Alleviating my ADHD headaches with Obsidian. Periodic Notes and Templater extensions save the day by reminding me of the next step towards my larger goals.
Draft for adding OAuth support to shiny by thohan88 · Pull Request #518 · r-lib/httr2
Info: This is a draft for discussion purposes. It's not a polished PR and currently includes minimal error handling and documentation. It may be big enough to warrant a separate package, bu...
Cloud Run Websocket support now allows you to deploy a R Shiny Server as a serverless app to GCP Cloud Run
Cloud Run Websocket support now allows you to deploy a R Shiny Server - a dashboard hosting tool to host R Shiny dashhboards - as a serverless app to GCP Cloud Run
Why you should learn Javascript to master R Shiny. And how to get started -
Although the concealment of Javascript is by design and makes Shiny in the first instance easy to use, in the long run when you want to build serious and more visual appealing apps, you most likely need to utilize javascript to make most of the web framework
Allows one to fully create an R package in a single .Rmd file. Includes functionality and .Rmd templates for a literate programming approach to R package development.
PowerShell is fun :)Creating a development Windows Sandbox using PowerShell and WinGet
As I mentioned before, I like Windows Sandbox! However, since Windows 11 24H2, Windows Sandbox has been missing two things I often use: Notepad and Windows ISE. In this blog post, I will show you h…
Best Practice: Development of Robust Shiny Dashboards as R Packages
This article describes best practice approaches for developing shiny dashboards. The creation of the dashboard in package form, as well as the use of unit tests should enable the development of robust solutions and guarantee high quality.