Using Shiny with Scheduled and Streaming Data · R Views
Note: This article is now several years old. If you have RStudio Connect, there are more modern ways of updating data in a Shiny app. Shiny applications are often backed by fluid, changing data. Data updates can occur at different time scales: from scheduled daily updates to live streaming data and ad-hoc user inputs. This article describes best practices for handling data updates in Shiny, and discusses deployment strategies for automating data updates.
Persistent config and data for R packages - R-hub blog
Does your R package work best with some configuration? You probably want it to be easily found by your package. Does your R package download huge datasets that don’t change much on the provider side? Maybe you want to save the corresponding data somewhere persistent so that things will go faster during the next R session. In this blog post we shall explain how an R package developer can go about using and setting persistent configuration and data on the user’s machine.
Software Developers Tools Round-up
Whether you work for a company, or as an indie, stay in the office or enjoy the digital nomad's lifestyle, being a software developer means everyday learning on the job. With that said, we suggest you considered the highly recommended reads on what proven #tools #software #developers #choose #in2019.
Atomic notes: How to use Zettelkasten to boost your creativity and productivity
The Zettelkasten is an analog system that can be easily adapted to the digital age. Thanks to its power and simplicity, today the Zettelkasten method has been adapted to fit the workflow and information management of any creative pro.
The History of R (updated for 2020)
As an update to this post, here's a list of the major events in R history since its creation: 1992: R development begins as a research project in Auckland, NZ by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka 1993: First binary versions of R published at Statlib 1995: R first distributed as open-source software, under GPL2 license 1997: R core group formed 1997: CRAN founded (by Kurt Hornik and Fritz Leisch) 1999: The R website,, founded 1999: First in-person meeting of R Core team, at inaugural Directions in Statistical Computing conference, Vienna 2000: R 1.0.0 released (February 29) 2000:...
Note taking with Obsidian
After starting to use spaced repetition more actively and being more consistent with my journaling, now I've tackled improving my note taking skills. Over the last couple of months, I've read about various note-taking methods, different approaches and diverse goals for them and they helped me change my perspective on
JavaScript for the R package developer - R-hub blog
JS and R, what a clickbait! Come for JS, stay for our posts about Solaris and WinBuilder. 😉 No matter how strongly you believe in JavaScript being the language of the future (see below), you might still gain from using it in your R practice, be it back-end or front-end. javascript is rly the future and it's evolving closer and closer to some of my cherished older languages . it will outlive python (and R) by a long shot.