Packer is able to create Azure VM images. To achieve this, Packer comes with multiple builders depending on the strategy you want to use to build the images.
CakeRepository/WindowsUpgrade: Runs Windows 10 ISO from online path and upgrades Windows 10 using setup.exe commands
Runs Windows 10 ISO from online path and upgrades Windows 10 using setup.exe commands - GitHub - CakeRepository/WindowsUpgrade: Runs Windows 10 ISO from online path and upgrades Windows 10 using se...
Microsoft Windows PowerShell is a powerful, robust tool to manage Windows Servers. Using Windows PowerShell with Ansible provides many advantages over simply using PowerShell alone.
I modified two Hugo themes to be able to share R code using blogdown. hugo-future-imperfect and hugo-statnmap-theme are multilingual themes allowing for code folding, syntax highlighting, list of related articles, citation card, SEO graph or contact form. All options listed below are detailed in the Readme page of themes on Github. There are also listed with their configuration parameters in the config file of the “exampleSite” directory in the repository.
Enable code folding in bookdown and blogdown · StatnMap
Code folding is an interesting feature in Rmarkdown documents. Find out how to realise it in bookdown documents and blogdown websites. Code folding in bookdown and blogdown Option code_folding: true, like in classical rmarkdown documents, is not working in bookdown or blogdown but it is possible to enable it with some tricks. All files presented here, the javascript and Rmd files necessary for bookdown and the html files necessary for blogdown, to enable code folding are available on my github blog tips repository.
As many of you are aware, it has been a difficult period for companies offering free cloud compute [1]. Unfortunately, Docker’s Autobuild service has been targeted by the same bad actors, so today we are disappointed to announce that we will be discontinuing Autobuilds on the free tier starting from June 18, 2021. In the…
unicodeveloper/awesome-nextjs: A curated list of awesome resources : books, videos, articles about using Next.js (A minimalistic framework for universal server-rendered React applications)
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: :books: A curated list of awesome resources : books, videos, articles about using Next.js (A minimalistic framework for universal server-rendered React applications...
Learn to code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more by building projects on codedamn. Hundereds of high quality projects to build, practice, and get reviewed by community.
How much JavaScript to learn before learning React?
You should learn JavaScript before React, but how much? In this blog post we will cover the right amount of JavaScript to learn before moving on to React.
A complete guide on how to become a full-stack web developer in 2021
Becoming a full-stack web developer is difficult but rewarding. This post goes deep into what things you need to learn and the order to become a full-stack developer.
PwC's Cloud Transformation solution helps you use cloud differently. Designed to enable innovation that creates new business models and amazing customer experiences.