bankstatements/clean.R at main · jameslairdsmith/bankstatements
Contribute to jameslairdsmith/bankstatements development by creating an account on GitHub.
haciduru/kal: This is a script that you can use to encrypt data using Rscript command line tool. It would be impossibly difficult to decrypt the data if you had not seen the code in this file.
This is a script that you can use to encrypt data using Rscript command line tool. It would be impossibly difficult to decrypt the data if you had not seen the code in this file. - GitHub - hacidur...
msberends/hashing: Simple Shiny app to encrypt data for safe, anonymised data transfer
Simple Shiny app to encrypt data for safe, anonymised data transfer - GitHub - msberends/hashing: Simple Shiny app to encrypt data for safe, anonymised data transfer
phildias/cryptR: R code that allows you to encrypt and decrypt large sensitive files
R code that allows you to encrypt and decrypt large sensitive files - GitHub - phildias/cryptR: R code that allows you to encrypt and decrypt large sensitive files
encryptrpak/tests at main · gipso/encryptrpak
🔒 Encrypt/decrypt files of R packages. Contribute to gipso/encryptrpak development by creating an account on GitHub.
encryptr/encryptr.R at master · ebinabo/encryptr
Encrypt text, data, files, etc. Contribute to ebinabo/encryptr development by creating an account on GitHub.
nasilabednego/shinysecure: Encrypt shiny app
Encrypt shiny app. Contribute to nasilabednego/shinysecure development by creating an account on GitHub.
encryptedCredentials/crypt.R at master · dirkschumacher/encryptedCredentials
Small, opinionated package to manage encrypted credentials in R - encryptedCredentials/crypt.R at master · dirkschumacher/encryptedCredentials