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Design Patterns in R
Design Patterns in R
Build robust and maintainable software with object-oriented design patterns in R. Design patterns abstract and present in neat, well-defined components and interfaces the experience of many software designers and architects over many years of solving similar problems. These are solutions that have withstood the test of time with respect to re-usability, flexibility, and maintainability. R6P provides abstract base classes with examples for a few known design patterns. The patterns were selected by their applicability to analytic projects in R. Using these patterns in R projects have proven effective in dealing with the complexity that data-driven applications possess.
Design Patterns in R
Fast JSON, NDJSON and GeoJSON Parser and Generator
Fast JSON, NDJSON and GeoJSON Parser and Generator
A fast JSON parser, generator and validator which converts JSON, NDJSON (Newline Delimited JSON) and GeoJSON (Geographic JSON) data to/from R objects. The standard R data types are supported (e.g. logical, numeric, integer) with configurable handling of NULL and NA values. Data frames, atomic vectors and lists are all supported as data containers translated to/from JSON. GeoJSON data is read in as simple features objects. This implementation wraps the yyjson C library which is available from .
Fast JSON, NDJSON and GeoJSON Parser and Generator
Have we got for you
Have we got for you
When developing a package it is essential to track the changes you make to your code. This is especially vital if they are breaking changes which have implications for any code written that depends on your package, i.e. a major version bump. Although you can always look back at your version control history in git, it is also convenient to have documentation which summarises the changes. This is where the NEWS file comes in.
Have we got for you
Optimal workflows for package vignettes - R-hub blog
Optimal workflows for package vignettes - R-hub blog
Yet another post with a focus on package documentation! This time, we’ll cover vignettes a.k.a “long-form package documentation”, both basics around vignette building and infrastructure, and some tips for more maintainer- and user- friendliness. What is a vignette? Where does it live? In this section we shall go over basics of package vignettes. Vignette 101 In the “R packages” book by Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan, the vignettes chapter starts with “A vignette is a long-form guide to your package.
Optimal workflows for package vignettes - R-hub blog