Entrata property management software incorporates property accounting, purchasing, facilities, and leasing data into a comprehensive property management software available.
JSON Type Definition, aka RFC 8927, is an easy-to-learn, standardized way to define a schema for JSON data. You can use JSON Typedef to portably validate data across programming languages, create dummy data, generate code, and more. jtd-infer is a tool that can generate a JSON Typedef schema from example data. It lives on GitHub here. This article will go over why jtd-infer may be useful to you, how to install it, and then go through an example of using jtd-infer on a few real-world datasets.
Create a free Llama 3.1 405B-powered chatbot on a GitHub repo in
How to create and deploy a free GPT4-class chatbot on HuggingFace Assistants for any GitHub repo, using an R package as an example, in less than 60 seconds
As part of our work documenting R-Universe, we’re adding screenshots of the interface to the documentation website. Taking screenshots manually could quickly become very cumbersome, especially as we expect they’ll need updating in future: we might want to change the universes we feature, the interface might improve yet again and therefore look slightly different. Therefore, we decided to opt for a programmatic approach. In this post we shall present our learnings from using the R packages chromote and magick to produce screenshots.
PowerShell is fun :)My PowerShell for Visual Studio Code extension settings
I use Visual Studio Code to create and edit PowerShell scripts. The PowerShell Extension from Microsoft has some excellent features that will make your scripts more readable and consistent formatti…
Aviator - Automate code reviews, merges and testing workflows
A developer productivity suite for lightning-fast code reviews. Scale your developer workflow for creating, reviewing, testing, and merging code in large repos.
Display Idiomatic Code to Construct Most R Objects
Prints code that can be used to recreate R objects. In a sense it is similar to base::dput() or base::deparse() but constructive strives to use idiomatic constructors.
This note describes a useful replyr tool we call a "join controller" (and is part of our "R and Big Data" series, please see here for the introduction, and here for one our big …
Alleviating my ADHD headaches with Obsidian. Periodic Notes and Templater extensions save the day by reminding me of the next step towards my larger goals.