Function reference • tidytemplate
sigmajs/_pkgdown.yml at master · JohnCoene/sigmajs
Σ sigma.js for R. Contribute to JohnCoene/sigmajs development by creating an account on GitHub.
Interface to 'Sigma.js' Graph Visualization Library • sigmajs
Interface to 'sigma.js' graph visualization library including animations, plugins and shiny proxies.
Build pkgdown site and move to inst — build_pkgdown • chameleon
If "docs" is not in "inst" folder, it will not be available to the users
Introduction to pkgdown • pkgdown
Learn how to get started with the basics of pkgdown.
shinyApp(), runApp(), shinyAppDir(), and a fourth option - Rtask
Communication between modules and its whims - Rtask
Beginners Cookbook for Interactive Visualization in R with highcharter · Programming with R
r-lib/roxygen2md: Convert elements of roxygen documentation to markdown
Convert elements of roxygen documentation to markdown - r-lib/roxygen2md
eddelbuettel/digest: R package to create compact hash digests of R objects
R package to create compact hash digests of R objects - eddelbuettel/digest
ropensci/git2rdata: An R package for storing and retrieving data.frames in git repositories.
An R package for storing and retrieving data.frames in git repositories. - ropensci/git2rdata
odeleongt/postr: Prepare reproducible R Markdown posters
Prepare reproducible R Markdown posters. Contribute to odeleongt/postr development by creating an account on GitHub.
googleCloudStorageR • googleCloudStorageR
cloudyr/googleCloudStorageR: Google Cloud Storage API to R
Google Cloud Storage API to R. Contribute to cloudyr/googleCloudStorageR development by creating an account on GitHub.
analyticalmonk/Rperform: R package for tracking performance metrics across git versions and branches.
:bar_chart: R package for tracking performance metrics across git versions and branches. - analyticalmonk/Rperform
njtierney/rmd4sci: Rmarkdown for Scientists
Rmarkdown for Scientists. Contribute to njtierney/rmd4sci development by creating an account on GitHub.
Simple and secure authentification mechanism for single shiny applications. - datastorm-open/shinymanager
HenrikBengtsson/Wishlist-for-R: Features and tweaks to R that I and others would love to see - feel free to add yours!
Features and tweaks to R that I and others would love to see - feel free to add yours! - HenrikBengtsson/Wishlist-for-R
ropensci/spelling: Tools for Spell Checking in R
Tools for Spell Checking in R. Contribute to ropensci/spelling development by creating an account on GitHub.
sellorm/awesome-blogdown: An awesome curated list of blogs built using blogdown
An awesome curated list of blogs built using blogdown - sellorm/awesome-blogdown
GuangchuangYu/badger: Badge for R Package
Badge for R Package. Contribute to GuangchuangYu/badger development by creating an account on GitHub.
viking/r-yaml: R package for converting objects to and from YAML
R package for converting objects to and from YAML. Contribute to viking/r-yaml development by creating an account on GitHub.
ddsjoberg/gtsummary: Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables - ddsjoberg/gtsummary
ropenscilabs/dataspice: Create lightweight descriptions of dataset
:hot_pepper: Create lightweight descriptions of your datasets - ropenscilabs/dataspice
JohnCoene/waiter: 🕰️ Loading screens for Shiny
🕰️ Loading screens for Shiny. Contribute to JohnCoene/waiter development by creating an account on GitHub.
r-lib/debugme: Easy and efficient debugging for R packages
Easy and efficient debugging for R packages. Contribute to r-lib/debugme development by creating an account on GitHub.
MilesMcBain/friendlyeval: A friendly interface to tidyeval/rlang that will excuse itself when you're done.
A friendly interface to tidyeval/rlang that will excuse itself when you're done. - MilesMcBain/friendlyeval
rte-antares-rpackage/manipulateWidget: Add More Interactivity to htmlWidgets
Add More Interactivity to htmlwidgets. Contribute to rte-antares-rpackage/manipulateWidget development by creating an account on GitHub.
dm3ll3n/ShinyStudio: a curated, out-of-the-box instance of ShinyProxy that includes RStudio, VS Code, NGINX, InfluxDB to offer a full-featured, easily reproducible, multi-user development environment.
A fully Dockerized, self-hosted development environment for teams. Develop where you serve. - clevr-dev/ShinyStudio
ropensci/piggyback: for using large(r) data files on GitHub
:package: for using large(r) data files on GitHub. Contribute to ropensci/piggyback development by creating an account on GitHub.