sahilseth/flowr: Robust and efficient workflows using a simple language agnostic approach
Robust and efficient workflows using a simple language agnostic approach - sahilseth/flowr
Stash and Load Objects • mustashe
A simple system for saving and loading objects in R. Long running computations can be stashed after the first run and then reloaded the next time. Dependencies can be added to ensure that a computation is re-run if any of its dependencies or inputs have changed.
Package `parallel'
Connect to R-hub • rhub
Run R CMD check on any of the R-hub () architectures, from the command line. The current architectures include Windows, macOS, Solaris and various Linux distributions.
Automating R package checks across platforms with GitHub Actions and Docker in a portable way - Jozef's Rblog
In this post, we will examine using GitHub actions and Docker to test our R packages across platforms in a portable way and show how this setup works for the CRAN package languageserversetup.
jpainter/dataDictionary: interface with DHIS2 to get listing of malaria-relevant data elements
interface with DHIS2 to get listing of malaria-relevant data elements - jpainter/dataDictionary
Including datasets
How to include datasets in an R package
cosimameyer/overviewR: Easily Extracting Information About Your Data
Easily Extracting Information About Your Data. Contribute to cosimameyer/overviewR development by creating an account on GitHub.
r-lib/pak: A fresh approach to package installation
A fresh approach to package installation. Contribute to r-lib/pak development by creating an account on GitHub.
CRAN - Package snakecase
A consistent, flexible and easy to use tool to parse and convert strings into cases like snake or camel among others.
Get started with `rhub` • rhub
BAAQMD/copydat: Copy R data to clipboard
Copy R data to clipboard. Contribute to BAAQMD/copydat development by creating an account on GitHub.
ThinkR-open/checkhelper: A package to help deal with devtools::check outputs
A package to help deal with devtools::check outputs - ThinkR-open/checkhelper
ThinkR-open/prepare-for-cran: A Collaborative list of things to know before submitting to CRAN
A Collaborative list of things to know before submitting to CRAN - ThinkR-open/prepare-for-cran
overviewR/CheatSheet_overviewR.pdf at master · cosimameyer/overviewR
Easily Extracting Information About Your Data. Contribute to cosimameyer/overviewR development by creating an account on GitHub.
ropensci/PackageDevelopment: Task View: PackageDevelopment
Task View: PackageDevelopment. Contribute to ropensci/PackageDevelopment development by creating an account on GitHub.
R packages