independence of modules, since a module should be explicit about all its inputs and outputs. As a concrete example: in the following app, the module UI and module server use a variable defined outside of it. Here's one way to write it: foodata
Best practices for global/external variables used in a module - shiny - RStudio Community