While using Obsidian, if you press CTRL-SHIFT-I (option-cmd-i for mac) then it will bring up the developer window. In the developer window, at the top left is an icon with a pointer in a box. This allows you to select elements on the screen and see how to refer to them and what styles. I will occasionally update this post with more pictures of how to do stuff. You can hover over items to see what they do and then click on an item to select it. Then go down to the styles section at the bottom...
Get more value out of notes by refactoring them — Moby Diction
If you just jot notes down, you’re probably not getting as much value out of them as you can. Refactoring them can help unlock the potential of your digital notes to drive new insights and ideas.
I inadvertently derailed a wonderful thread on MOCs a while back, and with the topic coming back up just now in the great thread on the IMF/LYT system, I figured I’d open this topic so as to divert any such discussion from that thread, as well as have a dedicated place to openly discuss/debate such things. This graphic largely summarizes what I was getting at in both other threads It is my sense and observation that in this PKM space (and, frankly, the general world) that people are living ...
This starter kit is designed to get you immediately hands-on with ways to manage your digital notes. Experiment. Learn by doing. See what methods work for you. »» Download the LYT Kit «« Check out the LYT Kit on Obsidian Publish LYT Kit v4 Release Notes: 188 Notes Highly refactored: more “signal” less “noise” Expanded “Evergreen Notes” section. Revised Home Note Revised Home MOCs Caveats for Asperger’s and ADHD Changed acronym to LYT General clean-up Old Version: https://github.com/nick...
HTML and CSS: Starting With The Basics » All Things Web Development
Get ready for a surprise! Creating things with letters and characters gives people joy. This is especially true when working with HTML and CSS. Now after you pick your jaw up off the floor let me explain what gives me joy in this process. A long time ago, over twenty years in fact, a younger […]
Class Based JavaScript » All Things Web Development
Finally Javascript is making full headway into Object Oriented Programming. Here's a tutorial on how to begin using the features some of the latest updates have put out.
Both R and distributed programming rank highly on my list of “good things”, so imagine my delight when two new... The post The Evolution of Distributed Programming in R appeared first on Mango Solutions.
You most likely don’t need this thread to find new plugins (you should first check the community plugins page in the settings), but just in case I’ll keep updating this from time to time. If the plugins available in the community plugins page don’t fit what you need, feel free to search for existing proposals in #plugins. This a meta post to collect and share plugins that are using the new API! The old Plugin directory will be kept as an archive for the Volcano (RIP) and console hacks. Feel...
This page tracks all the Shortcuts I have created for my blog and YouTube channel. I will try my best to keep it updated but remember you are using them at your own risk. Have a play with these and…
My personal knowledge management system — Moby Diction
Here's the workflow and tech stack I use for personal knowledge management (PKM). It's a bit of Tiago Forte's PARA with a bit of Luhmann's zettelkasten (via Sönke Ahrens).